All Star Wars Movies Ranked

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1. Rouge One
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. Return of the Jedi
4. The Phantom Menace
5. A New Hope
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Empire Strikes back
8. Solo
9. Clone Wars Movie
10. The Force Awakens
11. The Last Jedi
12. Rise of Skywalker


My List

11. The Rise of Skywalker
10. The Last Jedi
9. Solo
8. The Phantom Menace
7. The Force Awakens
6. Attack of The Clones
5. Rogue One
4. A New Hope
🥉 The Empire Strikes Back
🥈 Return of The Jedi
🥇 Revenge of The Sith


My list and why:

1. Rogue One (This takes everything I love about the originals and makes it feel like a real war movie. S tier)

2. Empire Strikes Back (My favorite classic and it has the AT-ATs) (AT-ATs are my favorite, they’re just so comedic)

3. Revenge of the Sith (straight up prequels at their finest)

4. A New Hope (Gotta love the stormtrooper bonking his head 😂 cracks me up every time)

5. Return of the Jedi (My least favorite OT but had to make the top 5)

6. The Phantom Menace (Padmé 🤤)

7. Solo (I really enjoyed this, my favorite part was the battle in the trenches with the at-sts flying in and the over all chaos. This was honesty really awesome)

8. Attack of the Clones ( Pretty much just Roger Roger for me, better than the sequels)

9. The Force Awakens (Best and only sequel I actually can enjoy)

10. Rise of Skywalker (the directors were just straight up lazy with this one)

11. The Last Jedi (proceeding to disappoint smh 🤦‍♂️)


Gotta say my list would be pretty similar. Good work!


Having clone wars that low should be a crime.


My List
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of The Jedi
3. A New Hope
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Rogue One
6. Phantom Menace
7. Solo
8. The Force Awakens
9. Attack of The Clones
10. Clone Wars
11. Rise of Skywalker
12. The Last Jedi


Pretty good but i would say number 1 is Revenge of the sith but all in all u deserve a sub


I honestly think Return of the Jedi is the best in the original trilogy. Very satisfying ending


1. Revenge of the Sith
2. Attack of the Clones
3. Return of the Jedi
4. The Phantom Menace
5. Empire strikes back
6. The Rise of Skywalker
7. A New Hope
8. The force Awakens
9. The last Jedi
10.Rogue One.
11. Clone wars movie
12. Solo


Everything's pretty based, except for the fact that they put Solo worse than the force


1. Revenge of the Sith (Mid dialogue but gets way better. Good characters that get me invested.)

2. Empire Strikes Back (Biggest plot twist in movie history.)

3. Return of the Jedi (Good redemption arc but endor parts were too long.)

4. Rogue One (Vader was sick.)

5. Attack of the Clones (Unpopular opinion but I like this movie. Awful dialogue but fun and interesting story.)

6. A New Hope (Kinda basic.)

7. The Clone Wars Movie (Alright but Ahsoka is stupid in it, Just felt like it should have been an episode.)

8. Solo (Really good casting.)

9. The Force Awakens (A New Hope with worse characters.)

10. The Phantom Menace (Only bearable because of Qui-Gon and the Maul fight.)

11. The Rise of Skywalker (Brings back Palpatine which ruins Vader’s redemption entirely.)

12. The Last Jedi: “He's Not My Luke Skywalker Maybe He's Jake Skywalker” - Mark Hamill


Why am I the only one who noticed that when it showed return of the Jedi it said the last Jedi instead lol 😂


I don’t get it. Why do you ALL hate atoc


How tf is the force awakens better dlthen teo of the prequels


My list is interesting to say the least.

1. A New Hope
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Rogue One
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. The Clone Wars
7. The Phantom Menace
8. The Force Awakens
9. Attack of the Clones
10. Solo
11. Rise of Skywalker
12. The Last Jedi

Needless to say, I have some very r/unpopularopinions
