Resolving expired certificates in a PKI (HTTPS) based SCCM OSD Lab

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I've created multiple PKI basaed guides to get you up and running in a lab and also to integrate that PKI (HTTPS) infrastructure with SCCM.

I've linked all of them in the below blog post.

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I'm running in HTTPS with PKIs but I think I'm missing something when it comes to PXE as I'm getting the following messages spammed in my SMSPXE.log file whenever a machine tries to PXE boot: 7096 0x1bb8 in ssl but with no client cert.

I went to Administration, Security and then Certificates. In there I had 2 out of 3 blocked DP certificates and the issued to fields were showing as GUIDs rather than actual FQDNs.

Any ideas?


Nial, why is it when you pxe boot and looked at the smspxe.log you still see in ssl but no client cert?, I am having this issue right now and resolving policy is taking forever to bring up the advertise task sequence window
