Skating Outside my Comfort Zone - Rail Progression

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Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. 2024 Let's skate rails again. This channel is a grower not a show-er and every subscribe, like, comment & share helps prove that.
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The warmup got me hyped..that’s awesome you survived two acl injuries. I’m having surgery soon too


you got it man, you’re a fkn beast🙌🏻 progression sessions all day, lookin sick dude


Hell yea brother. Need that 50 tho! Eventually!


How much hot & sweaty sports training do you do? Good looking out for the soul of skateboarding. I am seeing carnage at my yocal. Shoutout backside!!!


This video is 100% facts. When I was skating the home park I never skated transition. Luckily there was a super good mini ramp not far away we all got to skate and it slowly became more fun. Take it back the the home park and it opened a whole another world. I don't think you have to progress everyday. We like to but like you were sayin you never skate those rails. Maybe not new tricks but throw a few boardslides or whatever you comfortable with and eventually your gonna have that rail where your goin to wanna learn tricks on it not that scared. Also you said you knee man. You wanna skate as long as you can. No better time to get tech. I do got a challenge for you. You have mad good fakie fs flips. I've done one in my lifetime but what about fakie fs flip or fakie flip to switch backtail or fs nose whatever you wanna call it. Or halfcab flip noseslide. Actually I got two for you. Halfcab flip noseslide 270 and fs halfcab flip switch backtail. Ill put bread on it. Keep progressing homie


I'm 25 now, but i already notice i become more scared easier kinda sucks (started skating at 18) guess comes down to more responsibilties and just now wanting to get serious injured


Yo, 35 here and I find that I get way more scared of things but at the same time I can calculate what I'm going to do better. Your killing it man, you got this!


Love that park. That rail is huge. Good job at making yourself uncomfortable


i thought it was just me and my old bones but i too don't feel warmed up until i'm literally warmed up i.e. sweating, almost borderline overheating. now i give myself like 30-45 minutes instead of getting depressed right off the bat because i ghost popped my first ollie that day or whatever lol. it's also how ready my body is to move off the board than on: if i have to step off, run out, roll/somersault. i'm in the mood to skate fully once i'm in the mood to wipeout, when brain & body can react fast enough to recover; just takes awhile for my body to get the message from my brain that it's time to be active, not lazy.


The steps you're taking by facing the fear of the rails in the park will certainly pay off for the deadline coming in June. . I have no doubt the part will be a banger.. keep it up bro


It’s inspiring as hell seeing you go at the rails like this, keep it up
