Former Social Security Manager: EXPLAINS NEW MEDICARE & SSA changes June 2024 | PLUS LIVE Q&A!

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Dr. Ed Weir, PhD, Former Social Security Manager, keeps you up to date on all changes and projected changes in your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits!

😃💯Who is Dr. Ed?
Dr. Ed Weir, PhD, Former Social Security District Manager; Former Family Services Specialist, Department of Social Services; Former Marine Corps Sergeant; University Adjunct Professor. Dr. Ed is one of the most experienced government benefits experts in the country and in his (semi)retirement, he has made hundreds of YouTube videos in order to help seniors, the disabled, survivors, retirees, disabled children, spouses, and others in every state get the benefits they need!

⚠️I am not an attorney, tax advocate, or currently affiliated with the Social Security Administration or any other entity of the US Federal Government. My advice and opinions are based on my decades of experience inside the government. However, the Social Security Administration is the final decision maker when it comes to your benefits.

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Well I got taken off of my SSI now I'm SS I've never seen so much paperwork in my whole life I've only been 6 40 now I'm on SS and I'm getting $400 a month I use every low income thing I can use I'm grateful I have housing I'm grateful I have medical because of your videos I did learn about the spousal support but I don't really care about it because it seems they take more of it than you get so I really don't want to bother with it and it's more paperwork


I am on SSD and WA medicaid. I am 64 years old and am receiving so many mail offers. Do I need to have a supplemental Medicare plan if I already have Medicaid?


I was hurt in 2 bad accidents at work in 2006, after more than 7 yrs of surgery after surgery, the judge ruled me perm disabled. So being cut more than half my work life, I was stuck with a horrible amount of disability.

I was on SSI in Tx then moved to Az. for a year then back to Tx. Tx put me on SSDI which was less and several year's went by and I was never told I could get both. Then I called and asked if it was possible and was told maybe if it doesn't go over a specified amount
I applied, they made me wait a whole year for the extra 190.00 a month, they gave me 7 months back and then refused the rest because we had moved and I wasn't on the new lease because of bankruptcy. Having to live with my son, my car was hit and totalled, it was paid for, now I have a 300.00 payment and was refused!
I'm confused


I personally hate telemarketers, but an older friend of mine is on Medicare and Medicaid and was in a program called pace for a few months, which turned out to be kind of a disaster for her and after she left that program, she got a phone call from Humana, or an agent that represented them and offered her a dual eligible plan that included giving her a debit card of $200 per month that she can use to buy food, drug store items and possibly even rent. I was concerned that she actually answered the phone call but it turned out to be a wonderful thing for her. She may be one of the unusual ones but I'm relieved that she got a little bit of extra help because her social security check is only $1, 200. What's the new rules coming out I don't think that people like her will ever get those kind of phone calls again.


Dr ed sorry I missed you live. Regarding the CDR in your topic section. The disability yodaa on YouTube is the one that talks about it. It’s the video where it says emergency (and he has a brown shirt on) he used to work at the dds. ❤


How do you know you’re getting the right amount in your Social Security check. I still have 10% tax taken out of mine. I have original Medicare and I pay for a gap insurance. I am blessed and take no prescriptions. $1500 a month is just so hard to live on.


I'm 61 and will be going on 62 months befor I get a7 year re evaluation for SSDI. Do I need to worry.


I am 73 just stopped working, if I ask for Medicaid with my Medicare can they take my house ?


I worked and lived in no carolina for 6 years as a landed immigrant. In 2000, my husband retired and we relocated to the phil. In 2010 he passed away. I presently receive survivor's benefits. Can i apply for my own social security based on my earnings when i worked in the us? I am now 76 yo.


My Medicare supplement keeps going up how can I find a cheaper plan?


Thank you Sr. learned a lot. Future SSR.


I'm 63. I have had PTSD for most of my life. I applied for regular SSA. Would I be able to apply for SSDI?


I’m receiving SSDI with Medicare A, B & D can I still qualify for Medicaid


Hey there I'm 72 years old but still have work don't make enough to live working 25/30 hours week


Hi when I first went on SS it was for disability. I received disability for cancer surgery I am permanently handicapped. I’m getting my SS but should I be able to collect disability w my permanent disability


Im turning 65 the end of September when do i have to decide on insurance? Im switching from SSDI to SS


I was told I would never collect SSA ? Is that possible? Some of my employment record was missing some of my jobs.


I had a terrible stroke at 32 and was just approved through Ssdi at the maximum amount. What is my chances of having this revoked as I do not want to get used to the benefits that I am living off of


My husband is disabled, I had to take SS at 62. He has parkinsons last stage, What amount , when he passes would I be allowed to draw of his disability
