50 MUST KNOW Linux Commands (in under 15 minutes)

Показать описание
0:00 Intro
0:32 lsb_release
0:42 pwd
0:46 ls
0:58 cd
1:07 clear
1:32 touch
1:39 vim
2:04 cp
2:17 mv
2:41 rm
2:50 mkdir
2:55 history
3:02 df
3:08 cat
3:14 less
3:25 type
3:40 whoami
3:45 which
3:50 man
4:03 whatis
4:13 alias
4:32 sort
4:49 grep
5:02 wc
5:14 head
5:26 tail
5:34 echo
5:50 id
5:57 sudo
6:14 chown
6:46 chmod
7:17 adduser
7:30 su
7:42 wget
8:07 ps (ps x)
8:17 top
8:26 jobs
8:50 fg
9:05 kill
9:28 printenv
9:38 apt/yum
10:03 ping
10:18 traceroute
10:33 ip
10:49 ssh
11:14 exit
11:24 locate
11:45 find
12:07 gzip/gunzip
12:35 tar
13:14 zip
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