Is technology really ruining your life? | David Ellis | TEDxLancasterU

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Im a pretty young kid. I used to be an addict to computers. 14 Hours a day, 7 days a week. I was pretty much setting my life up to go no where. I realized that I was not spending my time figuring out my life. I took family for granted. I put blue light over my mom, and family. I was up to no good. Then, luckily I saw what happened when you did that. At the time I dreamed of basketball. Becoming a NBA superstar. I decided to look up the odds of a kid becoming what they dream of. 96% don't. That's when I promised myself I would be that 4%. And now I've been pursuing my dream. Even though it hasn't been long since I've changed, looking back, I realize how lucky I was to notice this. So to anyone reading this, look around. Look at older people. Look at other people. Most of them grow up, not even knowing what they want to do with their life. All because of computer. We live, then die. You were born to make a difference, so what are you waiting for? Be smart. And don't screw your life up before its too late. Hopefully this taught you something.


I have a love/hate relationship with technology, being an online video guitar teacher on Youtube. I have managed to reach millions of guitarists through technology ( Youtube an the internet ) for which I am very grateful for. On the other hand, I find that technology is advancing and changing way too fast, so what you learn about gadgets and software today may become obsolete a few short years from now. And the older you get, the more obsolete you feel. Unlike our early ancestors, whom the elders were respected and valued for their knowledge and wisdom. I wish technology would stop advancing and changing so that we could actually learn and master our gadgets that make our lives easier and more fun, but I don't see that ever happening.


Technology makes our life easier, but not neccessarily happier. It can disconnect us from our immediate reality quite a lot. Our neighborhood, our friends daily life, the natural world with all its fresh air an sunshine etc. That can be pretty sad.


Is there any technology to make this guy stand still?


The more outside sources of potential error we rely on, such as public power, phone software, phone hardware, cell service, etc., the more likely we are to be in a bad position if one of those things fails.


Love the detail in the video! Used it for a class project as I believe it displays the truth behind how fast social media and technology is becoming even more dangerous.


I strongly disagree with this. for him to say that he thinks the majority of people are not addicted to their smart phones is outrageous


Technology helps us to connect with many people virtually but not emotionally.


Technology should always be used for good and for the benefit of humans


Social media was supposed to connect us, now it disconnect us.


Technology is just a means to an end, not the end itself. The end is to live according to the laws of nature, respecting it and not abusing it the way we do. Corporations made us believe we have to use technology to be cool and smart, but actually it's to distract us from our shameful actions, that make 'em becoming richer and richer. And we are all complicit in this, because we have shut our brain down. Technology is not a bad thing per se, but we have to figure out that the soon we stop being fuckin compulsive zombie consumers the better for everyone. But zero hope we get it in time.


I think we all can say we are somehow addicted to Technology. It separates us from reality. But it makes life simpler you can just never get away from your screen. And big industries use Technology to profit from their company which they use to promote their products (Tech Companies). Technology isn't a big necessity in life but it can come in handy, therefore I think technology doesn't bring a negative impact on the world it's just how people are using it (And I am aware this isn't a part of the topic of the discussion I just wanted to add my viewpoint ) Have a great day!


People were complaining about digital technologies just a year ago. Today, amidst this global coronavirus pandemic AND the coming massive recession, these same digital technologies are keeping us entertained, connected, and productive. Lesson: everything has two sides. Don't throw the baby with the bathwater.


That guy doesn't stay on specific place no more than a second


Another thing to that people don’t talk about is the child labor that goes into it . Everything we have with technology it’s probability that is was made by children . But the thing that weird me out is no one talks about no one as if they don’t want to see it or don’t know


It is unavoidable but I think in the end it is all about remembering the fundamental things in humanity.


Technology is pointless to the human experience and degrades the aspiration to explore anything. In the end technology disconnects us from our humanity.


excellent talk, technology and informatics is already what is today and still needs to evolve
Aslin Emilio Lopez Mancillas 5d ITI


we think technology will make our lives more easier and convenient, but formal people think that is terrible. when we want to let people try something new and abandon a thing, they 100% resist, they think their life is perfect, with no need to improve, so the real question is let people accept the new things, this is the most difficult way, but when we use iPhone 15, we are really excited about iPhone 16, because we believe iPhone 16 is more advanced and full of technology than iPhone 15, the formal people didn't believe the technology and science, they did not think this will improved their life, so, let people to accept a new advanced product is Pretty tough stuff.


True. Some pernts always use phone but no time to play with kids
