Most Asked Important Example Programs in C Language for Beginners

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Here we have Most Asked Important C Example Programs in One Tutorial for beginners.

Topics Covered
0:0 Program to Print Fibonacci Series
10:05 C Program to Find the Factorial of a Number using Iterative Process
17:25 Find the Factorial of a Number using Recursion
25:42 Program to Check for Prime or Composite Number
37:17 C Program to Find All Divisors of a Number
44:22 Convert Distance from kilometre to mile
47:57 Sum of All Digits of a Number
56:54 Program to reverse a Number
01:07:11 Program to Check Eligibility for Marriage
01:18:55 C Example Program to Convert Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

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C leaner here. You’re one dedicated man👍👍 learnt a lot from your c tutorials, keep it up!


I watched your all 202 videos...Great to watch!
Thanks for all your efforts !!!


I know is kinda late for a comment but, for the first problem, the first 5 numbers of the fibonacci sequence aren 0, 1, 1, 2, 3 ? ( when we specify the number of the terms (Number) those 2 (T1 and T2 ) arent included in the sequence ? So for that reason i made a for loop until number-2
