Pokemon X and Y How to Level Up Fast!

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A Guide On How to Level up fast in Pokemon X and Y! Super fast and Super Easy Pokemon Leveling.

Credits: PokeRemixStudio - Pokemon DPP Trainer Remix
PokeRemixStudio - Pokemon G_S Remix_ Gym Leader Battle(2nd Remix)
PokeRemixStudio - Pokemon GSC Burned Tower Remix
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This, right here, is a great video! Straight into the action with no intro. Voice was recorded in post so that the video was there to compliment the audio, and not the other way around. And the writing was obviously prioritized during production.

Forgive me for gushing, but I've seen waaaay too many YouTubers with this intended purpose doing it oh-so wrong. Thank you sir! Not just for providing me with a new strategy while including some useful tips, but for taking the time to make a great video! You've restored my hope in this side of YouTube.


My God, you are the perfect salesman. I came for only one bit of info, but you chain your info so well that I have no choice but to click on the next one.


All the other tutorials I've seen on the topics you cover are SO long, and that just makes it harder for you to get the needed information. YOU on the other hand, take what most people take 15 minutes, and make it into a 2 minute video. AMAZING!! Love you man!


If you have a Serperior and/or a Torterra you can use those as well that way you can have the Pokémon triangle going on. The Torterra is defensive and the Serperior should be fast but defensive too.

Helped me a lot.


TBH, just give a lucky egg and turn on exp sharing in the Battle Chateau is faster.


Make sure to go to settings in the menu and turn battle animations off it wil be lot quicker


i know this is from 2013 but still works thanks man! its helps me out with my Gible so much !!


Great video, but one little tip. If you choose rotation battle (as opposed to triple battle) at the restaurant, and put an exceptionally powerful pokemon at the front of your party (I use lvl 100 Mewtwo or Alakazam) you can train two pokemon at a time with this method. Put your pokemon in order for the battle ex: Mewtwo (my powerful pokmeon goes first) training pokemon 1 is under it, and training pokemon 2 is under it. Mewtwo can typically take down all 3 opponents in each battle, but bring a backup (or two) just in case. Mewtwo from my example will be the only pokemon fighting, therefore there is no need to teach your training pokemon protect. Throw out your powerful pokemon and take down all the trainers at the restaurant, and after you are through you'll have the same amount of experience (up to 50+ fast) and you'll be training 2 pokemon at a time instead of just one.


Your video hyperlink chaining is extremely enticing. Good strategy xD


My Delphox has grass knot too. The funny thing is that i taught it that move AFTER a battle with Milotic, because i knew that it needed a move to use against water!!


Thank you so much for this guide, it's very helpful. I had no idea about Protect, that's really awesome! Managed to get my Larvesta up to level 59 and ready to evolve!


There an easy trick to getting money back in those restaurants as well. Just have a Pokemon you will use in the Restaurant (In the front of your party) hold an Amulet coin. Doubles the amount of money you win in Pokemon battles. Then sell the Balm Mushrooms you get after the battle (If any recieved). If you're like me, you recieve from about 15-21. This gives from about 90, 000 - 115, 000 in cash back from the battles, along with about another 90, 000 from the Amulet coin.

I would also suggest going to the Battle Chataeu and Send a Red Writ of Challenge. Spikes up the levels of all the trainers you challenge BY 10. So a Baron Trainer would have a Lv 20 Pokemon instead of a Lv 10 Pokemon. If you want more money to go with it, have 1 your Pokemon hold an Amulet Coin / Incense to increase the money gained (Make sure to send a Gold Writ of Challenge before you do so). This totals you up to about 200, 000 Pokedollars spent. Costly, but effieient.

I hope this video [and this post] help you grind your way to victory!


i went to her and she didn’t give me a lucky egg what do i do because i did the o power


I just go to victory road and kill Pokémon


If you carry with you some really high leveled, you can swap out the low level to a high one and stall until you get close to the correct turns, and if you use an Amulet Coin with the Prize Money O-Power, you get more money than you pour into it, granted it might take a little longer, but you can get into the sushi bar for even swifter leveling and more exponential money.


Tip for post-game (really post-game) go to route 20 with a level 100 pokemon in first and the one you want to level up second. Go to the grass and start killing/catching the pokemons. Works the best for hatched pokemon, but you can still use it with level 20-30 pokemon


Great vid dude! Good commentary and clear explanation! very helpful :)


if you listen to their suggestions on how many moves to use and you follow them they will reward you with more things at the end(i can't remember what they're called) but they are worth quite a lot of money, enough to make a profit from the 100, 000 that you just spent


delphox? i have lvl 48 fennekin holding everstone coz its cute and the evolutions look weird and sound weird


dude I have seen and used a couple of your videos and I just wanted to say your great, I like you and keep doing what your doing you'll be huge in no time and be making money like its nothing :)
