This Show Could Have Been So Good | The Night Agent Review

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The new Netflix show The Night Agent has all of the makings of a great action thriller. Unfortunately, it follows the current Netflix trend of burying a compelling story beneath endless woke clichés.

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I like tough and militant female characters like Sarah Connor and Ripley. But their appeal wasn’t in basically being just like men. And the fighting they engaged in was actually related to the plot and realistic of what women can do


I'll be honest i thought they played this well, he did do most of the fighting, she did get beaten up a lot and needed to be saved by him.
The fact that the last killer was focusing on him is exactly why she could clonk him on the head with a bit of wood.

I know the types of movies and shows you are talking about but i didn't get that from this.


As a normal everyday woman, I despise watching pencil thin women beating up 6ft 2in 250lb grown men… I got over that kind of stuff about the same time I got over fairytales


That only happened twice throughout the 10 episodes. I feel you're letting 2 very small instances ruin a perfectly good show for? Seems knit picky to me.


Where did Win Chun come from? In the preview, the woman was not confronting a man. Both times the man was facing away from the woman. She did what everyone wants a helpless on-looker to do, help the good guy out.


I am a woman who loves action movies. I was a pre-teen/teen in the 80s -- the heyday of big budget burly men action movies. I love them, Swartzeneggar, Stallone, Willis, et al. And these new movies with 110 pound women beating the crap out of physically fit TRAINED men, make me roll my eyes!! It's too stupid to be believed. But it's also insulting, because it teaches society that women don't need men--they can take care of themselves--and men don't have to be gentle with women. It is a double lie that damages women and men as individuals, and male/female relationships.


I'm sure many real, loveable, women like occasionally seeing an actually well written female character beating some people up in an actually good story for reasons that make sense. However that is not what happens in western media anymore.


I didn't mind it quite as much in the Night Agent as in other shows, because she isn't flipping people around like Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde. Her additions to the fights were generally along the lines of "hit someone from behind with an object while they are distracted" or "stab someone from behind with a weapon while they are distracted".. which is, in my opinion, actually believable. I don't care how big and tough you are, getting smacked in the back of the head with a board is going to affect you, even if a smaller person is swinging it.

I also don't mind it one single bit in shows that are SUPPOSED to be ludicrous, such as Kick Ass.. The heroine Hit Girl in that show is AWESOME... like a rabid little badger full of moxie that shocks you with how fast and brutal she can be.

One movie that does the "lady badass" character very well is Haywire. Every fight showcases her disadvantage at the hands of the men who are trying to defeat her, and she prevails by using her superior tactics, not overwhelming physical prowess. The main character has a LOT of close calls in that film and is very banged up by the end, and it comes across as believable to me as a result.


I watched some female "self-defence" videos.
I got sceptical.
I asked my husband to pin me down to see if the manoeuvre would work.
It didn't.
I bought pepper spray.


Woman here 🙋🏻‍♀️ hi
Andrew, you are 99.99% right. The 0.01% is, I think it would be funny if just once she hit the bad guy over the head with a skillet. It doesn't knock him out, it only stuns him for a second.


I'm a woman and I HATE what Hollywood is doing!! Agree with you 100%!!


I still think “Haywire” was the BEST female fighter movie ever. I don’t know if it’s that she was an experienced fighter before filming the movie or maybe I just have a thing for Gina Carano. But those fighting scenes still blow me away. Sure hope she does another one like it. Let’s start a petition for Haywire 2!


Every woman knows a woman can’t knock a man down with one kick or punch. It looks ridiculous.


"Welcome to the White House in order to remain an elite FBI agent in the White House you are required to attend a 2 week 'Diversity, equity, and inclusion' class! Lol


Extraction 2 has a fight scene where the main gal takes out two ... count em two special forces guys in a hand-to-hand BS fight fest. I'm done


Now I want to hear him review The Bodyguard from the BBC.


‘Kill Bill’ did noth’n for my attitude toward life but most of us gurls know it’s all pretend & wires🥰👍🍿


As a female martial artist, this type of thing drives me crazy. There are types of martial arts created by women for women that utilize using an opponent’s weight against them. But apparently that’s too feminine for the movies. Why can’t you choose fighting that accentuates a woman’s strengths instead of commandeering brute force techniques? It’s not like we’re helpless because we can’t physically match men.


I am fed up with the ‘strong female lead’ who beats up the bad guys without breaking a sweat. And the main male lead ends up needing the female lead to somehow, either physically or emotionally. Oh, give me a break.


Uh, I dunno if they made her to be some sort of tough fighter. She stepped in to hit the enemy with a stick (while the agent was doing all the fighting), she ran in a stabbed a guy with a knife (while the agent was dong all the fighting) and she pushed a lady off a crane (doesnt take any knowhow, just some bravery). Nothing there showed that she has some great fighting skills at all. She just reacted like she was either she had to kill or she'd be killed. You couldnt beleive that, but you could belive a two bit FBI agent and a computer hacker that lost her company can undue massive governmental conspiracy by themselves? MY biggest issue was the acting job by Diane Farr. OMG, it was like watching Gregg Propovich at a news conference.
