Elden Ring Sword of Night and Flame Build Guide - How to Build a Deathblade (Level 100 Guide)

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Elden Ring Sword of Night and Flame Build Guide - How to Build a Deathblade (Level 100 Guide)
In this Elden Ring Build Guide I’ll be showing you my Prince of Death's Staff Build. This is an advanced build that takes place at level 100 and is the evolved version of the Sword Sage build. If you’ve been looking to upgrade your Sword Sage build then you might want to check this build-out.

0:00 - Elden Ring Deathblade Guide
0:13 - How to make this build work
3:48 - Armor
5:31 - Talisman
8:22 - Deathblade Gameplay
12:00 - Final Thoughts

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Shoutout to whoever is making the thumbnails for these builds. Really cool looking and they do a good job representing the build right from the jump, well done guys 👍


The fact you did all the testing before you made this, and yet STILL made this (edited and filmed absurdly quickly) without breaking your schedule. Every morning I get to see more elden ring builds, and you're contributing to my elden addiction.


just wanted to say, the amount of builds you pump out here and the work put into it, really amazing. Thank you


your dedication to your community is astounding fex. you're the nost consistent and reliable elden ring content creator out there. literally the G.O.A.T. of elden ring 🐐


This is why you're above the rest, a weapon gets nerfed and the clickbaiters move on to the next most broken thing, but you guys make a video on a weapon that happened to be broken but is really cool, and is still really cool! Love this build.


Can't wait to see a level 150 progression of this build!


Pretty sure I've been following your work since Dark souls 2. As a parent I don't get too much time to play anymore. So these build videos give me a basis on how I want to start allocating my stats depending on the play style I want. I really appreciate your work and I thank you for it.


I switched over to this build from just a generic strength and dex build. Definitely loving it! I'm so sad I progressed Ranni's quest too far and didn't get a chance to get the magic scorpion charm lol. Having a 2nd sword would be amazing too. Thanks so much for these! I honestly watch every video!


If you start as a confessor you can easily combine this build with paladin/templar build. The merchant in Mistwoods sells medium shield 'Blue-Gold Kite Shield' for 1000 runes, that has 100 damage reduction and also reaches 65 guard boost, although a little bit latter because only at +24, in return it only requires 12 strength, so you don't have to spend even one point in that stat and you can still rely on guard counter.


Just yesterday, I got the stats to use Night and Flame. This thing is a MONSTER! It makes me wonder what in the world it was like BEFORE the debuff. As it is, I cant wait to fight my first boss with it, and I'll come back here for a lvl 100 build. Thanks for your hard work!


Literally addicted to your videos. I rewatch them all the time throughout the day lol


whoever does your thumbnails is SERIOUS talent :) amazing


Your videos are the most comprehensive, intriguing, & utterly enjoyable to watch & listen to!

This game, will go down in history as the template by which other gaming developers will use to build their games, regardless of genre.

I cannot wait to play this game, yet the timing must be right for me to delve into it, in earnest.


Just wanted to echo others here and say thanks for making these videos, I am about 70 hours in and want to respec into something a little more flexible and fun, and this looks like it might be the ticket. There’s so, so much to unpack in this game and it is wonderful to have these videos to reference. Cheers


Ancient Death Rancor is one of the most underappreciated spells in the entire game imo. The stagger is so op that many enemies (especially humanoid) can be completely stunned 100% of the time until they eventually die. Many of the hard bosses are made trivial with ADR. Should be on every sorcery kit.


I'm glad to see an INT/FTH build based around Dual wielding the Night and Flame and using Death Staff + GO Seal. I've been playing it for awhile now since the patch and it just feels so good. Get a friend to drop you a second Night and Flame. It's huge if you don't want to wait to try this until NG+. With this build you have the option to cast basically any spell you want with the amazing scaling off of the Death Staff and Golden Order Seal. At the same time you can just whip out the dual N+F and absolutely melt everything in melee. The swords aren't very big though, so you really gotta get into the danger zone if you're dual wielding these.

If anyone is interested, a level 150 stat spread should look something like this (with Confessor start):
40 Vigor
25 Mind
27 Endurance (Stam for dual wield, and enough to carry dual N+F, Brass Shield, Death Staff, GO Seal, and Gelmir Knight Set + Greathelm)
16 Strength (Req for Brass Shield)
12 Dexterity
50 Intelligence
50 Faith
9 Arcane

No talismans required. The points in Endurance are personal preference for equip weight and because dual wielding takes a lot of stamina. If you like to spam spells more you might want to add more Mind. You could also go more INT/FTH to push closer to the soft cap to get more damage.


I'm probably only a few hours away from a platinum trophy on this game but I am loving all the build videos and the variety of play styles they showcase. Thanks so much for all the work you put in, I can't wait for the next video.


Carian Filigreed Crest and Shard of Alexander are also great tallys for people looking to lean heavily into the weapon skills.


This was the first build I used in elden ring other than my file uchigatana build, this carried me through mid and end game plus all the way though my NG+ play though this build is incredible


I'm so glad you made this video because I am so tired of arguing people about the snaf. I have had mine at plus 10 for a while and even after the nerve the thing is still sitting firm in my top 2 go to weapons. I also use the Blasphemous blade a lot as well. I'm also glad you mentioned the physical attack because I have been telling people the thing hits like a truck forever and I get looked at like an ass hat with five eyes. Great work is always everybody make way the goat of Elden ring content has spoken
