Rick Warren: How Do You Know God is Speaking to You? | Praise on TBN (YouTube Exclusive)

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Rick Warren shares how you can hear from God and better know his voice in this YouTube exclusive on TBN's Praise.

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On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#praise #tbn #rickwarren

0:00 Intro
0:23 How Do You Know it's God?
1:20 Knowing God's Word
3:27 God Calls Gently
5:13 God Speaks Through Others
6:29 You Can Know His Voice
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If you were blessed by this message, be sure to watch more from Pastor Rick Warren, link below:
-Team Praise on TBN


To everyone listing to this this is a prayer to agree: Dear God, all good things come from you, we ask that we feel your power in all areas of our lives, relationships and health, bring us to the realization of your supremacy. Give us faith to believe in you till the end of time. In Jesus name. Amen


“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭10:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Cool enough, God has spoken to me through this video, I have been so confused lately, often to tears, its really hard on a 15 year old ya know, but i can feel God’s presence through this video, gently comforting me, and putting peace in my spirit.


Be still and listen. God will always be there 💙🙏💜


If your heart is in right place, you are walking with God, You know it is He whos talking to you .


My favourite author 🥰 love all your sermon


This is true what god does when he pull our word but he didn't push us at the word


when watching a sermon God started speaking to me through the pastor and i knew INSTANTLY it was Him. it never happened before but i knew in that moment it was God (he was telling me to make His presence a priorty, seek him first)


Thank Ptr. Rick this is such an enlightenment. God bless you and your ministry.


This was good stuff. I agree with everything he said, except for the part about if God speaks to you and no one else youre wrong. Sometime God will speak to you and no one else. Whether its to test you or teach you how to hear him. There are times when you will have to defy what others say to step out on obedience to God. There will be things God will tell you to do that others wont agree with but seeking validation from people will cause you to miss what God is saying. Im not saying we shouldnt seek wise counsel but we have to know Gods voice for ourselves and be able to pray for confirmation. God will use those people to confirm. There are even examples in the bible: when God told Noah to build the ark, he only spoke to Noah, When God told Moses to free the people, he only spoke to Moses, when God told Abraham to leave his country, Abaham didnt go to his pastor or his dad and ask if God said that. He heard the voice of God. So, we have to be careful and read the bible for ourselves. However, this was good teaching and yes, Gods voice will line up with his word.


Thank you pastor for this wonderful message..l have learnt alot


I am experiencing this now Rick. I heard the voice a God before years ago. I was sitting on the bathroom floor crying and I heard him. But now I just can't tell if it's God's voice, my voice, or the voice from the evil one.


Am blessed by your word pastor Rick Warren and I love you From Zambia


I only heard gods voice once,
When he said not your time yet
When I was going on a plane


It's something u just know, it's like something in ur soul🙏🌹


Y'all pleaseeee pray for me I served GOD mostly all my life I never in my life drink smoke or eveer did drugs it's like I been going through sooo much my husband kick me out the house my daughter is mean to me because I lost everything and it's sooo harddd on me because I don't have no one all I have is GOD but he nos I can't take nomore it's like I just been on this Earth to be punished I'm sooo tierddd so I'm asking people to please pray for me it's serious


The only reason I watched this video is because yesterday, while I was up I had vision but it was like dream. I still don't know what it meant but it just came to me and for the first time I truly knew it was from him. So it kind of blowing my mine rite now I'm just praying for him to keep speaking and for me to understand his meaning


Thanks for sermons God bless you too 🙏🙏


Than you I needed
