EVERY SINGLE Blaster Type/Variant Explained!

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I was blown away when l found out the DC-15A had an option to turn the barrel upside down as the underbarrel grip was actually like a 4x scope. I don’t know if its canon but l saw an image online and l thought it was so cool but never saw it in action. I guess kinda like how the DC-15S stock can be extended but never happens on screen or in games


for me, probably one of the portable repeating blaster, mainly because it offers good fire rate for maximum damage in a short period of time.


There is also Ezra Bridger’s first lightsaber which was a blaster pistol/lightsaber hybrid and then there was the lightsaber/blaster rifle hybrid used by Joscta Nu the Jedi librarian in the cannon Star Wars comics which should be under the blaster melee weapon section of the video


My favorites are probably the wookiee bowcaster, the DC-15S blaster carbine, the ELG-3A blaster pistol and the DC-17M blaster used by clone commandos.


The Z-6 and DC15 have always been my favorite


No mention of the disruptor? Maximum power, maximum agony is really the way to go.


The Z-6 and the Clone Commando’s interchangeable blaster are my two favs


I love blasters they are so cool l just love the sound effects the blasters make when they fire 🔥🔥🔥


I'd take the E-11D as my main (it is my main in bf2) and a DL-44 as a side arm. Both are some of my favorites in star wars.


DC17M and the Z6! This is an awesome comparison and discussion about these blasters 🔥🔥🧡🧡


Love how you showed some love to Star War's Nobility while talking about the blasters.


I really enjoy your content keep it up! 👍


So, what kind of blaster was Chewbacca's bow-caster?
BTW, the blasters hidden in the Naboo Royal Throne (chair) were only secretly installed not long prior to the blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation. The throne was altered by Padme Amidala's Royal Bodyguard entourage as a precaution, much to the chagrin of Captain Panaka who was appalled of the idea of desecrating an age-old relic of the Naboo Royal Office. (This information according to the 2020 book "Queen's Peril" by E.K. Johnston.)


I always imagined Jango Fett had modified his dual pistols to produce more stopping power. Their brutal sound is always a highlight for me in the general meh of Ep II


I’m a bit torn. I’d like a small arsenal with options, but if I have to choose one it’ll be between the DH-17 and the A-180. The DH-17 is a simple but reliable carbine/pistol good for a lot and can blast wamp rats or thieves with equal efficiency. The A-180 can be carried as a pistol that is slim and compact enough to carry openly or concealed, or you can use extra components to turn it into a blaster rifle for mid-ranged pest control, a sniper for long range for hunting and an ion configuration for blasting droids or stunning unwanted guests. The DH-17 is simple and common, easy to replace and find parts for maintenance, but the A-180 is more versatile. So it would honestly depend on my situation: as a rebel the A-180 is a good option for combat effectiveness, and as a farmer or regular Ben in Star Wars I’d probably go with the DH-17.


Reminds me of literally every Spikeyvincibles universe's common and iconic type of Firearm, so I can use every single Blaster Firearm, used for large ranges of Combat types, off, and on the Battlefields. I'll use this video, for my Spikeyvincibles ranks. 😊😊😊 Literally every single Spikeyvincibles multiverse series, use the Blaster Firearm, to go along with their own set of Melee Weapons, and Super Abilities, and many others, and the difference is they neither wear down, or overheat, not even a single one, and also it was effective against Generic enemies, such as the Deviantron Genericons, and the Audirookie Gangsters Clan-troopers, but not always against Indiviual-class Cosplayers, such as the Antane-RVEGette-led Deviantrons, their fellow Tokyian-led Deviantron Forces, and several other Bosses, and Mini-Bosses, and there's more batches of them, and so on. So I'll add that to my list, as well. 😊😊😊 As a bonus, the difference between the Star Wars Blaster Firearms, and Spikeyvincibles Blaster Firearms, is that the Spikeyvincibles' Firearms neither punch through the characters, such as the Playable Characters' Armor, or Clothings, nor kill them, instead they were useful enough, against the Generic Foot Soldiers, such as the Audirookie Gangster-friendly Allies, the Loyal Deviantron Genericons, and the Rebel Deviantron Genericons, and they were also used against the Rebel Deviantrons, and their supporters, one of the most leading Rebel-targeting usages, were the Innocence-friendly Law Peoples and Police-led Forces, and their supporters, when it comes to saving the Innocent lives, followed by their supporters', and supporting the Tokyian-led Deviantron Forces, the FEMANS Forces, the Innocence and Innocence-friendly supporters. I'll add that to my list, as well, also. 😊😊😊 Thanks for your support, Red Five Forces, and may the Force be with you. 👍👍👍😊😊😊😊


I´d love if you would make a video about every single known Jedi temple in galaxy.


I love the S-5 (Naboo pistol with grappling hooks) tons of utility, packs a punch and it has the green bolt


My favorite blaster and the one I would use is the Z-6 roter blaster


Definately a convertable blaster for situations, a carbine for compact environments and a custom heavy blaster pistol with ion casing
