Port-A-Cath Installed This Morning!

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Easiest thing I've done so far! A port-a-cath is a port installed just *under* the skin, and has a catheter that runs into my jugular. This is helpful for when I get blood draws, infusions, chemotherapy, etc. -- because it avoids the painful arm draws.
40 minutes before starting chemo, I put a numbing cream over the port site (on my skin), so that when then do stick the needle in, it doesn't hurt.
I was completely out for this one, only took about 30 minutes, and they kept me for an hour for observation afterward. They used a slightly different cocktail to put me under than the last 2 procedures, but I woke up pretty quickly after, with no meaningful side effects.
Tomorrow morning I start chemo (I'm actually pretty excited)! Chemo shrinks tumors, and this is probably going to be a 6-month course, getting new chemo treatments every 2 weeks over that time. If we can shrink my colorectal tumor, that creates more room for things to pass through, and that would be a very welcome development :)
40 minutes before starting chemo, I put a numbing cream over the port site (on my skin), so that when then do stick the needle in, it doesn't hurt.
I was completely out for this one, only took about 30 minutes, and they kept me for an hour for observation afterward. They used a slightly different cocktail to put me under than the last 2 procedures, but I woke up pretty quickly after, with no meaningful side effects.
Tomorrow morning I start chemo (I'm actually pretty excited)! Chemo shrinks tumors, and this is probably going to be a 6-month course, getting new chemo treatments every 2 weeks over that time. If we can shrink my colorectal tumor, that creates more room for things to pass through, and that would be a very welcome development :)
Port-A-Cath Installed This Morning!
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