Sword of Night and Flame Damage Comparison Before and After Nerf Elden Ring v1.03

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Here's a quick comparison of before and after nerf of Sword of Night and Flame in Edlen Ring v1.03
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What the fk! This vid blew up! I really appreciate yall for the likes, comments and the sub! This the most views i got and its NOT EVEN DAMN CLOSE. what the heck! thanks again!


Fun fact, building your character for this specific sword makes you able to use 90% of all sorceries and incantations in the game, while still having an awesome melee weapon. There is a staff and a seal that scale 50/50% with intelligence and faith, making you hit like a truck no matter what you use. It's probably the best pve build, besides the 3-way split damage of the sword


i used the sword after patch last night and if you are a mage and have the sword plus 10 its still really powerful


Seems like its in a good spot. Still strong with a really flexible weapon art, but not just a straight replacement for a casting build


the damage nerf is like 25%. at first, seems not that bad. it's still very useable early to mid game. maybe a bigger thing is the 26/32 fp cost to cast each art. i had 190 fp and could cast the night attack 10 times. now only 7. so with the damage reduction and extra fp cost, it makes it a much bigger nerf than it seems. so if i could do 1000 damage per night cast, that equals 10, 000 damage for 190 fp. now, it's more like 5250 total damage. cause now the damage does say 750 damage and i can only cast it 7 times with 190fp. so, it's more like a 50% reduction in damage overall. i hope this makes sense


I think they moved the third mob over closer to the guy in the back, you can kill both of them with one beam now together so its like a group of three in the front, then two behind, then two to the side now. Could be wrong but I tested the same way and the damage was definitely nerfed but I think the mob was moved that's what makes it seem like the length of the beam was nerfed.


Yeah I immediately noticed the range was reduced on it after the patch, it's still a very good weapon though and it's carried me for most of the game


Honestly it's whatever the sword is still awesome. PVE-wise I still kick ass with it and I am not fully balanced out. Instead of killing bosses in 2 to 3 hits I kill them in 4 to 6 depending what boss. Rock-sling for the knock out magic blast for the follow up!


I love magic builds but yeah this sword was ridiculously OP


wanted to start my first run with this. well now im actually having to play the game i guess


Oh no, that was meant to carry me to the end of the game, but I spent too long exploring! It was a very necessary nerf, but now that I have grown accustomed to being a god, I am going to get absolutely fucked at the next hard boss!


I used this exact setup in this video to get to
LV 127 glad I did it when I had the chance.

A little disappointed, but the OP damage is also why I stopped using it outside of farming levels. So I’m not too upset.


It's still decent weapon it just doesn't stand out anymore. It's in the "cool" weapon category now instead of "must have" weapon category. The steep investment early on trade off was it did high damage in it's current state I believe the 24 int, 24 faith, increased fp cost, reduced range and damage isn't worth it for early game anymore. you'd be better off investing in incantations or sorceries for ranged and putting extra points in vigor for health and while it's still may be good for late game Having Lusat's staff with comet azur and moonveil or incantation with Blasphemous sword are far far stronger and more versatile. I'd say in it's current state it's a good midgame weapon until you can get your build going.


Few cheeses were fine... seeing as some of the bosses are super cheesy themselves with infinite area and aoe spams. I finished the game melee but found some of especially last bosses very frustrating and certainly not fair


I think the patch just made it so you have to actually dedicate to it. Mines +9 and with 60int it still pretty much trivializes most fights


The sword is still really strong. I only have it at +8 and 40 int and it still destroys bosses


For a weapon that cant hit anything slightly elevated i do think the nerf is a bit much while buffing so many other things. Yh the dmg was godlike but the amount of times you could properly hit something kinda balanced it out alrdy


The anti-fun police will have a field day with these nerfs.


I’m ok with this. I really love the design of the sword and I use it because it’s so cool. I did always feel a little bad though cause it felt to cheesy. So nerf is A ok for me to keep using it without feeling quite as guilty about it


Damn I was really looking forward to using this in my 2nd playthrough of the game because of how powerful it was :(
