Human Design | An Introduction with Ra Uru Hu

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In this lecture, Ra explains why Human Design is the Science of Differentiation, and introduces Human Design components such as Definition, Type, Conditioning, Inner and Outer Authority. While basic, these components are the foundation upon which our unique Design is built.

Click the link below to download this 35-minute audio lecture, classroom recording, and illustrated ebook transcript now, and elevate your understanding of how Human Design can guide your life:

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I feel so happy to hear Ra's original teachings. Thank you for sharing! <3


As a real newbie of only a few days, I was blown away by this recording! So excited to begin this fascinating journey!! 🤓


I've been suicidal my whole life.
Such a hard, hard, painful, difficult,
abusive, traumatic life, so far...

At the beginning of this year,
to top everything off...
The man whom I revered
as my best friend,
abandoned and betrayed me.
He replaced me.


It's all a game.

We are here to explore, to have adventures,
to unlearn and to learn and to relearn...

I keep getting the message: "it's not that serious"!

The universe, the multiverse,
she now sings inside me...
Like I'm a sacred cathedral!✨💛


Human Design feels very like astrology in that it helps us understand the influences we fall under, such as karma, the stars, planets, etc...

The Yogic masters, among others, teach that these influences can be transcended.

I'm currently studying Human Design, and yet I feel that this is only an intermediary step. I think, as Ra says, we are to use this system to find ourselves.

We are to learn to listen to, what in the Bible called "the still, small voice of God", that voice of intuition, the voice of the inner guide, the higher self. That which leads us into our highest potential for the expansion of experience in this reality.

I look forward to seeing what comes of my experiment. 😊🙏🏼🪷


Memory Lane ❣ ... after over ten years, when I first bumped into the HD knowledge, listening again and I am still sitting here with tears in my eyes 😢for having been lucky of being granted so much Truth 🤗 ... Love to all! 💝 who truly get it! 🌞🌛✨


This explanation is interesting. Understanding, living with, and decision making with my imprint helps to make different decisions that ultimately will advance the evolution of my consciousness to live more from what my soul wants/needs.


Each moment:
life gets easier and easier.

I love my life.

I will no longer be trapped
in a fake prison.
I am setting myself free, NOW!

It hurt, and that's the past.
I now live in the present.

I am the phoenix
rising from the ashes!


Thank you for all of your videos. I’ve been diving deep finding HD just recently and I’m a bit obsessed lol. I have all defined centers and am a quad split.


Wow! That was poetically put together. Thank you Ra Ura Hu <3


Here’s how you were designed in body, for interaction, to be in this construct. It is informative too see the precision used in this creation, even though it is false one. This systems creators are intelligent in their technology, mathematics, magnetic/electrical systems that are so fine tuned, in order to hold things together here, have them work in unison. Very very convincing, until you are aware of the cold, mechanical, fakeness of it all. Undefined centers, gates, lines, all meaning, an original human was cut off, cut down and this human design created so that it takes the many, to even make it work. Planetary influences to make it work. I am glad, they revealed how they designed these bodies, inner systems, to operate. I’ve only learned some about this to understand the ways the builders of this matrix, fake creation, were able to pull this off. Between their sky and ocean technology, everything designed to operate through magnetic/electrical systems all held together and controlled by the metal ai “god” of this place, only further affirms for me, how we were enslaved to this system and that these controllers can only copy/paste, clone, steal and cover/hide, the original creation and mimic the highest true GOD creator😊. Try as they may, there is no room or place in these body designs for the spirit/spark of the real Creator. The original divine design being complete, with non spliced DNA, no genetic altering and cut off centers, gates, channels, etc. A Whole being, each and every one, not feeding off another. I’ve learned a lot about these systems, scripts, of this construct through looking at these human design videos. These systems are now starting to fail and soon, in the blink of our eye, 🙃, this fake assed construct with just, phase out and we will be in the original, again. Wakey wakey!!


This is so helpful ❤thank you for sharing. I have never been able to buy any of it. Only managed to pay for a reading and was lucky to find Richmond in Sedona.


This is one of the most informative videos of Ra I have ever seen. <3
I hope there is a similar video, where he explains a reflector bodygraph...


Thank you for sharing this incredible informations 🙏👍


Very Powerful and totally makes sense!


Just as I was starting to think "This may all be bullshit. Most videos say very generic things", I came upon something in my map and I felt seen. Maybe more than I'd like to.


How to know more about HD ? Any helpful information?


Being a mental projector is so hard because with only Ahmad and head defined, I would try to make decisions from the mind, but that would be incorrect, yet the alternative is tricky (sounding board? Environmental? )


Nothing to live for.
Nothing to hope for.
999-trillion oceans of despair and grief.
Rage rapes me.
I feel suicidal.
I don't breathe.
I am submerged in frozen darkness.
My soul silently wails.
I have nobody.
I'm all alone.
Filled with anguish and terror.
I can only pray to die.
I don't know what else to pray for.
All I feel is misery and desperation.
Grief eats my soul.
I cannot, do not breathe.
He left me.
Discarded me like last week's garbage.
The despair is truly unbearable.


Hi i tried to make a human design chart from your website i found that calculator in your website show me profile 6/2 but when i calculate on other site it show me profile 5/ 2 .I want to know if it is your website or another website miscalculating. Can you check it for me please?


So we are all fucked? What happens after 2027?

Sorry this video feels a lot like those 90s cult videos (remember Heaven's Gate)
