Soul - Epiphany (clip)

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I really like how this isn't a cliché "follow your dreams" movie, but rather a message to people saying, "Follow your dreams, but don't make them your main purpose for existing."


The scene that made me think "there's no way this movie is for children." I swear I had an existential crisis


If you cried to this scene, that's your soul calling for you to wake up. Please dont go back to sleep.


Life isn't defined by one big thing we do in our lives, sometimes we forget that life is only enjoyable because of all the little things that life gives us. Every big thing is made of small things.


Joe lived his entire life for music, but realized that he took all the other beautiful things he experienced for granted. There’s nothing wrong with having a dream, but don’t make it your sole reason for living. Life is filled with moments, good and bad. Those moments are special because nobody else got to experience them like you did. Life is beautiful because we all experience it in our own way. A way nobody else can take from us.


As a screenwriter, this movie unnerved me at first. The way it just kept jumping from plot point to plot point just to seemingly drag things out- It just didn’t make any sense! I wasn’t sure where it was going!
But then, when Joe laid all those trinkets (memories) out on the piano… I got it.
Life is nothing more than a series of loosely-connected plot points. Like Joe, I’d been so busy trying to see how each sequence sequence tied into the bigger picture, that I’d never stopped to realize how they stood on their own. Needless to say, it blew my mind.


This isn't just how you win an Oscar. This is how you _deserve_ an Oscar


I remember watching this scene and cry myself out of how much beutiful things in this life that I've taken for granted. I've been feeling suicidal, I thought my life has no worth. And then I remembered those moments where I would ride my bike in a sunny day and I breathed in the fresh air. Or when I'm enjoying my time on my rooftop listening to music, watching the skies the stars the moon. I feel so warm and i feel like i want to continue living, just to enjoy all those things a little bit longer. Nobody knows until when.


when he's on the bike and looking up at the sky, i cry every time


*”The same things that make us laugh, make us cry.”*


Literally can not listen to this song without bursting into tears. First time I saw this scene I was crying my eyes out like a baby and I don’t cry during movies. One of the most powerful scenes I’ve seen in a movie in a while


I like how they added 2:17. Earlier in the movie he was embarrassed when seeing himself failing and sitting alone. Now he is thankful for even those little moments of enjoying a piece of pie alone in the Diner, while it rains outside.


The fish Dorothea Williams referred to in her analogy was him. He was the fish in the water looking for the ocean. Little did he realize he was already in the ocean he just didn't see it. This scene captured the meaning very deeply. This is brilliance.


The one where he eats by himself and playing the piano with his father when hes old really makes me cry 😭


My therapist recommended this movie a year ago when I was at my lowest. Once I saw this scene I couldn't stop crying. I was confused, how can being happy be as simple as that, and at the same time I can't feel anything except sadness and hate for life, I couldn't enjoy anything, even if it was a big achievement, everything was only dark in my eyes. After a year, with the therapy sessions and medications, I FINALLY can feel this scene as it is, I FINALLY can feel the beauty of the small things in life. I'm FINALLY healing.


One of the most powerful animated sequences ever. It makes me cry every single time.


At 02:26 that’s Curley. It’s beautiful how proud Joe is of him so he remembers fondly of when he taught him how to play drums.


There's this saying that we cry not because things are sad but because they are more beautiful than we thought. Pixar always has these tear jerking scenes, however, this movie is unique because it does not need to have tragedy to make us cry like Toy Story or Up. This makes us appreciate the beauty of life :) no matter how bleak it can get.


The things in Joe's pocket were a samara leaf, a pizza crust, a piece of a bagel, a lollipop, a spool of thread and a bus pass card. Just those things alone show Joe that he was missing out on the other things that life had to offer aside from music.


Everytime I fall back into depression I come back to this video, and it always pulls me out of my dark place. Thank you for this scene.
