AMD is brain dead: Budget GPU prices sky rocket! RX 6600XT

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AMD and Nvidia are brain dead. They continue to try and outdo one another over and over again, but just inadvertently shoot themselves in the foot. Nvidia did it majorly with the release of the RTX 3070ti and the RTX 3080ti. Now AMD has done it again with what is supposed to be a budget friendly option, The RX 6600XT.

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Contents in this video:

0:00 - Intro

1:30 - AMD

4:00 - Intermission

6:00 - Conclusion

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Just don't buy anything. For now, just do not buy anything. That's the only way to send a message to NVIDIA and AMD.


My 5600x/GTX 1080 build cost me just under $1000 AUD. 6800xt retails for $1800 here so I'm sitting back laughing my ass off playing at 1440 high refresh while morons pay absurd prices. Won't be upgrading until these companies stop taking advantage of us.


what blows my mind more is how people are STILL willing to pay inflated prices for a hobby that has plenty of cheaper alternatives. companies know this and take advantage obviously.


Used Polaris and Pascal cards are still better value than anything from the last two generations for either company at retail!


Big shouts to beating the MSRP challenge. They hated listing these prices. I agree on the msrp so only good faith is not list a price in PR launches.


Since 2010 AMD is steadily beating Nvidia in Prices and performance.But AMD completely forget about customer trust.AMD thought that he is better than Nvidia and suddenly he rise up his prices in greed of money but that was his misunderstanding his self that he can't even beat Nvidia.if people were liking him because of his cheaper GPUs.This is AMD's first mistaken Wich he did.6600 xt is not worth of his price.he felt his cat is powerful like tiger.but cat always be a cat.if AMD didn't fix his fault his bessinuss will not remain anymore.


Its because the board partners are struggling to stay profitable because of things like the memory shortage


Well the hook got me LOL. AMD has to start lowering prices. I know they probably won't, but they have stock sitting on shelves. I spoke to the Microcenter associate this weekend and he said they have been in stock for months now, just no one wants them for $1, 000+. Every 3000 series card they get sells within the day. I wouldn't be surprised if the 6600 xt is in stock too and just sits. If they dropped the prices back to maybe 50% over MSRP I would probably go pick one up, but not at $1400 for a 6800 xt and 1000 for a 6700xt. feelsbadman.


Yeah dude you're absolutely right. AMD did not release a decent entry level upgrade since RX 480 launch. That card costed $200-250 in 2016 and they kept rebranding the same gpu with no noticable price reduction and then they released a 5500xt which performs about the same as RX 48, 580 or 590 and for the same price. It's been 5 years and yet there still isn't a decent replacement for polaris in terms of MSRP... This is just ridiculous...

As for the 6600XT I'd rather buy an RTX 3060 Ti for $20 more and get the benefits of DLSS and RTX since the rasterization performance is about the same or get an RTX 3060 for $50 cheaper which has 12 GB vram instead of 8 and for things like blender, unreal engine, unity and whatnot or 4k resolution or beyond the extra 4gb vram matters a lot more than 10-15% more performance 6600XT offers which you can basically compansate in a lot of games by turning on dlss and most of the triple A titles support it... I know FSR is a thing but for some games DLSS will look better than FSR and you can still use FSR with nvidia...

6600XT for $380 MSRP is just outrageously stupid...


Miners: Oh well, China just ruined our bussiness. Gotta sell those GPUs now.
Nvidia and AMD: Not gonna lower the prices though :v.


I agree with you about the whole GPU market is nuts. The problem is the people paying these crazy prices for anything they can get their hands on. Things are only priced at what people will pay. Even if the cards were MSRP, half of them still arent worth it. I saw the writing on the wall for AMD once the Rx 590 was announced. That is the point when AMD started testing the market. And the market bought it and here we are. Sad state of affairs. What can you do? We can only control ourselves.


In this day and age MSRP of all the other videocards introduced since last year do not have a realistic MSRP and should have been higher. My take on the MSRP of the RX 6600 XT it is more realistic. You'll never get the other videocards at MSRP anymore its just wishfull thinking.


This was supposed to be my upgrade for my 580. I'm in the $200-$300 bracket. With the standard model it should be $269 at most. If the higher gig model that they always do was around $319 at most.. Sadly AMD priced me out of thier market. My only option is 2nd hand and be 2 or 3 generations behind. Maybe I'll change my 580 to a 5700XT in 2023.


Need to get this open. Teeth it is 😂. Manufacturers need to get their shit together before you lose your liver mate.


It doesn't matter if AMD price it at $380 or $350 or $300, they are taking a loss on it, plus the supply issue will likely not be over until 2025. Problems begets more problems, solutions only helps create more problems.

Whatever price or product AMD or anyone puts out, will be compared to the economy's state of condition and the political strife amongst the trade routes.
That $300 GPU will become $800, that $400 becomes $900, so it doesn't matter how it costs because in our current market and economy, its survival of the fittest where everyone is on their own goddamn side. Voting with your wallet concept won't work because people these days give into their urges too easily, especially with how marketing plays out.

And if you decided not to buy in droves, retailers will refuse to drop prices, or inevitably 'close their doors' deciding that it's not worth it in a pandemic where workers are demanding more wages.

Your cost of living can only go up, it's best if people learn survival skills before governments gets desperate enough to start picking on the remains. Because most people don't really intentionally look for news of any sorts, they use the internet to look up things that they only believe in, and may not learn otherwise.

Here's a tidbit: China is essentially slowly being grinded up by the planet (mother nature) in a ironic twist of karma, don't expect your daily livelihood to get better because all nations overly rely on 'cheap labor' to get our society to this point... Only to be undone by the course of nature itself. Humans are weak and has always been.


The video is stupid because the 6600 XT isn't the same as the 5700 XT... Lol, it's at least 15% faster, and RDNA2 helps it a lot apparently.
It's really hard to get a proper reading of benchmarks since the 6600 XT isn't out yet due to NDA, but there is basically more than a 30% gap between the 5700 XT and 6700 XT.
Generic 'optimization' sees the performance of the 5700 xt and 6700 xt almost at parity, while the 'best' optimization sees it as high as a 50% gap, and this is at a 1440p level.

So I'm seeing the 6600 XT fit in between that level, if it tried to do 1440p it'd likely perform almost like a 5700 XT, but better due to more modern components or software in it.
So seeing it priced at $380 instead of $400 just means you are basically getting a 5800 XT? lol.

All in all the comparison is in the eyes of the beholder... For all we know the Vega 56 to 6700 XT jump is like a 100% increase if you utilize certain gameplay settings and don't really go for heavy, fps costing features.


Got a 3090 4 months ago for 2300. Best goddamn GPU I ever had. Great for rendering videos with 🥰...


I actually lean towards team red, but yeah business is business, amd is just as bad as nvidia, I think it was cause of ryzens raise that made oh, we can be greedy now too.
So if I have choice I damn sure well wont be getting amd gpus, unless it goes back to the budget contender of nvidia, I know well how 3060ti beats amds 6700.


Also make a Video saying Is Nvidia Brain Dead


Look at the gpu price all around the world No one can or do anything but will win only happen in moive or game😢😥😪
