How to Replace a Brake Caliper

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How to install a brake caliper. Learn how to change your brake caliper correctly and safely. Learn the process of taking them off, the correct torquing procedure, the correct banjo bolt installation, the correct bleeding process, and all the tips and tricks that go along with the replacement.

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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.
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I'm 15 and I changed my mom's oil, rotors, and brakes thanks to you... I want to go to uti and actually own my own auto shop


Single soccer mom of 3 here. Just followed your vid and successfully replaced my brake caliper! You saved me hundreds! If I can do it, anyone can!
I am so grateful to you! Thank you!


Hey Chris. My car failed safety inspection last week here in Virginia due to frozen calipers and the repair quote was $850 to replace. Your video helped me save $600 bucks by doing it myself. Just wanted to take a moment to thank you. Love the channel and have been combing through your vids to decide my next project.


My mechanic wanted $2200 to replace front calipers + break lines and replace old brake fluid. I am doing it for $300. This is the best video on replacing calipers. Great work.


I had to say you're probably the most descriptive and informative YouTube mechanic today. Really appreciate you making this video


Big help man, thanks. Got quoted $1, 000 to for both of my front wheels. Spent a day on your vid and got the job done myself.


8 years later and your content is still helping strangers. Thank you.


Dude, your channel is a godsend! I've gone from calling AAA to change a tire to changing my own brakes and calipers because of you. Great channel.


Chris, My Dad was a Master Mechanic in the old days. He would watch you and say, watch this young man Chris and learn from him. Your Videos are excellent good sir.


This is one of the of the best made how-to videos I’ve seen.
Great camera angles, lighting, speed, narration, safety points.
Very well done!


I've always been terrified of messing with brakes myself because of how many times things went wrong when I watched other people do it, but after getting ripped off by a mechanic, I had no choice but to do it myself. Your video made it seem so much more approachable and though I took forever on it (broke a few tools and had to get a ride to buy more, did a few steps out of order putting the new one on, you know the drill), I did get it done. Thanks so much my dude, I couldn't have done it without you


Thank you for including the "why" for everything. Most auto DIY videos tend to focus on the "what" and/or "how", and assume you know stuff I simply don't....or didn't until now. Thank you. You're literally the greatest. ❤❤❤❤💯💯💯💯


I love how anytime I look up anything about cars, Chris fix has it covered. What a guy


That was one of the best, most informative, straight to the point instructional videos I've ever seen. I am absolutely subscribing and coming back to you for any car related questions!


I can't thank you enough for all your videos. Ive easily saved thousands by doing repairs myself, and Im confident enough that I can help friends and family with a lot of issues as well.


Hey there Mr Chris. Look bud, Im a machinist an done a lot of car work. This dam coma I went through lost most of my memory on how to do simple things. I want to say, WOW. This was one of many "How To" that is the bestest one with three W's. what, when an where. Thanks bud.


You just blew my mind. I have always removed the entire caliper to change my pads and feel so dumb for missing the clam shell method all these years!! Awesome videos! Thanks for all the great tips.


chris i've watched about 5 of your videos so far. you do a great job filming with close ups and getting the right shot. and then you back it up with very clear verbal explanations. you have a knack for how-to videos. nice work!


Couple tips: after you refill your master cylinder, go and slowly pump your brakes a few times to run the caliper piston out so the pads are engaged with the rotor. THEN, go check your fluid level in the master cyl again. Moving the caliper piston out creates more volume in the caliper so more fluid volume is in there, so check the fluid level again.
Also: i just ran into this not long ago but never had seen it before. I changed the rear calipers and brake hoses on my pickup and couldn't get one of the banjo fittings on hose to caliper to stop leaking. Removed the banjo bolt and found that the where the banjo fitting on the end of the hose mounted to the caliper, the caliper did not have a machined surface for the hose to seal to (copper washers in there too of course). The machined surface that's supposed to be there is called a "spot face" and my Rebuilt caliper I got from NAPA had no spotface, it was as cast surface. There was no way any brake hose was not going to leak. Of course NAPA made it right but what I don't get is how it could have been a "rebuilt" caliper, it never could have worked. Anyway, heads up, check for the spot face there before you leave the store. Check for it on the hose end too. Don't over torque the hollow Banjo bolt either, they will brake if you get too aggressive.


I read through most of the comments. Yes, Chris is very precise and covers even the little things that can save you from issues down the road. Now you know why he has 9 million subscribers! Oh, and his camera work is fantastic! Love and blessings from Motown!
