Dragons, Divine Parents, Heroes and Adversaries: A complete cosmology of being

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This lecture describes the world as a place of action and value (as opposed to a place of objective things), and lays out the manner in which religious thinking is descriptive of that world. It provides a good introduction to Dr. Peterson's other lectures.


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Dr Peterson, I grew up in the Russian Orthodox Church and became disillusioned with religion because I felt like the people around me were more hurt by the ideologies than helped. I stopped identifying with this faith and moved on to other places researching many different philosophies. I went through many modes of thought, from nihilism to new age woo. At times I put down my search as wishful thinking or nastalgia to replace the religion I had lost faith in. You have offered the world a lens I have felt so deeply for a very long time but wasn't able to articulate it. Thank You. Your work is very important.


"People wouldn't line up for a lecture, and they wouldn't pay money..." If only you knew then, Professor... : ))


Professor Peterson, you have an absolutely uncanny ability to dole out an incredible amount of information and are able to parse it all out into digestible bits. It's truly wonderful. Thank you sir.


What is this.... video number 7 I'm on? I can't stop watching. And I bought the self authoring suite for myself and my brother (also a millenial) last night.


Thank you, Internet Universe, for having brought this person Peterson into my life! Best transmitted true meaning of life since Carl Gustav Jung!


Jordan: “I’ll start with something that is rather easy to understand.”
Me: “Thank you.”


JP has transformed my way of thinking. I am a 64 years professor of statistics, father of five children.


I have watched like 20 Peterson's videos lately and if there's one thing I can I say I have learned is that he bloody loves Pinocchio


Listening to Peterson talk from a musician's perspective is truly inspiring. Very thankful to share the same mental space of him and to have the ability to access large databanks of his thought without ever meeting him. Life is pretty incredible if you stop and think about it.


Ahhh Doctor! How wrong you were! As I get ready to board an airplane, fly to Kansas City to pick up my 80 year old dad and get there in time to hear every word you might say at the Uptown theatre on October 4th, 2018. Every bit of this I am managing on my own, every penny from my pocket, I who on SSDI $719. Per month. Would not miss this for ANYTHING! So... there!


The Good Dr will be the ULTIMATE eccentric aged professor!!! Muttering wisdom and gesticulating as walks the hallways!!! The Man!!!


29:45 - "Everyone has a plan until they're punched in the face." - Michael Tyson


I've been watching Dr Peterson for a while now, and I think I could safely say I've probably clocked up about 50 hours of his talks and lectures. Amazing guy, he's the next level for me. However, I've never read anyone comment on how he moves his hands while he talks. Spellbinding movements at times - I rewind and watch some of his gestures over and over. I'd love to hear his take on it!


This old gal has learned so much from Jordan Peterson 😎👍🏻💙


It's so cool how this lecture get's more and more and more and more interesting as it progresses


What a privilege to have countless videos of this man & to hear him speak for free. He played a huge role in me taking 100% responsibility for my life & circumstances.


"Let's pretend Monopoly is a reasonable facsimile of reality."
"Yes, that would be amusing."


This is an extremely important lecture that many more people need to see.


The Pinocchio analogy reminds me of a Kierkegaard passage;
"When around one everything has become silent, solemn as a clear, starlit night, when the soul comes to be alone in the whole world, then before one there appears, not an extraordinary human being, but the eternal power itself, then the heavens seem to open, and the I chooses itself or, more correctly, receives itself. Then the soul has seen the highest, which no mortal eye can see and which can never be forgotten; then the personality receives the accolade of knighthood that ennobles it for an eternity. He does not become someone other than he was before, but he becomes himself. The consciousness integrates, and he is himself. Just as an heir, even if he were heir to the treasures of the whole world, does not possess them before he has come of age, so the richest personality is nothing before he has chosen himself; and on the other hand even what might be called the poorest personality is everything when he has chosen himself, for the greatness is not to be this or that but to be oneself, and every human being can be this if he so wills it."


Somehow I feel as if my soul already knew a lot of this stuff already. I'm NOT saying I'm a know it all, I'm simply saying this all seems oddly familiar to me. Thank God we have JP to refresh our memories and enlighten us!
