The Canonicity of the Bible

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The Canon of the Bible has been a subject of debate for eons . Here on Genesis49ers we hope to clear up the confusion surrounding the subject. Which books should be included and excluded.
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Great Job. Which Bible we should get and can you explain more about the book of Jasher


Is there a part 2? This ended abruptly..


I always enjoy your scholarly approach. You do good work. Keep it up, ach! Todah & Shalom


Does this mean you are against the KJV translation? Which translation is your preferred go-to for scriptures?


Are the fulani ancient black shemites from yemeni?


Your my favorite teacher bro may Hawah Hawah Haya Haya bless you n your family much love to you n them thank you greatly


Very good sir they remove a lot says yahs spirite still lead us to it haleluyah




Shalom Brother for this teaching, I only disagree with your ideology about the fallen angels, which to my understanding can be verified in Genesis 6 and 1 Corinthians 11:10. But we know in part and prophecy in part. Keep up the awesome work Brother! Shalom!


According to 2 Esdras 14:44, there are 204 books. It was our job to read these books and compare them to the prophets given and reconstruct our history book. I have found those books and compared them to the prophets, reading about 180 of them and comparing them. The reason Revelation was excluded is because it wasn't written until 96CE and was SNUCK IN. It is based on John from Patmos, which they ADMIT is not the author of the eithe of the Books of John. In fact Revelation 12 is a BLEND of Psalms 2:7-9, Isaiah 66:5-9, Daniel 8:9-11, from the Septuagint, which they completely changed in bibles to HIDE THE FACT the STARS fell DURING THE MESSIAH'S MURDER, and Luke 10:18 as the Messiah saw the ADVERSARY (the meaning of Satan) fall like lightning. Furthermore Revelation 1:1 clearly states the ANGEL is talking, which means the angel is speaking on Yah's behalf. Then, in Revelation 1:19, John from Patmos is told to write what he HAST SEEN (past), the things he sees (John's present) and the things that will be hereafter (future) Thusly if Revelation 12 is a blend of Psalms 2:7, 9 (still future), Isaiah 66:5-9 (still future) Daniel 8:9-11 from the Septuagint (past) and Luke 10:18, (past), it's a book of deception. Even the TWO WITNESSES of Revelation 11 are mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls as the INTERPRETER OF THE LAW (from Aaron) and the PRINCE OF THE CONGREGATION (from the Messiah, from his SEED in Isaiah 53:10-12 from HIS ROOT in Isaiah 11:1). Both are spoken of again in Zachariah 6:9-15, where we find the CROWNS of Revelation mentioned, as we also find in 2 Esdras 2:41-45. The chains and Abyss of Revelation is found in Enoch 54 and attributed to Azazel as he was locked away a long time ago and has been released. They told us in Blade Trinity. There is a reason MAN MADE WEATHER ANOMALIES are going according to the book of Revelation. Yah mentions these INVENTIONS/DEVICES in 2 Esdras 6:1-6. Plus Yah is the BRIDEGROOM. See Psalms 18 from the Septuagint, 19 in bibles, Joel 2 :15, 16 and Hosea 2, preferably from the Septuagint. Also read the LETTER OF ARISTEAS on the Septuagint. It gives a FULL ACCOUNT on why it was written and the 72 who wrote it. If you find this useful, let me know and I'll give you more books to read. The Davinci Code is decoded through the PROPHETS and they took out the books that didn't hide him. See 2 Esdras 5:6. In the prophets given, you have to know where the Messiah's SEED is written about. The Septuagint makes it easier to see.


This is beginning of Apostle or ...see ( Apostate and apostle are etymologically same word).. Every other use of root Apo in new Testament is of negative usage except this one word Apostle. Why...?..Is the meaning we are fed the true meaning of Apostle? They deified the Jesus.. Zeus false Messiah image at this time. Making such claims that he was God before he was begotten by baptismal of Ruach Ha Kodesh. Scripture says He was tempted as we are and did not sin and scripture also says YAH can not be tempted of evil. The only way this makes sense if He was a fully anointed Men capable of sin by reason of choice. Just as father Adam, was a fully anointed being, and after sin we got watered down version of his glory after that. Those that descented were excommunicated or killed off by order of Emperor Constantine
Quote from Nice council, We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of his Father, of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten (γεννηθέντα), not made, being of one substance (ὁμοούσιον, consubstantialem) with the Father.  By whom all things were made, both which be in heaven and in earth.  Who for us men and for our salvation came down [from heaven] and was incarnate and was made man.
