PTSD in Rescued Farmed Animals? A Scientific Exploration

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During this intimate presentation, our Farm Sanctuary research team provides a peek behind the curtain to their insightful work to assess for possible PTSD in rescued farm animals.
Over the past two decades, researchers have explored the existence of PTSD in nonhuman animals, including elephants and chimpanzees. The life of an average factory-farmed pig or cow includes many traumatic events that could trigger PTSD symptoms. These stressors can elicit fear and trigger defense behaviors such as immobility, withdrawal, and avoidance. Farm Sanctuary’s Watkins Glen location provides sanctuary for almost 100 pigs and cattle, many of whom experienced trauma prior to arriving at sanctuary. As new residents come to the Sanctuary, we are asking the questions:
Do new sanctuary residents who have histories of trauma exhibit symptoms of PTSD, as compared to those who do not have known histories of trauma?
In order to assess the impact of sanctuary on PTSD, do those symptoms subside over time?
Over the past two decades, researchers have explored the existence of PTSD in nonhuman animals, including elephants and chimpanzees. The life of an average factory-farmed pig or cow includes many traumatic events that could trigger PTSD symptoms. These stressors can elicit fear and trigger defense behaviors such as immobility, withdrawal, and avoidance. Farm Sanctuary’s Watkins Glen location provides sanctuary for almost 100 pigs and cattle, many of whom experienced trauma prior to arriving at sanctuary. As new residents come to the Sanctuary, we are asking the questions:
Do new sanctuary residents who have histories of trauma exhibit symptoms of PTSD, as compared to those who do not have known histories of trauma?
In order to assess the impact of sanctuary on PTSD, do those symptoms subside over time?
PTSD in Rescued Farm Animals? A Scientific Exploration.
PTSD in Rescued Farmed Animals? A Scientific Exploration
PTSD in Rescued Farmed Animals? A Scientific Exploration
PTSD in Rescued Farmed Animals? A Scientific Exploration
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