Latest Update About California's $128 Billion High Speed Rail Project

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Latest Update About California's $128 Billion High Speed Rail Project

In the sun kissed expanse of California, a visionary project known as the California High Speed Rail, is steadily taking shape. This publicly funded high speed rail system, a testament to innovation and ambition, is poised to transform the state's travel landscape.
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CAHSR was just awarded $3.1 billion in federal funding yesterday. Fantastic news!


I grew up in Merced (have been inside the classic Merced tower when I was a kid). This is so CAHSR project needed. I look forward to getting my ancient bones on board. California forever!


Actually, I'm glad that this site did something so many negative YouTube pages couldn't do. Actually explained the situation without finger pointing and using the blame game. This site has explained the project, the hurdles with funding, and the ultimate plan. Honestly, this is the way that YouTube should be using their bully-pulpit, as a way of building consensus. At least this site isn't using pictures from the HSR Project, stolen by the negative sites? Maybe, if these anti-HSR proponents would actually have a debate about the issue, we'd have much of the legal infighting ended and the project could be finished much faster?
I'm a member of the Rail Passenger Riders Association of California and Nevada. We've been waiting for HSR to be completed, but too many finger-pointers are bitching and complaining and too many NIMBY's want something else. Okay, how about you NIMBY's have to fund another expansion of the State's Highways yourself?


Video is not bad, but it doesn't mention that part of the CAHSR funds are going to upgrade Caltrain (in SF peninsula) for "blended system" use as well as more immediate improvement in commuter rail there. Also, that the state rail modernization plan focuses on integrating rail services to improve it everywhere.


This project just got a $3B boost from the Federal Government!!!!


Most of the opposition is paid by airlines. They see how high-speed railways literally kill aviation businesses on short and middle distances here in Europe. You just must work and work and work to push this project ahead. People who will try to get from LA to SF in under three hours in three times larger personal space and without security checks will never go back to planes. When the first operation is successfully opened, public support for HSR will grow dramatically.


I wish good luck to the project-start commercial operations as soon as possible and prove the critics wrong…!


I am first to comment. This channel will grow for sure. Will see this comment after 1 year.


Austria and Italy are building the longest tunnel in the world through the Alpes of 60km length. The little country of Denmark is currently building the longest combined rail and 4-lane-road tunnel of 20km through the Baltic Sea to connect Germany to Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
The US derail their single tiny rail-project compaired to the width of the country.
If Trump will become president again then there will be no highspeed train.


Publicly funded? The rest of America declines to fund anymore of this crazy money pit. 128B to finish? To finish WHAT PART?? More like 600B if you are honest.


Anyone know if any track has even been laid yet? I'm asking June 8 2024.


well done California. Hope you can have HSR in year 2200


It is a cover for a catapult weapon rail gun.


Indonesia has built RW 350 km/hour.jakarta bandung


$128 billion!!!.. to high dude.. should have ask China to do it for a Quarter the price in less than half the time.. what's the matter with you people..


Would Brightline be interested in finishing out this project? I wonder if financially it is even feasible. Maybe allow current projects to be completed in the SJ Valley, the have Brightline connect the line from Bakersfield south, San Jose to Merced and Merced to Sacramento. Maybe the only way they'd consider it would be on a cost plus basis. Perhaps such an arrangement would reduce the bottlenecks related to management. I don't know.


What i think about us and uk in term infrastructure, , It is too slow. Too bureaucratic. Too uncertain, it s too expensive.


If private firms would have designed the project, would the result been a much more simplistic version, with fewer expensive structures.


Elon Musk's Hyperloop would cost about half that yet it could go as fast as 700 mph - faster than an airliner!


Same old computer graphic images of an imaginary rail. The only reality is the same tired images of threat bridge with the hoops and the long rectangular overpass that I guess is the site of some future station. And btw that 128 Billion price tag? They’ve been using that for a couple years now. Reality now will cost near 150 Billion.
