Why Gamers HATE Mass Effect Andromeda

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My face is tired... In this video, I break down some of the most prominent reasons why Mass Effect Andromeda gets a bad wrap.



0:00 Introduction
0:23 The Big Problems with Andromeda
0:46 My Face is Tired (Poor Facial Animations)
3:11 Bugs and Glitches
4:25 Awful Writing
6:00 A Galaxy Without Choices
7:19 Open World of Nothing
7:48 Conclusion


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The writing in this game was a massive departure from the trilogy. Having heard the majority of the writers were young 20 somethings in or just graduating College it makes a lot of sense.


The major problem with the game was forcing the developers to use the Frostbite Engine instead of the Unreal Engine, EA forced all their developers to use the Frostbite Engine in their games but after the backlash that Andromeda and especially Anthem received, EA reversed that rule


For me, Mass Effect Andronmeda really suffered from the recent phenomena in games were every character, including the protagonist has to be overtly quirky. But if everybody is quirky or special - nobody is. And there were no truly grounded characters, except for the ones you were limited in your interaction with, such as Dr. Lexi or Drack, maybe Jaal... It feels like a bunch of college students steal a ship and luck into beating the bad guy who just happens to be just fallible enough to be always bested by the heroes and not an actual threat... Turns out, I have more opinions on this than I thought. 😂


A big issue I had was that the Andromeda galaxy had a lack of interesting aliens to deal with. You go to a completely new Galaxy and interact with 2 new aliens. One bad, one good. And the bad alien were just messed up good ones (I think, I stopped paying attention by the end). the OG trilogy had some many major and minor aliens races to interact with and we got 2. There isn't even interesting conflicts within the factions. Just felt empty.


I didn't hate it, I just didn't think it was a good Mass Effect game. There were some good aspects, the combat, powers, and armor/weapon customization was excellent and aside from the character's faces the visuals were really good also. My main issue was the plot and the bland characters. I remember very little of the main story and I don't even remember who my squadmates were. Completely forgettable. Finished it once then never touched it again. Meanwhile I've played the original trilogy more times than I can count.


I still have no idea how someone could not only write the line "My face is tired" but then hire voice actress to record it, probably in multiple takes, and nobody asked "wtf does this mean?"


the facial animations debacle is what you get when you try to cut cost on a product...trying to CG them instead of paying actors and animators was the reason


The first real planet you go to just being a giant generic desert probably kills a lot of the excitement once you get your ship. This is a whole new galaxy where the known rules of the milkyway can be thrown out. So failing to play a really strong opening hand with a weird and mystical like planet was another be issue


Mass effect Andromeda is the fallout 76 of mass effect


They managed great facial animations in Inquisition. That was years earlier, and substantially bigger (in content) than Andromeda.


In the trilogy, I got emotionally committed to the NPCs. So much so that it bothered me deeply when I made decisions that got them killed. And I would relive that pain as I would make my rounds and enter an empty duty station.
To me, it is exceptionally top-tier writing when it can invoke emotional response from me.
Andromeda did nothing like the trilogy did.


My biggest issue (of many) with ME:A was to do with Ryder him/herself. Shepard commanded respect/fear (depending on your choices) and people looked to them accordingly in the universe. It was essentially believable that Shepard could basically become the savior of the galaxy.

Ryder on the other hand is undermined from the start: not next in line to become pathfinder, but gets it anyway for no reason. Not respected among their crew, not showing any real leadership or command ability. The only reason Ryder is special at all is the AI, and they weren't the ones that built it, were involved with it, or even chose to use it. Ryder is arguably not the protagonist, just the vehicle for the savior of the Andromeda galaxy; SAM the AI.


I never hated it. Sure it wasn't perfect but I've played it several times and always enjoyed it. Shame they were never able to finish off the story arc.


I think I see one big issue with the writing.
ME1 started out small, the scope of the story grew bigger over the course of the trilogy. They tried to start at ME3 with Andromeda's plot. There was no slow build up, you were pretty much instantly thrown into a full scale war.


Andromeda is the Disney live-action remake of the Mass Effect series. It has most of the same elements of what we all love but it doesn't have the heart and soul of the original.


As a devoted Mass Effect fan, i had dug into everything i could during Andromeda's development. I saw the writing on the wall with the fact that almost none of the main ME team had worked on the game, it was being made in a small satellite studio, and had an almost entirely new writing team... then when the news came out that the team had asked on multiple occasions for a release delay even before the original release window was announced, i knew it wouldn't be a solid ME game.

To that end i have always refused to see it as a Mass Effect game, but rather a side game set in the Mass Effect universe. I have never called it Mass Effect: Andromeda, instead only referring to it as Andromeda... it took some mental gymnastics originally, but i just chose to view it on its own as its own game... and i found i enjoyed it, it is a bit faster paced(in movement and combat) and a bit more dynamic in combat tactics and ability, and that alone is enough to distinguish it... so i play it for the game play and mechanics... if i want story... i play the legendary edition... again


The sad thing is, once the bugs were fixed i think if EA had carried on with the planned DLC they could of made squeals to it turning it into a 2 or 3 games story just like the originals, but like all big devs they care about only money and not the product they are selling.


It is almost unplayable if you played the first trilogy first.

Fortunately I played Andromeda before I played Shepard trilogy. Once I finished the first trilogy with the legendary edition, I tried to replay Andromeda this time knowing the lore but dude I couldn’t play it. I went and play the first trilogy a second time🤣🤣.

And don’t forget the small adjustment that have been made to accommodate « modern audiences » like the Asari, did you notice how their body type got changed quite a lot ?


My problem with Andromeda was writing, the story, the voice actors was awful, the boring companions, Sarah Ryder always just sounded like a spoilt teenager who was supposed to "The Pathfinder" with very little personality. I enjoyed the game-play and the worlds were so pretty and had so much potential.


Keep in mind Casey Hudson left BioWare in 2014, followed by Andromeda game director Gérard Lehiany shortly after.

And the game was created by a different Bioware studio, so yeah... things went to shit real fast :)
