What is Grace? Part 1

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The grace of God is absolutely amazing and life changing. But why is it that we struggle to connect to something that is so incredible? Has grace lost its meaning in our hearts, or are we realizing we never had a firm equipping as to what grace really looks like in the first place? Are we in need of a grace reboot?

What about you? Do we know what grace is, in such a way that it has an impact in your thinking, your relationships and how you approach life?

While it is so life changing, believers overlook its impact for their life on a daily basis. The work of grace brings an invitation of divine empowerment for our lives, but many don’t know what they are even looking for. And when grace shows up, it brings out an awkwardness in us, we don’t even know what to do with it. Many think that grace is too good to be true. They’ve been beaten down by powerless religion for so long, they have become used to a life that is disconnected from the vibrancy and power that grace brings to our lives.

The truth is, we often struggle to wrap our minds around grace, because we didn’t do anything to earn this gift. It is extended to us as a work of God’s absolute love for us. Love is who God is. Grace is how He delivers it. Religion has often taught us to look at ourselves with such disdain, it has actually disconnected us from the beauty of the majesty in Christ Jesus that grace shows us. Meanwhile, we beat ourselves down in self-hatred and self-condemnation all day long.

Grace brings the power of the Gospel to set us free from sin, deliver us from captivity, and frees us to live a life that is empowered to be like Christ. But even moreso, grace ushers us into a relationship journey, a walk with God that is designed to bring about transformation, but it is a journey, one built on learning to grow in grace. As we take each step, grace helps us see ourselves and the world around us with God’s heart, more and more.

Grace shows us that God is with us through thick and thin. When things ugly and messy, grace is there to meet us and walk with us to greater victory. When grace runs out from other people, God’s grace is still available. When you feel that grace runs out for yourself, God’s grace has just gotten started. But there is an absolute war over people experiencing the beauty of grace in personal and meaningful ways. The battles that so many struggle with are inflamed because we have been disconnected from how amazing grace truly is.

Many of you are here because you are recognizing your need for a deeper experience with God’s grace. My goal is not to use a lot of fancy words or theological terms that can make this subject very heady. What I want to do is extract the empowering aspects of what grace is and let it reveal how we can practically experience it. I am excited to embark on this journey together with you, as we continue to embrace the power of grace.

2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Disclaimer: The content published is for informational purposes. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in our material.

The resources given are not designed to practice medicine or give professional medical advice, including, without limitation, medical direction concerning someone's medical and mental health. Any resources given are not to be considered complete and does not cover all issues related to mental and physical health. In addition, any information given should not replace consultation with your doctor or any other mental health providers and/or specialists.
Рекомендации по теме

This was me. I didn’t have a true knowledge of grace until I was 50. Wow. In the church my whole life, in His Word. But never had revelation of it. Until after my mental breakdown. Went from my head to my heart. I’m still learning to receive. I still put pressure on myself, but slowly getting better. One day at a time.


What stands out the most in this video: Grace is free! Grace was given to me when I lived in sin. Grace says, ”Quit trying to earn something you already have!!” Grace says, RELAX AND ACCEPT THE UNFAILING LOVE AND FORGIVENESS OF THE FATHER!! ❤Thank you Mark!!


What stood out to me was that we don't have to fix ourselves, or be ashamed of our past. Our past is what it is. God's grace is ours right now! Christ is my Savior. God sees me, and loves me in the same way He sees and loves Jesus every second of my life. Even the second after I've committed the same sin for the ten thousandth time.


OMG Mark! You are exactly right about receiving gifts for someone with OCD. I did lawncare for one of my customers two days later they asked me to come to the house. I wondered what was going on. They told me they were so happy with my work and surprised me with a brand new chainsaw that they were aware that I needed. When they handed it to me you should have seen the look on my face. I looked so stupid standing there. I had no idea how to receive this beautiful gift.


Wow, Wow! This is totally where I am . 15 years born again at age 62 and religious system to deal with brokenness turned into self condemnation and performance


The revelation that while I was in my sin and filth my Heavenly Father loved me as much as He loves me now


G.R.A.C.E. = God’s Righteousness At Christ’s Expense 🙏🏻 Bring on the Series!! 🎉


I published my first book this year called "You Will Make Mistakes: Discovering God's Grace in the Midst of Perfectionism." Oh how God has had to deliver me from the stronghold of the religious spirit (still on that journey). Grace was DEFINITELY awkward for me at first. I actually thought it was "too soft!" I am SO GRATEFUL now. Yes, I teach grace as a POWER that enables us! Grace meets us where we are but doesn't leave us there! Love that I just found you "by accident", Mark! God bless you!


G--Gods R--Riches A--AT C-Christ E---Expence Grace!!!!


I struggle with excepting the grace of the cross.this lesson helped me understand I don't have too perform.the cross was a gift. Thank you Mark. ❤.


Dear Mark, l had never heard of you before, but you are describing me, and l thought l was ALONE. Rather than what you tell me about the _salvation OCD_ l thought that l was ''cursed, or damned'' l know that it is God's providence, and GRACE that l found your channel. Thank you SO MUCH for your work!!! Yes, l REALLY did think l was ALONE, and l was frightened. :( Now l can SEE that God truly DOES love me. :) MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, and your family. ~ Vancouver BC.


This was me also. I have been in church for over 40 years and never understood the concept of grace. I spent most of my time self-reflecting and struggling internally about any sin in my life and how to fix it. I did not know how to rest in the Lord. I have been fasting and praying about this very thing. This morning as I woke up, a scripture came to me Hebrews 4:16 - come boldly unto the throne of grace. Once you understand God's grace and what it means, you can rest!


Grace does not require or depend on performance! Also realizing how much I've focused on the lies and combating them with truth when what I need is to learn about grace and love!


What stood out the most is that grace is the flavor that enhances our relationship with God. If we are serious about being in a relationship with God, we can’t neglect the essential ingredient of Grace. We must receive it


This teaching and others she listened to, has helped my daughter. She was struggling with everything you covered in this teaching and the one on obedience and Disobedience. When she told me what she was listening to, I had to listen too. It is so freeing. We are free to me ourselves but in Christ and in walking in love.


I was grieving very deeply my father, I use to to go to the same church and light candles. One day as I prayed I had a split second of knowing my Dad was in heaven. It is hard to explain. All I know is that I was comforted and knew undoubtedly where my Dad was, with Jesus


That I have to make the choice to receive it - that stuck out the most. On the other hand, it made me feel overwhelmed that I have so far to go. lol


On ''cheap'' grace: ''lf Grace cost a penny, it wouldn't be called Grace'' ~ Bob George from People to People Ministries. :)


I am a new momma and have been through a lot this season of my life. When I was pregnant, I found out I had cancer. I had my baby boy, had my cancer treatment, and was recovering mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from it all (still am!!). Also my baby boy went to the hospital for 10 days after he was born.
I was messaging my friend about how I was doing mentally, and she said to give myself GRACE. It reminded me that the Lord had whispered the same thing to me many months before she said that. This season is a season of GRACE for my body (postpartum and post cancer), mind (the craziness of it all), and spirit (the way I am relating to God). I have been feeling guilty lately for not reading my Bible as much, but this is such a great reminder that God sees me as His girl because of CHRIST! My status with Him and how He feels about me is the same whether I have the bandwidth to read my Bible or not.
Thank you, Mark, for making these videos. They have helped in so many ways… it’s like every time the Lord is teaching me something, I watch one of your videos and it confirms what He is teaching me!! You are a God-send!! 🙏🏻


This is the True & most affective method the church needs because I’ve been a victim myself of churches that push fear & shame
