Why I Am Not A Christian Nationalist

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Christian nationalism is when you think Christianity must be in the business of protecting national boundaries and identities, and that the government must ensure the survival of a specific Christian culture. So some argue the government should ensure the US remains a majority white, Anglo-Saxon culture. This is complete nonsense and contradicts the Gospel!

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I do not see anything wrong with "we protest because as Christians we believe in That's a big difference than having a goal of a state religion.


As Christians, we must remember that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. Let us have enough faith to understand He is Lord over all, regardless of politics.


America is NOT the church....Americans are NOT all Christians...The US is a kingdom of this world...having said that Christ called the Christian believers to be " salt a light of the world " NOT a political party or state religion...we've seen that movie in history...the Holy Roman empire...


I am an absolute monarchist.
And a Christian. Christians should evangelize. We can do politics, but Jesus did not make a Christian empire. He went to an Empire and shared Christianity with individuals. Which changed the Empire over hundreds of years. We should be Christians.


It seems that, in American culture wars, neither side of the spectrum really captures the essence of the Gospel. Jesus came to bring Divine justice, not social justice. At the same time, He commissioned us to baptize the nations, not claim them as our own. Excellent work.


Michael Jones is truly a treasure to us. This dude is so wise and kind. He's a massive credit to Christianity.


I never saw the temptations that way before. Really interesting


Christ is king and Caesar is not. Imitate Christ and not Caesar. Thanks for the important video.


You cannot serve two masters, my loyalty is to God and to God alone.


“My kingdom is not of this world.” John chapter 18


Maybe it's different in the USA, but I can say that I am a Polish nationalist and a Catholic. Nationalism does not mean chauvinism, it is love for one's nation. Faith and the church were very important to Poles in the worst moments of our history. Our country was free from religious wars and religious persecutions and many saints and blesseds fought for a free Poland. Of course, in my community, we put salvation first, but the nation is also a very important idea for us.


politics brings out the worst in me (absolute smoldering hatred toward and dehumanization of others for voicing their silly, undercooked opinions that they happen to have at one point in their life) and it's one of the things that I feel Christ rescued me from and so I feel gross bringing faith anywhere near politics... but also I don't like being anywhere near politics myself, so. I'm still gonna vote but for the other 3 years and 364 days in-between I'm gonna avoid that stuff like the plague.


Great work! I use to think the way of a Christian Nationalists. I was angry and anxious all the time. I hated the opposite side. Then God woke me up… I realized I didn’t have relationship with Jesus. My religion was politics. My Bible was the news. My savior was whomever was running for office. My promise land was America. Now I understand the bigger picture of the Kingdom of God. I just want to help lead people to Jesus now. The way, the truth, and the life ✝️❤️👑


Don't agree. You can easily implement christian principles and values in a political or cultural system. That has been done and has worked wonderfully with the foundation of USA.


I appreciate and hope that more intellectual Christians rise up and show by example not by force, you will know them by their works


Im not a Christian Nationalist either.


Firstly, it depends how one defines "Christian Nationalism" considering that there is growing anti-Christian sentiments who view and promote Christians as anti-democracy authoritarian terrorist.
But, this nation is founded on Christian principles which led to the US becoming the most successful nation in history.
In turn, it is the anti-Christian elements who are demonstrably violent authoritarian and anti-constitution.

If we define "Christian Nationalism" as a state which promotes Christian values through nonviolent means, recognizing that God is sovereign and the moral authority, then it's citizens can see the value of the Christian perspective and freely of their own volition, come to Christ.

The problem, as I see it, is allowing others to define Christianity through a secular, worldly lens.
Not Christianity as Truth, but Christianity as just another man-made religion used to control, suppress and enslave.

Mike is smart, a great apologist and educator, but I feel, in this regard, he's feeding into the globalist anti-Christian agenda by accepting their definition of "Christian Nationalism".

God Bless


Once again, as made clear on the livestream by people in the chat, it's absolutely imperative to realize that not everyone defines the term Christian nationalism the same way. Inability to do so is borderline intellectually dishonest.


Same question as last time: IP has rightly spoken out against child-marriage. Christian morality forbids such a thing. Is it Christian Nationalism to make child-marriage illegal and to punish those who attempt to do it?


IP, I gotta say, this is the first video I disagree with you on, and I value your work very much.
It makes no sense not to want a nation that has Christian values and law in place. The whole reason people want that is not to have an "easy way" to evangelize, but to protect people as a whole.
I would think protecting lives through means of reducing detrimental lifestyles, taking away the ability to kill your own children or grandparents, and raising men and women to accept who they are properly would be a part of the Great Commission.
