Stay the Night - Leonid & Friends (Chicago cover)

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"Останься на ночь" - Леонид и Друзья (кавер-версия группы Чикаго)
В знак признательности одной из величайших групп на Земле!

Leonid Vorobyev – transcript of the musical source, bass, producing, mixing, mastering, video-montage
Serge Tiagnyriadno (Kiev, Ukraine) – lead vocal
Sergey Kashirin – guitar, backing vocal
Igor Javad-Zade – drums
Vlad Senchillo – synthesizer, backing vocal
Ksenya Buzina – backing vocal

Valent Osinsky – recording
Alexey Sedov & Kir Popov – video shooting
Special thanks to Vladimir Osinsky for the superb studio

Леонид Воробьев – расшифровка музыкального материала, бас-гитара, продюсирование, микс, мастеринг, видео-монтаж
Сергей Тягнирядно (Киев, Украина) – вокал
Сергей Каширин – гитара, бэк-вокал
Игорь Джавад-заде – ударные
Влад Сенчилло – синтезатор, бэк-вокал
Ксения Бузина – бэк-вокал

Валентин Осинский – звукорежиссер
Алексей Седов и Кирилл Попов – видеосъемка

Особая благодарность Володе Осинскому за великолепную студию

Вольный перевод с английского:

Не пойми меня неправильно
Я просто хочу сказать, что у меня на уме
Не надо играть со мной в эти игры
У меня нет на это времени

Я хочу, чтобы ты поняла одну вещь
Мне искренне нравится быть с тобой
Я не приму никаких ‘нет’, если это твой ответ
По крайней мере, это моя философия

Останьсь на ночь со мной
Здесь хватит места на двоих
Останьсь на ночь со мной
Я хочу чтобы это была ты
Останьсь на ночь со мной
Давай считать этот вопрос решенным
Нас никто не остановит, нам ничто не помешает.

Это началось с дружеского разговора,
И если ты до сих пор не догадалась,
И если только ты не думаешь о чем-то еще,
Нам нужно сделать следующий шаг.

Проведи со мной ночь,
Здесь хватит места для двоих.
Проведи со мной ночь,
Я хочу, чтобы это была ты.
Проведи со мной ночь.
Давай считать, что это решенный вопрос.
Нас никто не остановит, нам ничто не помешает…
Рекомендации по теме

My wife and I have seen them twice when they were in Chicago. It was fantastic. The crowd really showed their appreciation. They not only played their music but they also told their story and answered questions in between songs. Leonid’s son speaks pretty good English and he did the translation as most other members of the band don’t speak English. Hearing their story made the show that much more special.
Leonid was so thrilled to be in the city where the band Chicago started.

Also...When they landed in the USA a person at the airport asked if they were popular in Russia. The band member answered “No. But we are really popular in the US”.

Here is the story as I understand it.

Leonid first heard Chicago in 1972. He lived in Siberia, Russia which at that time was part of the USSR behind the Iron Curtain. Leonid was a budding musician at the time.(Leonid said Things were so bad in the USSR you couldn’t buy musical instruments and had to build them from scratch. People stole parts from phones in phonebooths to get parts). At that time Leonid hated horn music. That was until a fellow musician played for him a reel-to-reel tape with American horn bands including Chicago, Blood Sweat and Tears, and The Tower of Power. Leonid was hooked.

Roll ahead over 40 years later ... The USSR is no more and the Internet and YouTube exist. Leonid turns 60 and gives himself a birthday present. He gathers some of his best musician friends and records a Chicago song, makes a video and puts it on YouTube under the name Leonid and Friends. Somehow someone from the real band Chicago sees that video, loves it and gets it posted on the official Chicago website. It goes viral. Leonid and Friends make more videos. Roll ahead 4 years...Leonid’s wildest dreams come true when he and his Friends do a short tour of the US in LA, New York, Dallas, Clear Water Florida, and Chicago (of course). At each show they play to packed out venues filled with adoring fans who share a love for the music of Chicago.

How cool is that.


A big hug to Serge, I know he must be suffering for his country and everything that´s been going on ... hope his family and friends are ok. Greetings from Colombia


These musicians are not only talented, but look they are really having a good time and enjoying themselves.


Those boys in the "clap section" were really having a party! 😁


The language of music is international. These guys are beyond incredible!


In the 70’s I attended many in-studio rehearsal sessions and several recording sessions and was lucky enough to be part of a chart topping hit. I have never experienced the fun energy level these musicians display on all of these songs. They are extremely competent and confident and enjoy creating music with each other.


I'm 69. "Blood, Sweat and Tears" is my beginning of my admiration for jazz and jazz rock. And then, of course, "Chicago" for life. "Leonid and Friends" is a discovery for me. Stumbled across the internet and ... shock! Great musicians, great vocals, wonderful arrangements. Everything is great! I really enjoyed it. Thank you. Moscow. Russia. A big hello to all fans of waiting for rock!


I am blown away by this group. I've seen Chicago numerous times thru the years. They sound very close to them! And yet they don;t speak english??? How do they do this? Incredible!


LUV the performance....And the awesome, enthusiasm of the band members supporting the song was amazing...Ksenia brings a particular softness and beauty to the song' s performance!! Hope Serge is safe !! as all L&F members.


This probably is their best performance ever. I can see they are enjoying the music, Ksenia and the band members are relaxed yet giving their best, no one is the "star" they work together so smoothly. I wish they could return to those priorities...


From arrangement, performing to mixing ... Leonid and Friends is the best act right now. Much LOVE from San Francisco!
I also consider myself lucky to have seen them Live in North Bay right before the pandemic!




The first cassette I bought for myself in high school was "Chicago 17". It was all I could afford for a long time. I listened to that tape hundreds of times. I know every note. FANTASTIC JOB!


Nice to see the horn section in the video in spite of not playing on the tune.


Remember this song in ‘84. And how good and its video was. Rooted for it to reach Billboard #1. Alas it stalled in the mid teens. Just so much on the radio, back then!


So hard seeing Serge in the same room as the rest of the band. This horrible time needs to end peacefully so he can sing right next to Ksenia and everyone else. 😢


Люди радуются, счастливы слушая вас. Спасибо!


Gosh darn...I cannot listen to this enough!!!...everyone is point on, spot on, so good...I love how Serg, while he is singing is air strumming a guitar like Joe Cocker...LUV IT!!


Ну где Российские фанаты? Опять же, снова кайф! Неужели русскоязычные не смотрят вас?


Now I don't care for what I call "Cetera Chicago". However I'm mature enough to admit there are people who do and I'm willing to bet that for those who do enjoy "Cetera Chicago" this was amazing. These guys obviously love Chicago and have tremendous talent. Once again they knocked it out of the park.
