Best Flamenco I've seen

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Recorded at Tablao las carboneras Madrid, Spain.


Best Flamenco in Madrid
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Almost 40 years ago, l and friends l was travelling with, were at a disco in, l think, Andalusia and the DJ put on a flamenco record. Every single person on the floor (apart from us) instantly stamped their foot and put their arms in the air. Although there were some families and some children most of the people were in their 20s, like us, and we thought they were having a laugh but, every single person danced flamenco until the song ended. It was the most amazing sight and l've never forgotten it.


What I like about Flamenco dancing is that ladies of any age and any shape of figure can do it and still look wonderful.


anybody who thinks this is poorly done has no idea what they're talking about. Flamenco is HARD. You are learning multitasking in the extreme, all while keeping rhythm and playing an instrument (with your feet). Unless you are a dancer you should probably shut your mouth and walk a mile in their shoes (literally) before you even think about commenting on this beautiful dancing.


Lived in Andalucia for a few years in the early 2000’s. Never forgot how beautiful it was there. The people, culture, dancing, food, sherry and landscape. Just gorgeous.


yes, anyone who really knows Flamenco and been around the culture knows there is not really a right or wrong way to dance Flamenco, the most important aspect of the dance and music is feeling the compas (rhtthm) and expressing your own unique style. Some are more expressive, or more emotional than others at the time, just depends on how they are feeling that night. The dance is about expressing emotions while you mark the time in the music.


In flamenco there is so much to pay attention to. The feet making such beautiful sounds, the hands grasping at the hem of the dress or swirling them like doves ready to fly, the twists and turns of the body that would put some contortionist to shame and the expressions of the face. And the cantores and guitarists. Pure art.


I've seen dancers from around the world dance flamenco but no dancer can innately evoke the artistry, attitude, spirit, fire and passion of the dance like the Spanish 🇪🇸 💃


I'm sitting here about to jump out of my chair..this is managing my soul with the rythm, I want to get up and flamenco! And I'm 60! I love it so much! SO beautiful and makes women even more passionate and beautiful!


The language spoken here is passion! Passion is in the dance, the music, the culture, and the performance! Bravo!


Did anyone notice that asian lady was blown out of her mind.


Joy and tragedy, stillness and motion, grace and earthiness. Sensual and independent. There is no dance in the world that is so complex and beautiful between emotion and the body, as the dance that descends from Spanish tradition.


Every time I see Spanish dances, it makes me sad for my lack of culture. This is so beautiful and spirited-- the music, the movement, the skill and expression <3


Read a few of these comments - I'm amazed at how many people make comments when they clearly know nothing about this traditional art form. Caterwauling? Go research the technicalities of flamenco cante - they sing in differently keyed tones to regular western singing. The person who states that after one class they did better is truly a genius and I'm wondering on which international stage we should be seeing them. The "flamenco for tourist" quote. - yes, and what if it is for tourists ?
How else will people discover and share this?


I've been learning flamenco (farruca) for 7 months now, and i still get amazed like the lady at 4:10 (lol) when i watch them dancers doing what they do.. But i can assure you that flamenco is a hard one. First you need to put a piece of your soul in it..


these people have so much passion, and do you see how much energy they put into this.


That is the Soul of Mother Spain from the Andalucia region in the south. Vale !


vor mehr als 50 Jahren, mein Mann war noch Student und unser Budget war äußerst knapp, konnten wir uns eine einmal im Jahr Tickets für solch eine traditionelle Flamenco Show leisten. Die Gruppe kam jedes Jahr auf ihrer Tour nach Wien und hatte ihren Auftritt in einem großen Konzertsaal. Der Erfolg ihrer Darbietung war dermaßen überwältigend, dass das Publikum vor Begeisterung tobte und die Künstler, dadurch befeuert, ihre Darbietungen nicht beenden wollten.Es kam dann immer soweit, dass man begann das Licht im Saal immer mehr zu verdunkeln, so dass das Publikum zum verlassen gezwungen wurde. Die Kostüme waren damals noch sehr einfach, ohne Flitter und Sonstigem, aber der Enthusiasmus der Künstler war absolut authentisch. Eine lebenslange Erinnerung!!! :-)


Le Flamenco ! C’est La danse la plus fière, la plus émotionnelle, celle qui dégage le plus de panache.
Oui, j’aime le flamenco, les corps et les pas sont enivrants, ils perpétuent la force et le courage du peuple espagnol. Bravo à ces fantastiques danseurs. Viva España !


Years ago I made a very deep friendship with a flamenco dancer who introduced this art into Japan. This was in Okinawa at the time. His name was Jose Miguel Aparifio...and he became quite famous in Japan for a time after that first stint of performances at a small club in Okinawa. Wonderful nights spent with Jose, his guitarist, and lovely lady. He was a magician! Performing twirls and leaps that seemed to defy gravity. And he was as regal and dignified offstage as he was while real Gypsy King!


I studied this for a year and it was sooo sooo sooo difficult, can’t begin to describe how challenging - the teacher, trying to be kind, said «  you know it’s interesting, it’s almost like you are doing a jazz interpretation of the dance - always a quarter note or so behind the beat » 😂😂😂 most flamenco dancers from Spain start extremely early like 3 years old and you understand why... tough to learn when it’s not in your blood! Also I have bad rhythm 😂. Also RIP to your knees.
