Distance and Online Training & Assessment

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RTOs conduct training and assessment through distance and online delivery methods for a variety of reasons such as meeting learner demand in rural and remote areas, community or Government needs, or more recently to meet physical distancing measures introduced to minimise COVID-19 infection.

This two hour webinar is designed to highlight the drivers of distance, online and blended training and assessment and the opportunities these modes of delivery offer RTOs - tempered by an awareness of associated risk.
It is important for RTOs to continue to demonstrate compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards), the relevant training package and any industry and regulatory requirements irrespective of the mode of delivery.

The session considers risk identification with a focus on ensuring that an RTO’s compliance with the Standards can be maintained at all times. Topics also include: factors to consider when determining whether distance, online and blended learning is appropriate for an RTO’s learner cohort; if this mode of delivery can be supported by the RTO; will meet the training package requirements and what strategies can be implemented to ensure effective distance, online and blended modes of VET.

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