Smooze Mac App

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Smooze animates your scroll and adds functionality to your non-Apple mouse (scroll-wheel mouse).
* Disable scroll acceleration in macOS 10.12 Sierra and up and select the number of lines you want to scroll on each tick. These features are, and will always be, free!
* Assign gestures to any button / shortcut / app
* Every app you own will have buttery smooth scrolling
* Save time by attaching mouse buttons to actions
* Highly optimized & uses a very small percentage of your CPU power, even during excessive use.
* Auto Scroll - You can now click a selected mouse button once to auto scroll anywhere on the screen, hands free, with buttery smooth animations!
* Grab & Drag & Throw - You can now use a mouse button to grab and scroll anywhere on the screen. Throwing will animate the scrolling just like it would on a trackpad
* High FPS - Smooze synchronizes its drawings to the refresh rate of your display which ensures the best scrolling experience.
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