Floating city in the clouds: Fake or fata morgana?

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In the video, a city appears to float amid the clouds, far above the ground. It could be fake. But it could also be a superior mirage known as a fata morgana. CNN's Jennifer Gray explains.
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So if this is a reflection of an existing city, then can anyone show us the real city?


I don't think that's fata morgana. The phenomenon occurs in clear horizons or no obstructions under the reflection. Here you can see there're clouds underneath the "reflection". The clouds are clear obstructions for the object reflected and obviously, fata morgana reflection will hardly occur in that instance. Also, the angle where the video was taken doesn't fall in the physics of the phenomenon. This could be fake or maybe the 'blue beam project' is true.


"We have seen things like this before."
Please show us those instances w/ cities on the clouds.
CNN's attempt to be scientific is pathetic.


Reflection cannot float in air that too sky high . NOT POSSIBLE


I've seen cities in the sky too. Stars moving like ships. Disappearing and reappearing lights, weird moons, etc. The sky is weird. I have no explanation for any of it the only thing I'm sure of is that we are never told the truth.


Imagine walking underneath that and a lightsaber falls on your head


Fata morgana or mirages are formed in close proximity to surface and not way high up in the sky.
Quit fooling around and accept there is something wrong going on there.


They popped up in like 6 different countries during the same week. They were to perfect to be mirages. Project Bluebeam


The air above is always colder, that's why you wear protective clothing when skydiving. So by your statement we should be seeing mirages constantly at ground level.


I'll point out the obvious as many have already...

We see water illusions on the ground during hot weather all the time.... so yeah, that explains floating cities in the sky.

Oh man, the logic here is epic.


If it's a fata morgana then show me the real place where these buildings are located


Project Skybeam. It’s first public test, was in Phoenix, AZ. An event known as the Phoenix Lights. Developed in the 1950’s.


Ironically, the first few seconds of this news report itself help to debunk the "city in the clouds" idea. I've taken a look at all the footage I can find of this supposed city, which, we are led to believe, appeared in the skies over China. However, there is only one clip available, and all reports show it. Just imagine a region of China where there is only one person who owns a cellphone camera. No, I can't do it either. If this image really had appeared in the sky, then there would be dozens, hundreds, possibly even thousands of footage clips, all taken from (slightly) different angles and all wobbling in slightly different ways and at different times. But all we get is one lonely clip. Nor can I find out the name of the person who is supposed to have shot this footage. No-one seems to want to take credit for it.

Why did I say that the news report helped to debunk it? Because in the first few seconds, we get no fewer than two different views of the news reader herself. A news reader in a studio - we have two different camera angles. A spooky phenomenon thrown large up into the sky - one camera angle only. I just don't buy it.


Sadly, the floating city doesn't fit with the parameters of any mirage. It was a fake, much as I would have loved it to be real.


It's the city of Columbia! We've found it!


I was tin a bus shelter, and the light was just at a certain angle, when I looked up and saw buildings in the sky. I looked around, and I realized it was the buildings across the street reflecting through the open door way and on to the glass in front of me. The light was coming through the opening and on to the glass behind me, and then on to the glass in front of me. I think this is what happened in the video.


We have tech to literally project things like this in the sky. The tech they have is about 100 years ahead of what we are using today


I captured something similar back in June and just noticed it tonight while reviewing the video for something else. The weather was crazy that day. The sky was orange when I woke up. There was lightning and rainbows. I was going on and on in the video about the sun simulator and didn't even see the "buildings" at the time. Really creepy stuff.


"You can't fool me with your SCIENCE"
"It's Project Bluebeam"
Stay classy, America.


Fata Morgana Only Appears On the Horizon and Rises Things Up a Bit, But The Floating City is Very High up and over the Horizon Therefore its Fake
