[1 HOUR] Soul OST - Epiphany - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

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Chào các bạn, lại là mình đây. Hôm nay mình mang đến một trong số các bản soundtrack mình thích nhất từ những bộ phim hoạt hình Pixar nhé, bản nhạc tên là Epiphany trong bộ phim Soul do Trent Reznor và Atticus Ross biểu diễn. Mình biết đến bản nhạc này do một lần mình đang stress trong cuộc sống và hôm đó mình quyết định đến rạp một mình rồi chọn ngẫu nhiên một bộ phim để xem và mình đã biết đến Soul từ đó. Bộ phim đã cho mình có một cái nhìn khác về cuộc sống quanh chúng ta, đoạn nhân vật chính là anh thầy giáo dạy nhạc Joe bỏ trong túi ra những đồ vật linh tinh rồi bắt đầu hồi tưởng lại những ký ức và kỷ niệm qua những phím đàn, khi bản nhạc cất lên nó đã thực sự làm mình có một cảm giác khác lạ... tuy bản nhạc không có giai điệu vui vẻ hay tiết tấu lôi cuốn nhưng trong đó là sự bình yên giản dị đến bất ngờ, nó cho mình thấy rằng đôi khi chúng ta luôn theo đuổi những mục tiêu lớn lao mà không biết rằng những điều nhỏ nhặt thường ngày cũng có thể mang lại cho chúng ta sự hạnh phúc. Nếu bạn có thời gian hãy thưởng thức Soul một lần nhé, mình nghĩ bạn sẽ thích bộ phim này và hãy luôn lạc quan, tận hưởng những khoảnh khắc nhỏ thường ngày nhé vì biết đâu chúng cũng có thể mang lại hạnh phúc cho bạn (^_^).

LƯU Ý: Do đây là bản nhạc trong playlist mình hay nghe trước khi ngủ nên mình đã làm thành độ dài một tiếng. Nếu bạn muốn nghe bản nhạc gốc hoặc nghe toàn bộ soundtrack của Soul mình để link phía dưới nhé.

Mình hy vọng bạn thích bản nhạc này và hãy nhấn ĐĂNG KÝ để có thể nghe thêm nhiều bản nhạc hay nhé. (^_^)

XIN LƯU Ý: Mình không sở hữu bản nhạc này, tất cả các quyền liên quan đến bản nhạc đều thuộc về nghệ sĩ.

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Hi guys, it's me again. Today I bring one of my favorite soundtracks from Pixar animated movies, the song called Epiphany from the movie Soul performed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. I know this song because once I was stressed in my life and that day I decided to go to the theater alone and randomly choose a movie to watch and I have known Soul since then. The film gave me a different view of the life around us, when the main character is the music teacher Joe put out his pocket miscellaneous things and then began to recollect past memories and the music played, it really made me have a different feeling... although the music didn't have a happy melody or catchy rhythm, but there was a surprisingly simple peace in it, it shows me that sometimes we are always chasing big goals without knowing that the little everyday things can also bring us happiness. If you have time, please watch Soul once, I think you will enjoy this movie and always be optimistic, enjoy the small everyday moments because maybe they can bring you happiness too (^_^).

PLEASE NOTE: This is 1 hour soundtrack I edit for my go to sleep playlist. If you want to listen to the original or listen to the full soundtrack of Soul movie, please click the link below.

Hope you enjoy this video and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more beautiful song. (^_^)

PLEASE KINDLY NOTE : I don't own the rights to this music. All rights reserved to the artist.

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- Nghệ sĩ/ Artist: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross

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Music makes Miracles
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My dad passed away while this movie was showing in the cinema. Every time I listen to this Epiphany, I think of him… I was a rebel, but my dad kept his last breath until he saw me home. I kissed him, and he said Thank You to me. A few hours later, he is gone forever. I’m still mourning and grieving now. Because there’s too much guilt and pain in me, I believe it will stick with me forever. But Papa, Thank you for giving me such a big Love and Epiphany. Thank you and I love you


I've been applying for jobs and haven't heard back from them. I really need a job or else I can't pay my rent and eat properly. Not hearing back from the 300+ job applications has been making me feel so depressed and hopeless. I ask myself, am I not good enough? Why can't someone notice me and see that I could be an amazing employee? Is there something wrong with me? It makes me want to give up. But I remember what the movie was about, and I'm reminded that maybe I'm being consumed by something and I'm losing my soul. I am still applying for jobs, but I won't let it get me down. I have to remind myself that I'll hear back from someone. I will.


Holding my baby right now, rocking him yo sleep while listening to this song. I hope he grows up to love life and love people. I hope I can give him the courage to love everything about life.


Always remember.. while listening to this.. you're a SOUL.❤


One of the best disney pixar and tear jerking movie of all time, it realizes my soul to open up my deepest centuries of happy days when i was a kid and i'm glad that i found it. Soul will be forever in my heart 💜


Its beyond words how beautiful this is. Paired with that emotional scene makes tears flow down my face. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, thank you.


My husband had just passed away when this movie came out. Thank you for all the beautiful music that has been a balm to my soul.


First time I watched this was at home with my parents and my niece and nephew during New Years. My parents were tired from watching the kids and they were just enjoying the movie after a long day of fun and games with Granny and Pa. Meanwhile, I was watching the movie and left floored at the simple message that it had, one that I never realized until Joe's epiphany...

And then I was crying... Mom noticed and asked me what was wrong, and I told her:

Mom, I forgot how to just LIVE... I forgot what being alive was...

I felt like a child again as she comforted me, safe in my mother's arms. Thank you, Disney and Pixar, for giving us such a beautiful movie and an experience I will treasure for all of my days


...just listened to the entire video, nonstop.

while doing so... I poured over many, many memories I had over the past 10 years... I eventually started going through my camera roll. and, man, I had forgotten about over 80% of the things I had done.

to say tonight was an incredibly humbling, mind numbing, nostalgic trip... is putting it mildly.


I absolutely love this track, man. Ever since I watched Soul back in 2021, it's been my favorite from the film. It continues to bring up emotions and other emergent things that I can only describe as indescribable.


Straight up, this is my favorite song in a Pixar movie.

Makes me cry with tears of joy and profound emotion every time I hear it.

This may just be my favorite film Pixar has done too. I’d say movies like The Incredibles and Finding Nemo had a big part to play in my childhood, but it’s Soul that made me realize that despite the rocky road Pixar has taken since Cars 2, they are still masterful storytellers, and that they are capable of telling stories that can have an impact on anyone and everyone who sees them.

Like most, I saw this movie at a time where things seemed to be at their lowest point, but it taught me that life is worth living and how special it truly is to be here.

Thank you Pete for knocking another film out of the park.


My great grandpa passed away 4 years ago 😢 and this song will always help me remind him for being the best that he could in his life. Miss you😢


I have lost the will to live and only this song accompanies me in my hours of solitude


I feel like someone needs to hear this. I am a teenager who has held in my tears so much that I can’t even cry anymore. I am stuck between choosing a friendship and a relationship with a crush. I know it sounds like drama but to young people like us, we think it’s a pretty big deal. I always felt like I was too much and hat everyone really hated me. To this day I still have those thoughts but hearing this song helps me proves and think about all the good things and memories I have made with people. My friends at one point were the only people keeping me alive and I just wanted to thank the people out threes who don’t care if your too loud in public and those people who will at least tel me if I’m too loud. Trust me things will get better and you will struggle still but trust in God and you can over come anything. Just as I have. Have a good day. 😁❤️


I am listening to this for hours and hours while studying for my exams which are currently going on and they are very stressful. This helps me calm down and this song is just truly incredible. Thanks


chiêm nghiệm về film này ông trời luôn tự biết an bài cho mình điều gì là tốt nhất đừng nên cãi lại số mệnh sẽ gặp bất hạnh lớn rồi đến lúc mình hối hận cũng chẳng tự giúp gì được😢nếu lặp lại thì hãy sống đến khi nào thoát khỏi thì thôi điều giúp mình nhất vừa tốt vừa hợp lý là thuận theo tự nhiên😊


This music helps me calm down when I feel overwhelmed and stress. For the past few days, I’ve had one stressful day after another. At this point I felt like quitting. But my co-worker told me that I’m not alone, there’s people out there who understand how I feel. Pixar has been my childhood for my entire life and still does to this day. I’ll look forward to see Elemental coming this summer.🔥💧


This song really is emotional because my bestest friend passed away at the same age as I was at 11 and 😢I still listen to this so to this day and now I’m 14 and tears of joy come out of my eyes. Peace and love


this musical piece rlly makes u ponder about the meanings of life, and how beautiful it is . every small part of life is worth it, and we all have to enjoy life as it lasts, as we all know that we r not always gonna stay on this earth, and life will eventually end. all the happy bits in life must be considered, even if they r very small, they r still happy memories that should be cherished. and, if life has turned a bad side upon u, u should always be optimistic and hope 4 the best and remember that there will always be some1 in the world going through a worse time than u. u should always count how many blessing u have, and that u r lucky to be alive. also, remember that ppl arent born with purposes, u make ur purpose on this earth, with all the things u do that make a difference in the world. as well as that, a purpose doesnt decide who u r, u r greater than anything. make a spark that shines ur days!
have a nice day yall! :D


So grateful for Jon batiste and Trent Raznor and Atticus Ross. The whole sound track was miraculous.


This makes me so emotional. I have lost my mom in 2021. Still grieving badly and I know this will never stop, for this pain is too deep. I watched this movie a month after her passing together with my dad. Made us so emotional :(.
