Orbital | Official Trailer 2

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Watch the new trailer of my upcoming Sci-Fi movie Orbital. Stay tuned for more updates.

#sciencefiction #Movies #filmmaking #VFX #SciFi #Orbital
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This looks really awesome.I really hope this does get a release date soon.I wasn’t sure whether this was just a short film piece or some kind of an edited together concept trailer, but it does seem legit. Really love the look at this one and will definitely be watching it.


The question is does the earth have enough matter to get such a structure built. I don't think so.


Interesting idea, but the scale seems to be off. It looks as though it is designed at maybe 10k miles in diameter, but as shown The structure would be about 1, 000 miles thick, some 50k miles in diameter, and probably 5k miles wide. It would have its own gravity. Probably the mass of the moon or more. It would tear the earth apart not to mention drastically change the climate. Besides, if you could build this, why build it around the earth? It could float somewhere on its own. It makes no sense.


Aside from the general silliness of the orbital itself the visuals look stunning. It would have been much better if they had used an actual realistic design, one that wouldn't have collapsed under its own weight and not required more material that would realistically been available.


0:18 taken to scale, those climber cars are the size of Madagascar and leaving the ground terminus at mach 50. The excellent CGI and dramatic shadows are trying so hard to push thru a sense of scale, but it clashes with the absolute goofiness of actual design. The visuals want you to but you just can't take something that hilariously out of proportion seriously. Its a shame, the concept seems pretty cool, and you don't see enough orbital rings (which this really is not, with its big ass highway overpass pillars) on screen.


Remember, real orbital rings won't need massive support beams to keep them up. Minimal cable supports will keep it from drifting and allow mass-transport of people and goods to/from orbit. Isaac Arthur is an excellent YT channel all about this!


funny how a movie can look expensive yet cheap at the same time xD


I'm impressed of all the comments here. I wasn't expecting so many people to understand how a functional orbital ring design actually looks. Why do movie directors always have to step a bit too far into the "fi" part in sci-fi? You can create an intriguing story and rich lore with an actual functional, realistic orbital ring. Anyway, here's hoping that the story will be much better than the actual ring design :)


This story is a prime example of science fiction with a less than no amount in realism


Um, I know it's science FICTION, but ... There is no where near enough metal on the planet to make that stucture and no way in hell it could be constructed in one man's life time.


the dialog has the charm and natural flow you see when interviewing politicians.


This whole video could be summed up with a few separate sentences.
"Tell me you know nothing about physics, without telling me you know nothing about physics."
"Tell me you know nothing about orbital mechanics, without telling me you know nothing about orbital mechanics."
"Tell me you have no sense of scale, without telling me you have no sense of scale."
"Tell me you know nothing about engineering requirements for something like this, without telling me you know nothing about engineering requirements for something like this."


A ring like this around earth would shred it to pieces


It was nice seeing the elevators the size of NYC travelling up and down at Mach 43.


From the very first shot I thought this trailers lacks an understanding of scale, material science and purpose.


Even if we devoured moon, I think we could only make the miniature version of this fella🤷‍♂️


I just finished George C Clark’s “3001 the Final Odyssey “. In that book he describes an orbital that’s tethered to Earth with towers having a tensile strength of diamond and the orbital actually sits in Geostational orbit. The towers don’t support the orbital. They tether it, keeping it from flinging into space. From my POV this thing silly. Looks cool though, awesome graphics.


I agree with the commentator that said, " The physics wouldn't hold it together..." First of all, look at how massive it is, the very foundation covers whole states. With that kind of weight pressing down on the area of contact, would sink over time beneath the earth's crust. Summarily, the only way to engineer such a project would be a class 2 civilization. Not us a .78 civilization. Not to mention we haven't grown out of our adolescence as a species yet- wars, exploitation of the innocent, murder, thievery, etc.


There isn't anywhere near the amount of metal/resources to build that around the globe. Even mining other planets/asteroids in our solar system still probably wouldn't yield that much metal. None-the-less, I would still like to watch this.


With the COST of this incredible structure we could easily make the world a better place !
