Climate SOLUTION super tipping points.

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We hear a lot about climate tipping points in the news these days, and sure enough they are a very real threat. But according to analysis published during the recent World Economic Forum, there are also tipping points in the deployment of sustainable technology that are already disrupting existing markets. So, are they real, and can they make a genuine difference in a short enough time window?

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I always enjoy your videos! I think the content has always been great. But I feel that your humor has been turned up a couple of notches this year and it's been absolutely fantastic!


How about *_not_* giving Exxon Mobil and other serial polluters billions of dollars in subsidies every year???


One has to puzzle over why, as a greater and greater proportion of our electricity is generated by renewables which is cheaper than Fossil fuel generation, our price of electricity just keeps going up. It seems pretty clear that the power companies are pocketing the difference to the benefit of the salaries of its executives and perhaps the returns to share holders.


I am always interested in exactly who has paid for these various studies to be done. 👀


For the land use aspect there are some organizations that do good work with their project in terms of measuring results and followup. WeForest is one of them. I'm all for land restoration, there should be, in this age, at least 150% required restoration for all new projects proposed. We won't be sustainable if we keep destroying more than we're restoring.

As usual, love the humor. :)


Excellent video. Of course loads of "experts"will disagree with this or that, but discussion is healthy. The point from me is that your video advances my understanding. And the financial world is ready to make profits however it all pans out. Thanks again.


I think that there is a relatively minor but quite significant move that would accelerate the road to these tipping points. Namely the adoption of non Li technologies for batteries used in grid storage. First it would bring down the price of Li batteries for cars and hence the price of EVs as the demand for Li decreased. Some economists estimate that for a linear decrease in the price of EVs, you get an exponential increase in the market share. As your article indicates, the greater adoption of EVs feeds into all the other tipping points. What is of interest is that most of these alternate battery chemistries use cheap, readily available elements and it is likely that all they need is market share to out compete Li batteries for price. They also have some interesting characteristics. For instance, very long life, ability to cycle between 0 and 100% with no damage, simple recycling if you ever need to recycle them, and safer than Li batteries and hence no problem shipping them. There are the liquid metal batteries based on Sb and Ca and now on Al and S, the Zn Br plating or gel batteries, a range of redox batteries based on Fe or V and perhaps the up and coming Na batteries. This is just a sample.


This video makes clear how complex the issue of energy production is. Compromises and trade-offs abound. There is no silver bullet. As you said, though, the major hurdle to reaching a sustainable future based on renewables is the government. Since the politicians do the bidding of their corporate masters, that means the hurdle really is the weight of powerful entrenched interests in the oil, coal, and gas industries. One might add the utilities into that mix.


As a retired atmospheric and environmental scientist who is now free to comment on climate policy and politics without fear of upsetting his paymasters, and who spends some of his spare time challenging governments, big business and the media on their responses to the climate crisis, I found the contents of this latest report did little to persuade me that anyone, the UN and scientific community included, is tackling the convergent, existential environmental crises effectively. The fundamental problem appears to be one of framing. Governments and policy makers are addressing the biodiversity, food and climate crises through the lens of prioritising protection of the existing capitalist system and global economic growth. Yet each successive high profile UN report, whether it be the IPBES or the IPCC’s sixth assessment report, demonstrates unequivocally that it is the existing economic paradigm that is the root cause of these crises. So we have government climate policies which prioritise decarbonisation of energy, and ignore the elephants in the room - accelerating emissions, land use change and species loss - as developing countries rapidly industrialise and develop western diets and consumer habits.
Unless well informed individuals like yourself can tackle this core issue, I’m afraid the public will remain the dark when it comes to the need for a rapid, whole system change.


Bloody brilliant as always and I’m loving the injected humour


I donot need some Scientists predicting temp changes and future collapse…been alive 75 years and you see how crazy the Weather is getting….Tip Point has to be Near.


This is fascinating & somewhat hopeful, though I'm not sure we should count on it. Your discussion about the electric power industry jives with my experience working 40 years as an engineer & project manager.


My partner and I love all your videos. Thank you


We need to (continue to) support progressive politicians who will aggressively fight the neoliberals, neocons and neofascists! ✌


I would like to see some information on the tidal power upon which Scotland has engaged.


Rethink X on the other hand is alot more optimistic about alternative meat and dairy taking over traditional meat and dairy industry. They think alternative meat would gain 100% of the market share bu 2035 and not merely 20%. Their main argument is land mass the size of India, china and Australia combined would be freed from animal agriculture by 2035. This would lead to a massive carbon sink at gigatons scale.


Thanks for the video. May I call out that just the tile of the video sounds like language elements from narratives our economy is putting together to mirror and neutralize actual and scientifically demonstrated facts about our climate? Thank you for taking on this topic :)


Coal is certainly NOT stranded in China or Germany!


Even if EVs reach price parity, we don't have enough lithium mining in the world to supply batteries when the S curve does hit in 2025. The resulting supply shock may cause the price of lithium to sky rocket


Sooo it's a race between tipping points. Not sure I am going to hang my hat on this.
