The Easiest Way to Install FreeMCBoot on a PS2 Using FreeDVDBoot | FMCB & OPL Setup

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Installing FreeMCBoot on a memory card has been made infinitely easier thanks to FreeDVDBoot! This doesn't require you to find a pre-loaded memory card, perform a swap trick, or have a modchip. This method is without a doubt the easiest method of installing FreeMCBoot on a completely unmodified PS2! As long as you have a USB drive on hand and the ability to burn a DVD, you're all set assuming you have a compatible console.

Keep in mind that FreeDVDBoot is completely reliant on the specific DVD Player version your PlayStation 2 has. With time FreeDVDBoot will be ported to work on more consoles, but for the time being you need to make sure your console is on a specific version. At the moment, every Slim console works with this method, with more support expected for Fat consoles.

How to Install Fortuna Project (FMCB Alternative) with FreeDVDBoot:

#PS2 #FreeMCBoot #FreeDVDBoot

This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational piece of media.



0:00 - Prerequisites
2:42 - Checking FreeDVDBoot Compatibility
4:51 - Downloads
8:30 - USB & DVD Setup
12:43 - Installing FreeMCBoot
15:48 - Installing OPL
19:38 - Demo of OPL


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How to Play Games from USB Using OPL:

How to Install FreeMCBoot on Any PS2 Slim with FunTuna:

How to Install Fortuna Project (FMCB Alternative) with FreeDVDBoot:

How to Softmod Any Fat PS2 with FreeMCBoot & FreeHDBoot:


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Song Information
Artist: pyama
Song: snow fall
Soundcloud: literalbagoftrash


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Thank you, I really appreciate it, me and my grandpa used to play ps2 a lot, unfortunately he died, with the tutorial I can feel the nostalgic playing with him


This is so flipping easy, 2 years ago I could only dream about this!


For anyone who can run DVD’s but gets a “unable to read disc” error on boot try burning the disc with CDBurnerXP instead of imgBurn or Windows. Fixed the issue for me, hope this helps anyone who gets stuck with this problem


Thank you very much for making this tutorial. It's been like a decade since I last messed with FMCB and Usb Advance. I see there's been quite some progress lately.


For anyone who is having trouble copying the OPL ELF file into the boot folder, make sure you manually delete all of the old game saves off of the memory card. I was stuck on this for a few minutes, and the memory card was still full of previous saves


Ah I've been waiting for this one since hearing about the DVD exploit! Love the videos man, I've got a few friends who've been intimidated by modding and I've turned them on to your guides these are an invaluable resource! Sure there are plenty of guides out there, but you da very best that no one ever was.


The good thing about consoles that use memory cards is if you mess up you don’t lose all your memories


As always, thank you again!
I was waiting for a FMCB memory card to be shipped to me, but due to how irresponsible some people are, all shipping based imports have been deferred for a few months. THANK YOU for showing me how to make a FMCB without having to use 3 different cd/dvds and swap magic.


Love your videos man <3 you are the person who got me into modding my consoles, now just about every single console I own is modded in some way lol, except my ps4 because I fell victim to updates :/


For people who cant paste OPN on your memory card despite having the space to do so
1)uninstall freemcboot from the installer
2)format your memory card from the freemcboot installer( optionshould be visible if you press r1)
3)restart your console and follow the freemcboot installation guide

Idk if this will fix it for you but it sure as hell did fix it for me


To everyone having problems with launchELF freezing when selecting mass or not seeing any thing in mass make sure it's using the MBR partition map and if that doesn't work try another USB drive(this is what worked for me)


Simple and sweet! Had problems with some discs couldn't get the DVD+RW to work but a DVD+R worked perfectly fine. Great tutorials like always!


I love your videos. New life to the ps2 with dead lasers. I think doing the multi install on freemcboot is the way to go. I had a couple of fat ps2 that didn't recognize the regular install. Thanks again you are my go to youtuber for guides.


I did this back in 2015 with the 007 black magic swap exploit lol I'm just looking to update it. It's running ver 1.94 atm
I rushed to the nearest gamestop when they still sold ps2 games and got a copy of Agent under fire 007, it's still sitting around with my other discs for the install stuff.
Glad someone made a concise and easy to follow video on this, I had nothing but cryptic forums and youtube comments to go off of when I first did this.


It's crazy that FMCB is a topic again. I was using this 10 years ago.


Thank you so much for this excellent walkthrough. When I was following this tutorial for a FAT 39001/2.12U, writing the disc at 6x was giving me "TV System doesn't match error", but I tried again at 8x and that seemed to work. Just as a heads up as something to try for anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation.


Always a pleasure following your guides, thank you.


1:47 For SCPH-9000x users: any systems with a datecode of 8B or earlier will work with Free McBoot. Some 8C systems also work, and it's usually the P chassis systems that work. The way to find the chassis is in the lower right corner of the model number sticker. To the left of FOXC is the letter for the chassis.
Edit: Any datecodes with a number less than 7 indicate being manufactured in 2010 or later, whereas 7-9 were manufactured 2007-2009.
Edit 2: For the special PS2 models, the BRAVIA TVs sold in Europe with a built-in PS2 don't work with FMCB without FORTUNA, and the Japan-exclusive PSX does work with FMCB; however, a special PSX install is needed, and I don't think FreeDVDBoot works with PSX consoles.


you have the spirit of a true EDUCATOR


This was an excellent guide - thank you! I had a few glitches along the way. First was nothing showing up under MASS (my USB drive). Not sure if it was formatted properly to begin with (I did it on Mac OS), and then once it was formatted properly I think the USB just plain sucked - it would mount, but I couldn't see anything in there, and then when I could see something in there it would disappear (it was the USB stick - Kingston - grrr). After I got that sorted out (8GB SD card with a card reader), my issue was that OPL would black screen and freeze. Turns out I ran out of room on my Memory card and the full ELF file wasn't there. Oops! All good now!
