Learn Japanese | Minna No Nihongo Lesson 3 Vocabulary

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Mina-san! I made all the lesson files available on my PATREON page! 👏🥳🎉
You can get access to the PDF of the vocabulary and grammar lessons that I use in my videos, and the vocabulary flashcards too! ✨ すごいでしょう? ✨
🙇 みなさん、よろしくおねがいします! 🙇
1. here, this place [koko; ここ]
2. there, that place [soko; そこ]
3. that place over there [asoko; あそこ]
4. where, what place [doko; どこ]
5. this way, polite form of ‘koko’ [kochira; こちら]
6. that way, polite form of ‘soko’ [sochira; そちら]
7. that way over there, polite form of ‘asoko’ [achira;]
8. classroom [kyoushitsu; きょうしつ]
9. dining hall, canteen [shokudou; しょくどう]
10. office [jimusho; じむしょう]
11. conference room, assembly room [kaigishitsu; かいぎしつ]
12. reception desk [uketsuke; うけつけ]
13. lobby [robii; ロビー]
14. room [heya; へや]
15. toilet, rest room [toire/otearai; トイレ・おてあらい]
16. staircase [kaidan; かいだん]
17. elevator, lift [erebeetaa; エレベーター]
18. escalator [esukareetaa;エスカレーター]
19. country [kuni; くに]
20. company [kaisha; かいしゃ]
21. house, home [uchi; うち]
22. telephone, telephone call [denwa; でんわ]
23. shoes [kutsu; くつ]
24. necktie [nekutai; ネクタイ]
25. wine [wain; ワイン]
26. tabacco, cigarette [tabako; タバコ]
27. department, counter [uriba; うりば]
28. basement [chika; ちか]
29. -th floor [-kai/-gai 〜かい・がい]
30. what floor [nankai; なんかい]
31. -yen [-en; 〜えん]
32. how much [ikura; いくら]
33. hundred [hyaku; ひゃく]
34. thousand [sen; せん]
35. ten thousand [-man; 〜まん]
36. Excuse me [sumimasen; すみません]
37. polite form of ‘desu’ [-degozaimasu; 〜でございます]
38. Please show me- [-o misetekudasai; 〜を みせてください]
39. well, then, in that case [ja; じゃ]
40. Give me - please. [-o kudasai; 〜を ください]
These lessons are based from the Minna No Nihongo (初級) Beginner textbooks. But even if you don’t have the textbooks, you can still follow along the lessons by just watching the video.
I'm currently living in Japan and I use Japanese at work and daily life. I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my language school and through self-study. I'm not a native Japanese speaker nor am I a licensed Japanese language teacher. I’ve passed the JLPT N3 exam and am planning to take the JLPT N2 test in the future. So if you find any mistakes, feel free to let know so that we can all learn together. Thank you!
#Nihongo #Japanese #Language #Learning #MinnaNoNihongo #StudyJapanese #JLPT #N5 #N4
You can get access to the PDF of the vocabulary and grammar lessons that I use in my videos, and the vocabulary flashcards too! ✨ すごいでしょう? ✨
🙇 みなさん、よろしくおねがいします! 🙇
1. here, this place [koko; ここ]
2. there, that place [soko; そこ]
3. that place over there [asoko; あそこ]
4. where, what place [doko; どこ]
5. this way, polite form of ‘koko’ [kochira; こちら]
6. that way, polite form of ‘soko’ [sochira; そちら]
7. that way over there, polite form of ‘asoko’ [achira;]
8. classroom [kyoushitsu; きょうしつ]
9. dining hall, canteen [shokudou; しょくどう]
10. office [jimusho; じむしょう]
11. conference room, assembly room [kaigishitsu; かいぎしつ]
12. reception desk [uketsuke; うけつけ]
13. lobby [robii; ロビー]
14. room [heya; へや]
15. toilet, rest room [toire/otearai; トイレ・おてあらい]
16. staircase [kaidan; かいだん]
17. elevator, lift [erebeetaa; エレベーター]
18. escalator [esukareetaa;エスカレーター]
19. country [kuni; くに]
20. company [kaisha; かいしゃ]
21. house, home [uchi; うち]
22. telephone, telephone call [denwa; でんわ]
23. shoes [kutsu; くつ]
24. necktie [nekutai; ネクタイ]
25. wine [wain; ワイン]
26. tabacco, cigarette [tabako; タバコ]
27. department, counter [uriba; うりば]
28. basement [chika; ちか]
29. -th floor [-kai/-gai 〜かい・がい]
30. what floor [nankai; なんかい]
31. -yen [-en; 〜えん]
32. how much [ikura; いくら]
33. hundred [hyaku; ひゃく]
34. thousand [sen; せん]
35. ten thousand [-man; 〜まん]
36. Excuse me [sumimasen; すみません]
37. polite form of ‘desu’ [-degozaimasu; 〜でございます]
38. Please show me- [-o misetekudasai; 〜を みせてください]
39. well, then, in that case [ja; じゃ]
40. Give me - please. [-o kudasai; 〜を ください]
These lessons are based from the Minna No Nihongo (初級) Beginner textbooks. But even if you don’t have the textbooks, you can still follow along the lessons by just watching the video.
I'm currently living in Japan and I use Japanese at work and daily life. I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my language school and through self-study. I'm not a native Japanese speaker nor am I a licensed Japanese language teacher. I’ve passed the JLPT N3 exam and am planning to take the JLPT N2 test in the future. So if you find any mistakes, feel free to let know so that we can all learn together. Thank you!
#Nihongo #Japanese #Language #Learning #MinnaNoNihongo #StudyJapanese #JLPT #N5 #N4