Ancient secret to chicken happiness REVEALED!

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I started hanging beets/cabbage/sweet potatoes/broccoli/cauliflower from lag nuts and a rope inside my 35' x 11' hoop coop the first winter. My flock of 23 was hatched out in November. Once they turned 4 wks I relocated them into their hoop coop along with heaters. They were too young to be out in the cold all day and I knew boredom would set in. They had a ball pecking at the swinging food and it gave them good exercise as well as teaching them balance and strengthened their necks. 3 yrs later my broody hen has taught the 2nd generation how much fun it is! I always hide food around their runs and hang goodies from my organic heirloom garden from low lying tree branches around their yard when they are out free ranging . It's fun for
me when my 7 roosters find the food and call the hens.

You have taught me so very much from watching all your videos and I GREATLY appreciate all the knowledge you have shared over the years.
My chickens are my babies and my roosters all get along. I truly believe if you pick them up constantly since their birth and say their names constantly, they have a closer relationship with you. I play tag with my boys and have taught them how to Hi-5 visitors. My gurls have been taught to jump one by one as I call their names for treats. They are comical, inspirational & teach me something about their personalities every day.
Thank you for teaching me how to be a Good Chicken Momma❤!


My hens also have free access to feed in a feeder, but I also mix a ratio of about 2 to 1 of pelleted feed with scratch feed, and toss it out all around in the grassy yard for the girls to hunt and peck at all day. It keeps them busy and very happy.


Such a great video with a POV that actually makes SENSE! I don’t have my chickens yet but researching on you tube reveals a lot of nonsensical opinions, so I’m so glad I found your content.


Over half of my run area is basically a compost pile. That’s where all the waist goes, all the food scraps, and all their bedding and poo cleaned out from the coop. They make it into great compost. And it gives them something to do all day too. Every once off, throw some hay or some straw out there and they love to dig through that too. They get entertained and I get great compost.


How about an inground bed, a raised bed, or even a kiddie pool filled with soil located in the run where you plant some things for them to forage? It would require plants that don't require much water unless you don't mind doing that. And the plants would be need to be hardy enough to withstand the onslaught that's going to happen. You could also be ready to succession plant as needed. I also imagine you would need a rather large run to do this. But you could also add onto an existing run and let the chickens into that section off and on, i.e., open when ready, close off when knocked down. I think I saw where a chicken keeper in Australia rotated his flock in and out of several different special garden runs throughout the year. When a given garden run had been fully harvested for his family, he let the chickens in to that particular run to do the final cleanup. When they were done, he moved them to the next one to do the same thing. When they moved out, he replanted based on the season. It was a great setup.


Lots of great info here! One thing to note about the Scratch and Peck mash feeds, they are only balanced if the birds eat the “fines” as well as the grains. It’s not just dust, some of the minerals are in that dust. It’s best if it’s wetted or fermented and offered in a dish. I switched to the same brand pellets and crumbles to make sure my chickens were definitely benefitting from the full nutritional value (in addition to pasture/forest). And, the pellets have a bonus of grub protein, which also provides calcium. It is indeed expensive feed, I want to make sure none of it is wasted.


That was funny when you tasted the chicken feed. I free range and I totally agree with this technique. they love to forage. No wonder they love scratch grains so much!


I just stsrted letting my chickens free range this week. They are only 10 weeks old. One of them found my compost and summoned the others.


This is why a thin layer of organic material on the run floor is so important! Not sand, pea gravel, or bare dirt. I try to mimic a forest floor as best as I can to attract bugs 😊 great video


This makes so much sense! I'm very happy to find your channel (saw a very sensible comment of yours on another chicken channel). I appreciate the combination of science/evidence with experience and recognition of how backyard chickens live and thrive.


Where are you located? Looking at the terrain and trees it looks like you are somewhere around the area of Republic, Washington and also as evidenced in some of your shots that have snow. My husband and I just discovered your channel and absolutely love it! We are in the process of moving out to Republic, WA, working on the property to get it livable for us first! But we are also planning on taking our 3 hens with us and getting more once we get moved. It is SO COLD over there in the winter compared to the west side of the mountains where we currently live and we are wondering how we are going to take care of our flock in the very dry cold that at least four months of the winter represent. What do you do for your birds? Thanks!


If you soak the whole seeds until they sprout, they have more nutritional value.


I think you just saved my chickens (and my neighbors sanity). My girls are noisy and it’s a small flock that needs distraction. I will contrafreeload my girls today.


❤❤❤ your coop is fabulous! So is the landscape!!!!


A thoughtful chicken mom! I appreciate seeing kindness to your animals... I use Rice Hay in my run for them to tear up, full flakes, let them break it down, ... they love it. When I sprinkle u too they find grass bits to eat too. When it's really hot for them I make blocks of ice to put in their waters to help cool them too (and made a mister area too.


I just found your channel with this video in my feed, so glad it popped up! Love your dialed-in way of approaching chicken life, thanks for the perspective and time you spent sharing this with us! ❤


Great info, thank you. Maybe turn your music down a bit. Thanks!


You began calling "chick chick chick" and both of my chickens (house) got excited! I've been using "boop boop boop" for them to come. I just threw a handful of mealworms and corn out near the back door. I've been having them out to forage an hour or so every day, (they tend to go in and out with our dog, as they sleep inside) but they were delighted to find treats so close to the house. Mine are now "tweens" and we are working on that neck strength. Still waiting for somebody to crow....we are in a suburban area, our neighbors are delighted we have chickens....but that translates to "free eggs" not "roosters." They enjoy watching them roam the yard....lawn flowers....but that will cease when they begin to SCREAM. Silly me, I prefer heritage it's anyone's guess right now. Yes, I wing check, vent check, tail check, etc. I have americanas, it's not that bad. Silkies you can't predict. I've had males go through females, only to begin crowing later. No idea, perhaps THEY don't know until the hormones hit. We don't have the "Hershey" distinction of "nuts, or no nuts" If I end up with all roos this time, after raising them from to go sex links. They're fine...but they die so soon. Hoping for a longer lived companion chicken. I feel that since the pandemic, more people are OPEN to backyard chickens. (wise move) Thank you! I've raised chickens on and off most of my life, but there is always more to learn.


Omg, I love your videos! It is smart, educative and soooo funnnyyy❤❤❤ I am about to start my first chicken coop. No experience whatsoever but big will, heart and feeling deep from my heart it is worth it! I would like to start with few female silkies (I am afraid our neighbor will not be happy with a rooster near to his bedroom window😂) I love the idea chickens are junhle anilams, Ill try this approach with my flocky flock! greeting from Poland! 🇵🇱❤


You have great content! I can't handle the high pitched music, everything else is amazing, you're great!!!
