What Is Grace?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1470
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Definition 1: Grace is what inclines God to give gifts that are free and undeserved. (Rom 3:24, Rom 5:15)
Definition 2: Grace is not only a disposition in the nature of God, but also a force, a power, an acting of God to change us for good work, obedience, suffering etc.


To put it simply: we can't fix what's wrong with us on our own, but God will do it if we let him in. Then he'll work through us to fix the world.


Thank you!!! I’m just now learning how to study my Bible at 29 … when I was saved at 13. The Spirit has been with me continually and I’ve been being pressed to really dig in and understand in my heart deeper. Grace was one of those things I understood but struggle to truly comprehend.


G - God's
R - Riches
A - At
C - Christ's
E - Expense


I love this channel... Watching From South Africa


Grace - the unmerited desire and power to do the will of God


If you guys like piper no doubt you’ll enjoy Paul washer his “shocking message” sermon saved me while I was camping secluded from all that the world has to offer. What a great God we have!


Titus 2:11-12For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age


help us Lord to come to terms with how awesome and amazing your grace Lord truly is please continue to pour it out on us every day


I like the way that Piper talks about adjusting the categories in his mind as he learns more about a topic. This is something we should all be doing constantly. As we learn more about things, it should be normal for us to decide that we need to modify and correct our views. Those who never do this are overconfident in their own ability to understand.


If you still don't understand grace don't give up. It's an amazing way of the Lord and worth understanding. Until that time, enjoy His love, peace, strength, power... He gives you! Those are all part of grace.


Grace is amazing, as the hymn goes 😊

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see"


If your reading this be encouraged and know Gods grace is helping us to become more like Him and not the World! Hang in there! I’m glad this was shared!!! Because I share similar things on my channel!


I am humbled that my Mother, Mary, named me Suzy, which she tells me over and over means “Graceful Lily.” Why do mother’s always seem to know what their children need decades before they know it? God bless all mothers and keep them in His Grace. 🙏🏾❤️


Who's here from Gabi demartino's video?


An influence to obedience… giving us and understanding of God’s word to do… I struggled with understanding Grace and have been seeking a clearer understanding… I felt is was more than a cliché. So, I started to seek its true intent… I watched a few preachers on YouTube, nothing that satisfying my soul. Then I came an Apostle teaching on grace. He is on point… I keep listening to him over and over again. It’s deeper than what we have heard. He is saying some of what Pastor John is saying, but he connects the dots…starting with God’s part, Jesus’ part & the Holy Spirt’s part. Grace produces understanding in a way that matures a Christian’s life.


Finally we have salvation and by his Grace you have to be my favorite songs


Grace is also Gods love, mercy his patience, his forgiveness and so on


Came here from Gabi's vlog. Anyone?


Like so many others I listen daily and am helped in the most down-to-earth practical ways. After looking at the comments it seems we are still trying to find the best definition. But the thing that struck me was what John pointed out about grace describing God’s character. I’m pretty discouraged, or disappointed in my lack of holiness in behavior and attitude (which I think comes from a too limited view of God’s glory). So today when I sheepishly came to Him in confession I couldn’t imagine why He would want to hear this again. But this better understanding of God’s gracious nature helped me picture differently what His attitude might be. Even if I experience some disciplinary consequences for my actions, I can be joyful in knowing the nature of the One who corrects me, and I will be less prone to feel discouraged in my relationship with Him.
