Jorge Manrubia - Making a difference with Turbo - Rails World 2023

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Hotwire is about building snappy user interfaces while maximizing developer happiness, about bringing innovations while respecting how the web works. What if we could make a step forward on all those fronts?

At @37signals, they developed a little Turbo addition that they believe can make a big difference for everyone: morphing. Jorge Manrubia, Leader Programmer at 37signals walks us through it in his talk at Rails World.


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This is one of the most exciting upcoming features for Turbo / Rails. It fits so well with why so many of us align with this framework. Great talk. Thank you 👏


one of the best web app talks I have seen ... not just rails but in general ... less hype and very pragmatic


Omg, I wanna use it now :D turbo streams are already epic, but this is next level :D


“It’s very hard to appreciate turbo as a newcomer” Agreed 👍 morph sounds amazing I can’t believe it’s the first time I heard about it


Thanks for the amazing talk.
I'm super exciting about Morphing. The more we stay way from JS code the happier and productive a programmer is. I thing morphing -if i understanding it correctly- it is a one action replace a few of stream actions. Because all what stream actions are doing are alteration to a section of a page. So instead of specifying the action name (update, replace, ...) morph understand it a changing has happened and i will reflect that. Hope I understand it.


Very interesting talk. I'm looking forward to getting the chance to use this.
A few questions pop to my mind that I'm sure I'll find out soon :
What is the resource cost of sending the whole board to be morphed to a potentially large amount of concurrent users whenever someone changes something? Instead of each user refreshing their own board, each user is refreshing everyone's board.
Also curious to find out how to preserve each user's context when a broadcast is triggered. E.g. not everyone may see the board the same way. Some will have different sorting or filtering, so it can't be a single view that's rendered and sent to everyone.


tl;dw - refresh page but do not scroll
