Blade Runner 2049 | After Dark - Mr.Kitty

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Ryan Gosling really has that face that, even when he's smiling, you can see sadness in his heart.


How lonely this man was strikes the soul


I know this film wasn't a commercial success but I'm so glad it was made. It's one of my favourite movies of all time.


I dare say this was Gosling’s most underrated role but I’m not worried, it’s one of those films that will grow overtime and age like fine wine.


I loved the misdirection in this movie, we’re led to believe that K is the child but it’s kind of like through his eyes, we all want to believe we’re the hero in our own story but that’s ego. It’s a beautiful story. What a rare and wonderful treat.


i really pray that we dont end up living in an even more sad dystopia than we already do, even if it is eeriely beautiful


Did anyone else notice that the generic Joi at the end of the movie called him by the exact same name that his supposedly-customized, supposedly-sentient girlfriend "gave" him halfway through the movie? At that moment, he finally understood she really was just a computer program and didn't really have thoughts or feelings. It's just one more twist of the knife in this movie.


This version is the best by far, it grabs things about the movie that are important. I tell ya if this is our future all isn’t lost as anna is amazing


This movie has made me cry more times than I can count. It has such a deep story that people get lost in the visuals and forget what it's even truly about. This movie captures the feelings of being alone & lost in a dystopian society more than any movie has for me. Falling in love with an AI was just the tip of the iceberg.


Every scene in this movie is literally a painting or a wallpaper.


People might think it was weird that he fell in love with a ai but because he was a replicant bio ai and because they were both made by humans he only ever felt a connection with one like him and honestly it was one of the most complex love stories I ever saw


A non centred protagonist. A distant uncaring plot that completely disregards him . K realizes that he is not the son, and he have implanted memories, and he tries to come to terms with it, displaying existential sadness, that truly elevates him to human status . This movie deserve a better spot in the history of movies. I really enoy every second, maybe not the secuel we deserve but a one we can accept and enjoy


This is quite possibly my favourite music video ever. The editing and song choice is perfect. The sense of loneliness and isolation, yet seeking purpose and willingly succumbing to illusional intimacy is illustrated perfectly. With the exception of the visual aspect, this world hits close to home and resonates more than ever before. No matter how stoic, impassive or self-assured we attempt to be, the world of 2049 might come sooner than we know.


So sad there wont be a next movie for this franchise. This blade runner has one of the best visual, soundtrack, plot... I've ever experienced.


The true kino of the movie. It still saddened me that so few people talk and appreciated this movie.


Never even seen bladerunner but this conveys so much loneliness

Edit: I watched and I loved it 10/10


His virtual girlfriend was so depressing. Knowing that its just a bunch of 1's and 0's emulating consciousness. But you still feel empathy for it.


The photography and cinematography of this movie are unrivaled and yet unsurpassed IMO. For those without an acute sense of attention to detail the movie will seem slow but what they fail to pick up is that the movie tells much of its story by using those visual cues. A true masterpiece that many will fail to fully understand and/or appreciate.


Blade Runner 2049 is the best dystopian movie that I have ever seen or heard of. It is the only movie that accurately portrays the future humanity is destined for: lives filled with empty pleasure, advanced technology, and loneliness. In essence, Blade Runner 2049's world is only an exaggerated version of ours, with sexual deviancy, technology, and extreme loneliness. I can't stress that enough. What also contributes to this accuracy to the future of real life is that Officer K is just the side character, another tool for someone else's goal. The movie was centered around K, even though the plot wasn't, and I think that is a very difficult (but very well done) balance to strike. It perfectly portrays the feeling most people have today: working tirelessly for a system that doesn't care or even know about them. Example: when a massive company has one of its workers die, it just hires a new one to take its place, like a robot on an assembly line. That's my take on it, but we're headed for a dark future. One not too far from what Blade Runner 2049 shows...
