10 tips to organize digital files // back to basics

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So, a couple of weeks ago I made a video about how you should minimize your digital environment and we talked about **(split screen)** minimizing the time you spend around your devices and minimizing your digital space, that is, documents, photos and files.

Since I'm still in the pursue of minimizing and decluttering my digital environment, today I will be talking about 10 tips to organize your documents and files , whether they're stored in a physical device or in a Cloud system.

1. **Use dates to organize different versions of the same file** - in case you are working in a file and want to keep past versions available, you need to rely on a good system to quickly identify all the different versions. I personally like to use a date method where I write the date in the beginning of the file in "year month day" format and then type the name of the document followed by the number of the version with three digits. This is an easy way to sort different versions by date and get an accurate view of the history of that document.
2. **Distinguish between "working on" and "archived" folders.** You can do this by a change of icon type, color, naming the folder with an abbreviation or signaling the folder or file with a tag in case you're working with MacOs. This dual organization method will allow you to know immediately which folders contain files that keep information that is not currently relevant and which folders contain documents that are important for the tasks you're currently engaged in
3. **Create a root folder for document files.** This makes backup and searching tools easier to run.
4. Back up files regularly. This is pretty self-explanatory. Back up files so you won't lose them. Period. You can use a cloud service, a hard drive or even your gmail account to do this. Just set up a system with an alarm so you don't forget. This is particularly important if you're engaged in a long-term project (like a thesis) and you simply can't afford losing progress.
5. Don't be afraid to [**delete things]** after you backed them up once or twice. Even if you don't physically see all the information that is stored in your computer or your hard drive, it's *still there and it's taking up space.* Know when to identify when a certain file is no longer useful and get rid of it.
6. **Create a useful naming system** for your files. Previous to naming any actual files, just type open a new document or note and decide how you would like to name and identify certain types of files. Articles, recipes, receipts, bills, academic documents, work files and contracts should all be labeled accordingly so you can easily find whatever you're looking for. The secret here is to categorize in a smart way and not overdo your labeling system. I like to stick with date_category_subject and I make sure to stick with it for the entirety of my file management system.
7. Tied to the last one is getting into the habit of **naming files correctly** as soon as you create them. Create a file naming system that will work for all devices and back up units and use it as soon as a document is created so that if you are in a rush while saving, you have already named the file properly.
8. **Don't go crazy with folder creation**. You don't need folders that have such restricted categories that only one or two documents fit in there. Categorise are supposed to create an automatic filter that allows you to understand intuitively where a file belongs to. If you need to write a manual to be able to successfully hierarchise documents, you're doing it wrong.
9. Use **photo scanning softwar**e to take pictures of bills and receipts in paper format and store them neatly in a folder. I like to use an app called CamScanner for this. It's digital organization that allows me to improve the organization of my physical objects since I don't need to waste so much space in storing paper.
10. Migrate your organizational system to in-app file management. Maybe there are some apps that you use very often and have integrated document management systems, like Goodnotes, Evernote or even Notion for instance. The idea is to migrate the previous principles to these apps so that your brain knows how to apply one system well across all iterations of your digital organization system.

FTC: This video is sponsored by Skillshare.
Рекомендации по теме

1. Use dates to organize multiple versions of file
2. Use color coding to distinguish between archives and current work
3. Back up files regularly
4. Dont be afraid to delete things after backing up
5. Create a common file name correctly
6. Rename files as soon as u download
7. Dont go crazy with folders (too many is bad)
8. Use scanning app on phone to organize physical files
9. Use a common root directory for files
10. Migrate some files used only in one app to in-app storage systems
Out of order, but hope it helps!


One of my biggest obstacles in productivity is not being able to decide how I'm gonna categorize the info/files/... Makes me postpone doing the actual work.


Honestly the "distinguish between working on and archived folders" was the best one for me. Last week my college has started a distance learning program (very new to all of us students and teachers) and the amount of activities to do and deliver is huge! I was really struggling to organize everything and I didn't even think about the color tags. Now I'm organizing all my documents with the red "to-do" and green "done" tags and it's honestly helped me a lot. Thanks, Mariana!


I discovered your channel a few days ago, and I really like it. Actually it has two usages for me : learn more about organization and adapt it to a sort of apps and tools different from what you use, since I'm opensource-only apps user. This way I have my own producitivy system and I am able to share it to people who are, like me, FOSS enthusiasts :)


00:00 Introduction
0:29Use dates to organize multiple versions of file
1:00 distinguish between archives and current work
1:30 Create a root folder for document files
1:39 Back up files regularly
2:01 Dont be afraid to delete things after backing up
2:19 Create usefull naming system
3:00 Rename files as soon as possible
3:15 Dont go crazy with folders (too many is bad)
3:37 Use scanning app on phone to organize physical files
3:55 Migrate some files used only in one app to in-app storage systems
4:26 Improve organizational skill (SkillShare)


well done! I use a similar type of file naming system


ATM, I'm trying to declutter one of my laptops, which is difficult with so many files to go through. I've put all the unsorted photos into one folder and am working on deleting any duplicates I see. Then, I'm gonna sort the pics into the relevant folders and do the same with those folders, in case I missed any duplicates during the first round of purging. I managed to delete over 1 GB of pics/vids/documents so far!

I see Electronic Arts as one of the folders in the video. A fan of The Sims, perhaps?


I dont understand the use of dates if the system gives you that. In case of different versions I just look into last modified date. 🤷‍♀️. In my case if I am working on something that folder gets a 0 in front of the name so it shows first thing in the list. Also if I need some info to be listed in a specific way other than alphabetically thr I use numbers in front of the name. When I am done I eleiminate it.


I am that person who has 300 different folders for everything, half of them not used, and still thinks, they are necessary hahaha


For those with iPhones, your in-built Notes app already has a document scanning function :) Open a new note, click the Camera icon above the keyboard, choose ‘Scan Documents’. All done!


Thank you!
+ I am using Folder Marker software to get my files anf folders organized


Mariana olá, o iPad pode substituir 100 % o caderno para estudar ou o papel ainda e melhor?


I miss the “heeeello everyone” intro 😊


00:51 I use the build-in “version” and time machine instead of file duplication, if the file is small


Hi Mariana. I recommend you to use a version control system like Git instead of renaming different documents based on its version. Nice video!


Hello n good afternoon Mariana,
I would love to know how to transfer my medical binder to the pc. How would you prioritize medical files on pc until able to move to a flash drive? What software to use for someone on a strict budget?


mariana hi! .recently my android phone got defected and shuts down with message uids are consistent and then shuts down despite oning it again and again, now only thing to be done is format but before doing this iwant to bring al stuff inside like videos photoas notes and make the phone empty of all the necesary data and save it to my laptop or pc in an organising way plese sugest what to do ?


Can you do what on my phone in 2020 video ?


Tip one: using git or a similar souce Version would solve that problem and would be both more efficient and less prone to errors (forgetting to make a copy and renaming it). It would also save space.


My mistake is that I didn't save my files (assignment) in my usb or google drive. I didn't expect that my laptop will be damaged. Now I need to repeat to make my assignment in my phone using google docs. Then the deadline is near now. It will be difficult for me to review for my civil service exam on Sunday.
