Assistant Chief Fire officer gives advice ahead of bonfire night

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Copyright belongs to Clipstorm/ The Belfast Telegraph
By Kirsten Elder
The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service has urged bonfire builders to think "safety first" on the Eleventh night.
Last year the NIFRS attended 33 bonfire-related incidents on the Eleventh night which was nine more than in 2015.
In addition the NIFRS control centre dealt with 43 bonfire related 999 calls which was an increase of 12 from the previous year.
The NIFRS advises constructors to build it so it is stable and will not collapse and that foam-filled furniture, tyres, aerosols, tins of paint or bottles should not be used.
They also advises that responsible adults should look after lighting the bonfire and before it is lit check that no children or pets are hiding inside.
Alan Walmsley, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Prevention and Protection said their main priority was keeping people safe and appealed directly to bonfire builders and community representatives to listen to their advice.
By Kirsten Elder
The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service has urged bonfire builders to think "safety first" on the Eleventh night.
Last year the NIFRS attended 33 bonfire-related incidents on the Eleventh night which was nine more than in 2015.
In addition the NIFRS control centre dealt with 43 bonfire related 999 calls which was an increase of 12 from the previous year.
The NIFRS advises constructors to build it so it is stable and will not collapse and that foam-filled furniture, tyres, aerosols, tins of paint or bottles should not be used.
They also advises that responsible adults should look after lighting the bonfire and before it is lit check that no children or pets are hiding inside.
Alan Walmsley, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Prevention and Protection said their main priority was keeping people safe and appealed directly to bonfire builders and community representatives to listen to their advice.