How to run Kubernetes locally with Kind

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In this video, we're taking a look at how to spin up multiple Kubernetes clusters using Kubernetes Kind. This is a great utility for helping test compatibility for workloads running on different versions of Kubernetes.
You can test out your CI/CD or monitoring software on newer versions of Kubernetes before making the upgrades to your production system.

Running a K8s cluster in docker also makes it super fast to spin up
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Also, if you're new to Kubernetes, checkout my guides below:

Check out part 1 for how to install Kubernetes on Windows:

Check out part 2 of how to use KUBECTL:

Check out part 3 of how to do deployments

Check out part 4 of how to manage application configurations

Check out part 5 of secret management explained

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Thanks Sir, im building something simillar to replit, i couldnt afford a online cluster, this is excatly what i needed.


This is the future; we’re living it right now. I’ve been a full time developer for a long time now (since 2005) and during most of that time I’ve managed servers. VM’s were a boon. Then Vagrant comes out and makes it dead simple to spin up a machine, puppet to automate provisioning it. As the years go by, that then seems like a burden (but not compared to the traditional 2005 hardware days)… now Google comes along, looks at Docker and creates Kubernetes (inspired by Borg). My mind keeps getting blown with what’s possible and how easy it is. Now I’ve been basically instantly flipping from one version of PHP to the next, spinning up NGINX containers, Apache, Memcached, Redis, MySQL servers, whatever… for local development now everything is a piece of cake. Here I am watching this about how kind takes it _yet again_ to the next level, managed by the K8s SIG themselves, and then friggin’ containerizes K8s itself _through_ docker, under that is containerd, etc etc etc… mind = 💥


is that a jay cutler shirt?!!!! jacked!


I tried kind in my local environment, its very difficult to access the pods, I don't feel like good, kubernate cluster inside the container and then cluster contain container.


Amazing Can you please create a video on Atlantis for automating terraform pipeline???


Nice! But don't we have to install Go as well to be able to install or use Kind?


Great video. Were you running grafana locally in a container or vm? I would be interested to know how you configured kind to feed prometheus and then grafana


Hi Marcel!

I'm currently working hard to make my company use Kubernetes instead of the AWS Elastic container thingy (have never used it). For local development we use docker-compose.

In docker-compose we can easily configure volume binds from host to container using relative paths. For example, let's say we have a frontend service in the folder ./services/frontend then we may do ./services/frontend:/app. This is needed since we use webpack to watch for file changes and also nodemon for the backend.

I have tried out PersistentVolumes in Kubernetes and have made the same thing and it works. My only problem is that the hostPath has to be an absolute path, which will not really work for multiple people working with the same files on different machines. What would be your recommendation?

Love your videos!


Marcell, I would think that one you've created a cluster, you should be able to run a script like the below to push/build this environment inside the kid created cluster, what am I missing.
