My DIY Eurorack Modular Synth

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Join me on my journey of soldering together a DIY Eurorack modular synth. I wanted to build a synthesizer for a very long time and I've finally reached my goal! I've now built two rows of Eurorack modules, through-hole, SMD, and even modules where I designed my own PCBs! In this video I tell you how I went about learning enough electronics to build something as cool as that!

In case you're wondering where I've been: We moved house and it took forever to set up my new studio. This video was still filmed in the old studio, so for me it's a little bit of a blast from the past. There is lots of new stuff in the works and soon I'll show you the new space!

Resources I showed:
Look Mum No Computer
✪ Many links I use are affiliate links, so you can support me at no extra cost to you! ✪

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0:00 Learning electronics
6:14 Building Guitar pedals
7:25 Why modular?
8:14 Modular formats
9:53 Sound sources - Starting with semi modular
11:21 the case and other essentials
12:50 Building through-hole modules
17:06 Building modules with SMD parts
20:43 Building from schematics - Designing PCBs
24:32 What does it sound like?
26:09 Project Conclusions
28:54 Outro

My own, which I make under the name Polarcoaster.
Oh, and let me know if it's getting too eerie 🙃

*Recording Equipment*

✪ Many links I use are affiliate links, so you can support me at no extra cost to you! ✪

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I love this so much. I’ve built over 150 different eurorack modules now, mostly from PCBs people designed and I get my own parts. I also have about 6 of my own designs as well. It becomes addicting once you really get into it and I love my modular system so much, it’s like an audio playground with unlimited potential.


This is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story. I look forward to your future instalments.


I don't know how you did it, but you have just inspired me to start over my mechanical engineering studies that I gave up 20 years ago! I guess it is your passion, the one I've lost somewhere on the way...Thank you for that!


I think you are an amazing woman. I do work with many electronic musical equipment brands, EURORACK is the best in custom attributes, sliders, knobs, mods, designs. Digital assemblies are hard to extend, love🖤.


This world needs more people like you ❤❤


heyy you are amazing, thanks for sharing your progress, its massive inspiration for me ☺


I really enjoyed this video. I too want to build a synth with my own hands but am afraid of all the maths involved! I have been a fan of Look Mum No Computer as well which has inspired me to not give up. The fact that I, an art and humanities person through and through am interested in electronics through synth music is wild, I never would have thought possible. Also so happy to see fellow women learning electronics, we have a long history with electronics and technology from the very start, amazing! Subscribed :)


Every now and then the algorithm shows a video that I 'll manage to watch it thru the end and I won't regret spending half an hour watching it afterward. Not very often thought.
Congrats for everything you have succeeded.


wow Lilly i'm amazed to see we had sooo similar learning curves in synths, you did almost exactly the same steps as I did! The first thing I have built was a "ms20" guitar pedal from random schematic from internet, then I got a 3018 cnc to make my first pcb prototypes, I still use it to make pcbs at home but now I just drill and cut on it and I print the circuit with photoresist film method.
My first semimodular was.. yess, behringer crave! Then I started filling my rack with behringer modules because they are cheap and they help planning your modular so I used them as kind of functional blind panels and now I'm replacing them with more expensive modules. After that I ordered my first pcb assembly in china of guess what... yes, mutable instruments peaks! :) I'm software engineer so firmwares and digital modules are closer to me and I'm going to build more of MI modules and use one of those as devboard to write my own firmware from scratch. But analog circuits are so cool I even got the same book about analog circuits you have in the video. Recently I ran out of rack space so I 3d printed more space for it. I got my first befaco full kit two weeks ago (vc adsr) and today I'm going to build three more kits during "modular day" workshop organized by befaco in barcelona.
We did progress in so similar way, I wonder if it is kind of common usual road everyone who wants to make synths takes. So you know the next step: starting your own mini company, I think I'll come there in few years and I'll find my modules or my diy kits in synth shops one day.
Good luck and have fun building more instruments for you and for other musicians!


What you have done is excellent. I'm right at the beginning of the modular journey and watching your video is inspirational. Thanks.


Thank you for posting this, I definitely can relate to your journey. Your perseverance is impressive and this testing of patience is very telling of your personality and character. Hats off, dude.


What a wonderful journey! I love hearing about adventures like yours. You are a true inspiration! Best wishes in all of your future projects and successes!


super relatable! I love it. It all starts with a single step.


Lilly ...great and very inspiring the way you have achieved things by gradually honing up your sills over the years!! Zillions thumbs up👍👍!!


This is seriously impressive. I’m currently planning to build my own modular from scratch, pretty much starting entirely with Look Mum No Computer’s designs. Thanks for uploading this, it’s so encouraging


Thank you for sharing your journey. I am incredibly inspired, now.


Congrats for your project and also for inspiring by sharing. Have a beautiful day.


You are awesome!. Congrats and also thanks for sharing this info. :)


That feeling of your first working pcb you designed, then realising you can make anything now ❤


I have so much respect for people who are not scared to learn.
Awesome story you have lady! 🤘😁👌
