GitLab Beginner Tutorial 4 | How to create SSH Key

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Today we will learn
What is SSH key
How to setup SSH key in GitLab
SSH - Secure Shell
- Used for authentication
- By setting ssh key you can connect to GitLab server without using username and password each time
Step 1: Run command
On Mac - run command on terminal
On Windows - use putty or git bash
Step 2: Login to GitLab
Gotot account > Settings > SSH Keys
Step 4: Verify SSH key is added
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What is SSH key
How to setup SSH key in GitLab
SSH - Secure Shell
- Used for authentication
- By setting ssh key you can connect to GitLab server without using username and password each time
Step 1: Run command
On Mac - run command on terminal
On Windows - use putty or git bash
Step 2: Login to GitLab
Gotot account > Settings > SSH Keys
Step 4: Verify SSH key is added
------------ UI TESTING ------------
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You can support my mission for education by sharing this knowledge and helping as many people as you can
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