Ionic VueJS - Vue 3 Composition API for State Management with Ionic Framework

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Ionic VueJS - Vue 3 Composition API for State Management with Ionic Framework
#ionic #vuejs #composition-api
1:13 - walkthrough basic tab application
2:22 - how we are managing data on one page
3:32 - making data accessible in both tabs - creating a composable
5:50 - using the data service composable in tab1
7:25 - accessing data in tab2
8:50 - delete the item and update data
12:30 - adding functions to get the current item and delete it… it was wrong because I was trying to use arrays
19:30 - realized deleting items by index in the array will break after I delete the first item
26:48 - Review what we accomplished
💥 BLOG 💥
Please watch: "Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor"
Ionic VueJS - Vue 3 Composition API for State Management with Ionic Framework
#ionic #vuejs #composition-api
1:13 - walkthrough basic tab application
2:22 - how we are managing data on one page
3:32 - making data accessible in both tabs - creating a composable
5:50 - using the data service composable in tab1
7:25 - accessing data in tab2
8:50 - delete the item and update data
12:30 - adding functions to get the current item and delete it… it was wrong because I was trying to use arrays
19:30 - realized deleting items by index in the array will break after I delete the first item
26:48 - Review what we accomplished
💥 BLOG 💥
Please watch: "Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor"
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