Sergei Polunin // RUN

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Montage with ballet dancer Sergei Polunin (Сергей Полунин). Set to "Run" by OneRepublic. A celebration and expression of gratitude for everything Sergei has given throughout his life through his dancing, and cheering him on for however long he chooses to continue to offer this beautiful gift of himself and his dance to the world.

Source Videos (In order of appearance):
Dancer Documentary
Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary (Ballet of Hannibal)
Alice In Wonderland (RB)
Peter and the Wolf (RB)
Johan Kobborg Instagram video
Marguerite and Armond Rehearsal with Tamara Rojo
In Style Fashion Show 2013
Fashion Shoot (unknown source)
Don Quixote (Stanislavsky Ballet)
Esquire Russia
Rhapsody (Stanislavsky Ballet)
Coppelia (Stanislavsky Ballet)
Make Love Not Walls Diesel SS17
Run Mary Run
Murder on the Orient Express
White Crow (Stone Flower solo)
Project Polunin Satori Rehearsals (Stage Door interview)
INGLOT (with Elena Ilinykh)
Elena Ilinykh Instagram
Galina Polunina Instagram (with Mir Polunin)
Polunin Ink Instagram (Chinese New Year greeting)
Polunin Ink Ravenna Tour video (Dante "Paradiso" excerpt)
Little Red and the Wolf (rehearsals and performance, Polunin Ink)
Romeo and Juliet (Fashion Insiders promo & Polunin Ink Tour video)
Rasputin (Polunin Ink London 2019 Travelogue)
Dante "Inferno" excerpt (Polunin Ink)
Bolero (Making-of Documentary, Polunin Ink)
Take Me to Church (Sevastopol, 2021)
Dante "Purgatorio" excerpt (Polunin Ink)
Elle Russia photo shoot

The Polunin Ink videos are available on Sergei's YouTube channel. (Links below) You can find playlists of Sergei's performances with the Stanislavsky ballet on my YouTube channel.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to any of this audio or video footage and have no affiliation with the original content creators. It was shared for entertainment and inspirational purposes only and not for profit.

[Verse 1]
When I was a young boy living in the city
All I did was run, run, run, run, run
Staring at the lights, they look so pretty
Mama said "Son, son, son, son, son
You're gonna grow up, you're gonna get old
All that glitters don't turn to gold
But until then just have your fun
Boy, run, run, run, run, run"

Yeah, run, run, run
Run, run, run

[Verse 2]
When I was a young kid living in the city
All I did was pay, pay, pay, pay, pay
And every single dime that good Lord gave me
I could make it last three, four, five days
Living it up but living down low
Chasing that luck before I get old
And looking back, oh, we had some fun
Boy, run, run, run, run, run

They tell you that the sky might fall
They'll say that you might lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Yeah, one day well the sky might fall
Yеah, one day I could lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
If I learnеd one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run

Run, run, run

[Verse 3]
Didn't get everything that I wanted
But I got what I need, yeah, yeah
I see that light in the morning
Shining down on me
So take me up high, take me down low
Where it all ends nobody knows
But until then let's have some fun
Yeah, run, run, run, run, run

They tell you that the sky might fall
They'll say that you might lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Yeah, one day well the sky might fall
Yeah, one day I could lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
If I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run

Run, run, run
Yeah, run, run, run

Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun
Yeah, if I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun, yeah, run, run, run

#sergeipolunin #сергейполунин #dancer

If you enjoyed Sergei's dancing you can follow his Instagram, Facebook, and You Tube page for the latest updates about his performances:


Thanks for watching!
Рекомендации по теме

✨ No matter what happens… wherever you are, however much you are able, keep on being a dancing light against the dark. ✨

I made this montage as a celebration and expression of gratitude for everything Sergei has given throughout his life through his dancing, and cheering him on for however long he chooses to continue to offer this beautiful gift of himself and his dance to the world. It's also a reminder to myself and anyone who needs to hear it - to keep going, to keep giving what we have to give for however long we're able and to be grateful for, and celebrate, the beautiful things in life, for however long we may have them.

🌹✨ Some people have objected to my celebrating light and joy with everything going on in the world right now, but it's when things are dark that we most need to remember and delight in beauty and hope. I need it. I need to celebrate the things that bring delight to my soul to keep from being crushed under the heaviness and darkness of the world. And Sergei has been one of those sources of great delight for me.

✨ DELIGHT ✨ I rediscovered this word when I first saw a video of Sergei's dancing nearly two years ago... His dancing opened me up to being able to experience the healing power of beauty and to be able to experience delight again - an ability I had lost over years of battling chronic depression. I’m deeply grateful to him and all he continues to give of himself through his art and I'm immensely grateful to his many fans who I've been able to share this delight with.

🌹✨ Others may choose to respond to the darkness of the world however they wish, but I will not let the darkness take beauty and light and love away from me. I will continue to celebrate beauty and life no matter what darkness is going on around the world - because there will always be darkness. I may not be able to destroy the darkness with beauty and light and love, but I will not let it destroy me. And because I see in Sergei someone who is doing his best to bring those gifts to the world, I will continue to love and support and celebrate the life I see in him. ✨


Неожиданный подарок в такое время! Здоровья, счастья Сергею и его семье!


Наш любимый Сережа! Креативен везде и всегда! Скучаем, но терпеливо ждем твоего полного восстановления и твоих полетов! Отличный ролик! Спасибо!🧜‍♂️👌💥


India you create videos wich gave us Sergeis energy and joy for dancing...Love it


Thank you so much for this video! I have watched it many-many times today! I love Sergei and his art. And this video gives so much energy to go on through all the obstacles in life, increasing light in my heart and in the hearts of others. You are very talented in making heart moving videos! Thank you! ❤


Никогда особо не интересовалась балетом, больше смотрела и слушала оперу. Но однажды увидела чудо в обличие Сергея, и моя жизнь перевернулась. Даже не знаю как описать, как будто в моей душе поселился родной человек, которого я обожаю, сопереживаю его трудностям, радуюсь удачам. Что то в нем есть притягивающее. Доброта, простота, ингда даже страшно за него. Он взрослый ребенок, затерявшийся в нашем непростом мире. Пусть Господь хранит его!!! Он приносит людям радость!!


Con Sergei si vola in alto con la nostra anima, a toccare l'infinito: Grazie!💙💙💙


Qué maravilla Sergei y qué maravilla tu vídeo. Gracias India!!


Благодарю за ролик! Серёже и семье - наша любовь! Скорейшего и качественного выздоровления!


Thank you for this creation. It is apropos for Sergei


This was so beautifully done. I watched it several times. Your dancing is wonderful!!


This man is living and dancing in the air. He just comes down to the earth for a while. Looks like he feels himself better, easier and more free above the earth and makes no effort at all. It seems even that he gives acceleration or height to himself by some moves already in the air, not on the ground. Increadible! May be angels teached him how to do it....


Браво, Сергей!!!! 👏👏👏Как много мы не видели! Спасибо 👃👃👃💖


THANK YOU SO MUCH INDIA ! Your video is wonderful ! Adorable Sergei !


So incredibly talented and versatile, 😊


Thank you for everything India Ink; what you do goes far beyond showing the prodigious tal;ent of Sergei. Thank you for your choices, thank you for your words and thank you for your kind and strong spirit. God bless you dear India Ink.


Love love to watch him dance One if the best his arms are beautiful


Es un resumen precioso
¡ Que gran artista es SERGEI !


Questo ballerlno mi lascia sempre senza parole.Grandissimo artista oltre che bellissimo


He's so Special, and it's got to Take a lot to be in the sun forever. How many people have ever Asked what He wanted? He's a person Too .
