1 Tip to COUNTER EVERY CHAMPION (Part 1) - League of Legends Season 12

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Hey guys! Thanks for watching, our list was a bit outdated, so we ended up skipping Akshan and Aurelion Sol, but we'll make sure to include them in the next part!


As an evelynn main, control wards really are so good at denying our path when ganking or taking objectives. However, this makes the match more fun and challenging as I like to play with the enemy's sense of safety. Catch them off guard, kill, destroy control ward, catch them off guard again before they put up a new one, and essentially scare them into putting more control wards. When the whole team buys control wards, that's when you know you've done your job at keeping them at their toes. I call it edging them perfectly lmao.


The kha'zix tip is just wrong
You are still isolated while near jungle camps because they are not your allies...
Turrets however work as allies


Here is some tips for my mains ;

Aphelious : his early game is extremely bad espically at lvl 1 . So pick supports like thresh and get the lvl 2 prio

Shaco ; real shaco's mysric item will have a golden frame and clone one doesn't

Xayah ; just stay out of his feathers always consider buying galeforce if you dont have any mobility


The only strat I need to counter any champ is, "They can't get me if I'm not there."


From my main champs
Shyvana: dont fight her lvl3 if she hits you with her fireball, you are not winning that trade, if she misses or the mark disappears you can fight, she needs those procs

Morgana: cc her when black shield is down, hide behind minions, early if she drops a lot of pools she will run out of mana fast

Warwick: if he misses his fear, you can fight, ww also is one of the slowest champs if he isnt chasing a low health champ, he gains speed by lvling it, if you notice he is still slow, he is maxing q, so just stay away and he cant do much also wait for him to q before you dash of flash away


Tip for Swain: with the recent changes to his W it’s easier than ever to splitpush sidelanes during the mid and late game, use your W on the sidelanes to help them slow push


Tip for Malzahar: Early game you can ruin Malz' waveclear by int 'catching' his E visions. Stand directly on top of whatever minion he places it onto, so that when the minion dies, it hits you instead of transferring. You may also zone him off by doing this to where he's afraid to auto the minion he places the visions on. Taking this damage early game to ensure he doesn't hit 6+ minions with his visions, when repeated a few times, will ensure he burns himself out of mana trying to wave clear and/or falls behind. Also, QSS lets you get out of his ult. it DOES NOT stop the damage, so use it and walk out of the pool and as far away as possible (pool on the ground does % health damage, I think up to 25% when levelled).


Did they forget Aurelion Sol or is he just that easy to counter😭


another tip for ezreal: keep track of his E! his E has a massive cooldown earlygame, so if you manage to bait it out or he wastes it, punish him for it.

his E is his best repositioning tool, as well as it can grant him another passive stack. so him not having it is the difference between who wins the fight.


Jax tip! Jax looks and plays like a melee minion if he doesnt have his E, if he uses E and Q's away there is a big window at least early where he can't really do anything and getting hit my his E + 1 auto isnt dangerous, atleast not in this patch


One tip to every ninja Champion(especially Zed or Akali): always dodge the Shurikens


Easy way to win facing a Shaco. Do not try to kill him by chasing EVER.
It will end up at best in a waste of time or you'll get baited into box, clone or a losing fight since most of us have ignite as secondary sum spell instead of flash.

It always have been that easy & yet people keep banning him for no reason.


Huh aatrox?! The best counter for him is the 800 gold item.


The draven one was like: gank him, otherwise u lost.


Tip for teemo: Have the laner agains teemo take Oracle lens as he hits level 6, and have the jungler and next lane down pick it up as teemo his lv 9, and bot lane whenever laning phase ends. A team of people with oracle lens shuts teemo down hard - One of the only champs in the game who loses a core damage ability to a FREE item.


Beat general tip IMO is to know cds of certain spells


one for my main, Lillia: Either get some point and click cc, and then focus her down, or if possible invade her on her second buff in her first clear. Her first clear leaves her at pretty low HP, when she gets to her second buff, so she is easy to kill. Other tahn this, be aware of her flash CD, since this is one of her best and most reliable engage tools, and if she doesnt have it up, she will most likely not get to ult you, except someone else engages or she hits a fat e.


Better tip for illaoi is to bait or dodge her e then all in her. Without her e she is a useless champ. Even if she ults without e shes garbage


Heimerdinger tip: If you get champ select *AFTER* heim, play irelia - heimerdinger loses to irelia at every level. Otherwise, take Smite, and use smite to oneshot heimer turrets right as your jungler comes in for a gank. As the jungler paths towards heim, use one of two smite charges to remove one turret (giving you 15s before the jungler arrives and you smite another). While waiting for jungler to arrive use your abilities to clear the remaining turrets. This works well if you can *move* the wave as well - if heimer shoves the wave, he will have to place more turrets down if he wants to continue pushing. Letting him waste turrets re-deploying them, and then smiting them away as you gank him means an easy kill on heimer.
