What is Christian Nationalism? | Stephen Wolfe

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Stephen Wolfe defines Christian Nationalism.

This video is presented by Canon Press.
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When there is no God above the state, the state becomes god (By definition, an idol, a false god)—the highest authority in the lives of those governed.
If God is dead, everything is permitted.


"I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another."
--Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799


I'm new to the topic of Christian Nationalism. I just picked up your book and have found the first bit very interesting. I'm curious about what connection it may have to Greg Bahnsen's Theonomy in Christian Ethics. Thanks for the video.


Not one Scripture cited that this is the mission of the Church. Zero.


Just worship your god and persuade others to do the same. Don’t make it a movement.


Nope still foreigners. Feel fine separating the two things.


The church is the best example of what I was always taught the United States stood for, just as God doesn't discriminate whom He covers with His blood all nationalities are welcome to come with no exceptions. I'm not talking open boarders as the liberals do but while all other religions mostly center on race Christianity shows that God is no respecter of persons. I know we as a nation fall short of this principle and are strict in allowing some while others are welcomed without exception, but the principle should be the goal.
Some how I think what I'm hearing described as "Christian Nationalism" is the opposite of what I just described. If you guys are trying to push things in the direction of a theocracy you're doing more harm than good and if there's any truth to the talk of Kinsism wrapped up with this then you're actively promoting a thing that God has not commanded, nothing but evil will come of it.


Hello, excuse me, I have a question. I'm a Christan who serves the Lord and worships as the Bible commands of the Saturday Sabbath that God ordained at the end of the Creation Week. So if the State makes it a point to restrict work on Sunday and decrees every other day of the week, what am I to do? Shall I disobay and disrespect Jesus Christ by consciously disobeying His law and shunning His Sabbath? What shall become of me if I choose to serve God and disobay this blasphemous law?


Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Stephen, my father, John McConnell, was a Christian who was what many would call an idealist. He started what was known as the Global Earth Day. He was a pacifist and strove for peace, justice and the care of earth.

Your words remind me of him in his heart for Christ's kingdom to come on earth. But we are called to be in the world, but not of it. We look for a new country, a new kingdom not made by human hands. There are many forces that do not want Jesus Christ to be Lord, though He is and will ever be Lord. Even at the start of this country, freedom was exalted above service to Christ.

It seems to me you desire for all to know the hope, peace, justice, safety found in Christ and that is well and good, but this country is made up of many, many people, some under the label of Christian, that do not wish the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Some are blind or have not truly heard or seen the love of God. Others have tasted and seen, but the various temptations of idolatry to intellectualism, excitement, money, not trusting in Christ for salvation, but rather their own works, have caused their light to dim or even die.

People complain about the poor throughout the world, but won't give up their Starbucks, let alone sell all they have and let go of their greed to bring the poor what they need. We give our extra, but not the widow's mite.

There is no scriptural basis to force others or demand others in our country to make this country all followers of Christ. Christ came to seek and save that which was lost, not overturn the Roman empire, though it was overthrown.

God didn't call Daniel to demand King Nebuchadnezzar to repent every day he served him. But Daniel's faithfulness was evident and his respect, and his respect, and his respect for the ungodly king opened the door for a loving, ahem, loving, did I mention loving witness and rebuke.

There are forces in the spirit realm that deceive. Like the fortune teller that walked before Paul saying true things, that they had come to tell people about God's kingdom, this evil spirit latched on to the apostles to glorify itself thru them. But Paul discerned the spirit and cast it out of the woman. Right words, wrong spirit.

There are many spirits speaking to the children of God now, even as the devil spurred King David on to number the people.

Where is the voice leading - towards the love of Christ and His reconciliation with sinful man thru his blood - or away from it?
How do we discern? By the fruit: gentleness, compassion, mercy, self control, faithfulness to God's truth, agape love that pulls the adulterous woman out from her righteous attackers (where was the man caught in adultery? the law said both were to be stoned...), the God who called Pharisees like Nicodemus and tax collectors like Matthew, who did not entrust himself to men, for He knew the heart of man who one day cry, Hosanna! and the next, Crucify!

The nation of America has not been Christian for many years. We are no longer under God, but were we really under Him to begin with?

If our Christian nationalism has at the root a desire for our material safety and wellbeing and a motive to keep from being persecuted, we're missing the cross.

He didn't take over Rome. He didn't kill the centurians or even those who turned Him over to them, their guilt, like our lack of love, was great, but His love was greater. And so a cross and the words, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

God will never force anyone into heaven. The battle since the garden, is that of love.

God's love calling out to be believed. Is there judgement? Of course, you see mercy and judgment at the cross. So which has worse sin, the immoral or the one who knows the cross but refuses to love the immoral? The unbeliever, or the one who claims Christ but does not share that powerful love with the unbeliever? The godless nation, or the people of God who do not act in respect, love and powerful grace to that godless nation, but choose their own wealth and safety over the suffering and persecution of following Christ.

If the Queen of Sheba will rise up against the people of Jesus day, and I'm very curious what will happen in the day of judgment when the Christians that are persecuted in China and North Korea, in Afghanistan and other countries stand up in the day of judgment and are met with our christians. The Christians in the West I confess I've been quite scared about it. Personally. My life hasn't been that great. I found need for repentance. I wouldn't strive for Christian nationalism. I would lay that down at the Cross of Christ and strive simply to follow him and love the people in this world and in this country. Because we are members of the kingdom of heaven and this world is not our home. Those are just my thoughts. No more no less. May God grant you Grace, and may you not be ashamed when you see Him.


You’re getting ahead of yourself as Christianity’s influence is currently shrinking in the US. Also, I didn’t see a Biblical case made.


"The love of country..." and the like? What does love of country have to do with anything when we're talking about defining the rules of behavior that we must respect or be judged for?

When we're talking about a country that defines a society, laws are what count. And the laws that count are the ones that people make. If a large group of people decides there's a god and a god has made a rule for behavior and we all decide it's a good rule That must have judgment and consequences defined that people mete out, then we write those rules into the laws. We don't write in that the law or even the idea came from a god. We just decide the law is a good idea.


I could address you point by point, but I will limit myself to three.

1. We do not live in a theocracy, and I as a Christian will oppose any effort by "Christian" nationalists to change that
2. Its simply wrong to attempt to compell by Statute each and and every behavior you might think is "proper", that you cannot accomplish through leading by example or by gentle persuasion
3. Christ said his Kingdom is not of this world and he also said to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. He did not conflate those two things the way "Christian" nationalists seem to want to do. He was also particularly hard on the Pharises which "Christian" nationalists strongly resemble


The term Christian (Little Christ) was also a used as an insult.


This American republic, practicing democracy, was never intended to be a " Christian nation". Jesus was never mentioned, God was, but not in 99% of the documents, nor in much of the Constitution, which wisely separated the secular and the " religious" . If you know any history, you know why they did that. But your contexts are so very limited to your own programming and limited understanding of the wonders of being human, focusing on the dark sides which you won't heal your own within. THAT is the test you refuse to take responsibility for, but prefer to project them onto others and then pull out the " Devil " as a " get out of jail free card " for your own darkside of human nature. Which God created too. There is nothing nor no one God did not create. We are ALL his kids. Most of us " Christians" find your tactics, level of understanding, ways and means not only despicable, but sadly phobic about a culture that can use the love but not the judgements you hurl daily, along with misinformation about your own religion. You are no more chosen than any others in God's creation . Your experiences in life seem to be ignorant of much true faith, preferring some aberration of it, unlearned about mankind, and Jesus. Pharisaic is more applicable. More focused upon the Old Testament and Paul. You are ignorant of the 1000 other sects, going back 2 millennium, and how many alterations were made by misinterpretations and mis translations. Mostly on purpose by rulers and emperors and kings to manipulate the masses of poor . Yet you want to enforce your particular " nationalistic " version upon all ? Blasphemous. Your paranoia, hatred and little bubble white version of mankind, is glaringly odious to those of us who do not find your variation worthy of Christ nor God. I see why Jesus said " you know not what you do", and why he preferred sinners who wanted help, instead of ego maniacal control of others, mis using his words to claim some pious self righteousness. This is how the rest of the Christian world sees you . A blip on the screen historically, of the Lost, claiming special status ? No, keep seeking, keep studying, keep loving. Nothing is more Christlike than Loving, and no one sees you folks doing much of that. Sadly, you don't know how apparently, not unconditional love anyway. The only real love there is. The rest is need gussied up as sugar over shit I'm afraid. Literal translations, Armageddon, the Rapture, fundamentalism has come and gone every century since Christ was turned over to the Romans, by folks not unlike you, afraid of living, not grateful for it, Fear is your God it seems, and God, had much to say about that. Read further if you wish to have knowledge, practice if you want any wisdom. Fundamentalism is for those afraid of leaving their own caves. Pretty dark in there.


Everyone pick a county. We have to start small. All in favor of Christian nationalism concentrate into one place now.


Should white Christians and black Christians be apart of the same nation Mr.Wolfe...?


For those of you in the comments, if you don’t want Christian Nationalism, then what do you want?
Pagan Nationalism?
Pagan Globalism?
Pagan Tribalism?


Sunday Worship? Sorry, Christians can be Sabbath-keepers too.
Sunday is NOT God's Sabbath. There is no reference of the 10 Commandments in the Bible changing God's Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. That was started by Constantine in 539 AD and then completed by the Papacy, complete with prosecutions. The Mark of the Beast "will seek to change times and laws" Daniel 7:25, and the Papacy has done both...changed the Sabbath to Sunday and then said they had the authority to change that law.


I agree let’s appropriate the term. Remember our forefathers were called derogatory terms that they themselves appropriated such as Abraham called a Hebrew or the followers of Jesus called Christians.
