COMING OUT - Advice & Tips | MtF transition

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In this video I'll be sharing some tips and advices for you regarding coming out.

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Can’t wait. I’m in that process, coming out slowly to people 1x1. You’re the first youtuber I watched when I was questioning. Thank you so much ♥️ You saved my life!


Great advice! We often forget one among the list, I would not fail to accept myself! Thanks for everything! ❤


The fact that you have to justify your existence when coming out makes me sad. Straight guy from Canada, live and let live. Be and let be.
Ain't no way someone who's comfortable in their skin can tell someone else how they should feel, think or see themselves.
Stay strong, keep the faith, all the best in 2021 . Love your channel


I came out to closest family and friends about 3 years ago, at the same time I applied to our medical system. I had to wait over 2 years in the waiting list before I got into the investigating phase of my gender dysphoria.
Now 1 month after I got my transsexual diagnosis, I came out on social medias, that I'm a transgender woman.
I've also lived over 6 months 100% as a woman 💞 looking forward now to HRT and all other treatments.
You Matilda has inspired me so much, you are my Idol 💖


This came two days too late for me, lol. Basically I needed help from my sister and had to tell her, and after that she literary forced me to come out, either you tell them or I will for you (which well, is just so wrong in so many ways). It went good though and it feels fantastic, like I literaly felt like I went down 30 kilos in seconds, like the weight on my shoulders just disappeared. And everybody I have come out to has taken it good, some has been super like, my sister has really been a big sister for me the last days and been around me like a guarding angel these last days and has learnt me some girly stuffs. I have just been extremely lucky, but yeah, this ''girl'' is super tired and exhausted from all this, but will watch this after I have walked my dog. Sorry for the text wall. I love your channel, not only for the trans content, though that was why I started to watch it in the beginning, but also just your cute, swedish extrovertic atmosphere as well. (Also, sorry for bad english, I am native norwegian).


Mtf here, I have made a whole f*cking slideshow. It's beautiful, and also so ugly, so basically perfect. Going to show it to my parents this weekend. Then tell my friends. (I don't want it getting out before I can tell them so I'll hold it till then just in case, though I trust my friends immensely, just need to wait to make sure I actually mean this.)

This is one of the hardest things I've done. Wow. Congrats to everyone who's done this before or is doing this, you are so strong! <3


Thank you for that video, i already came out to my therapist but i feel like i have a long way to come before i will tell most important people in my life about me being trans. You are gorgeous btw and thanks again for giving me confidence, much love <3


Most of what you say "resonates" with me and actually explains the unconcious reasons why I never transitioned, mostly financial indepence and social pressure. I hear you and it is like "go get it!", or sometimes I'd just rather cry. I still think I can't transition, I tried and even came out to some people. Most were welcoming, but ultimately I feel I should have kept it to myself, though it was so relieving at the moment, but if I was unsure about wether or not I would transition, it was not the best idea to be open about my gender related issues. Hope that helps too. You cast a ray of light for others. Please keep on doing what you do.


Some great tips! Very useful information👍


You Nailed it Mathilda, another good video. You gave important information and moved on, also the information you shared about Skillshare was helpful as well, thank you . Please keep up the good job Sis.


This advice has been really helpful. I've already come out to a couple of close friends but I'm really struggling to tell my mum even though I'm sure she'll be fine with it. Thank you for posting this.


so to follow your steps im a MTF transgender I live as a man for now but I can't wait to start transitioning to a woman. I have already come out to my best friend I have had been batteling with my sexuality since I was 13 I started to go in women underwear in secret at that age but I have been really scared to say it to anyone until now thanks to creators like you that have given me enough confidence in my self. now im 27 and are about to come out to my family


Genuine and sound advice Mathilda. Thank you.


I made the mistake of coming out to someone I couldn't trust and shouldn't have they'd been my friend since we were six basically inseparable and all they did was make me feel disgusting and ugly in my own self luckily this year I've managed to stand in my own two legs and restart coming out to people with only one or two being off with me but the vast majority being in my corner and supporting me and I couldn't be more thankful I honestly wish I found this video sooner I wish anyone that comes across this the best of luck and to remember your always loved 💚🫶


Things are going crazy here in the states, but you look beautiful girl!


Thank you, Mathilda! Thank you so much!


I just came out to my wife, kids, and my step-dad as transgender a few weeks ago. I've slowly told a few close friends. So far they're all very supportive. I am fortunate to have another family member that is also transgender. Also thank you for the videos they have really helped me and my wife out alot.


Wonderful advice and they are very helpful.


Hi Matilda, great video..helpful advice and your gorgeous as always girl
