Dante: Inferno Review!

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0:00 Intro
1:23 Disclaimer
3:56 Why Dante is like Baldur's Gate 3
6:00 Truly Dynamic Arena
10:23 Bosses constantly react
15:06 The banker
17:51 Champion archetypes
20:45 Memorable story situations
21:29 Story paths
24:14 Boss fight decisions
25:28 Story writing
27:43 Sin
28:58 Skill ramp up
30:06 Vigor
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Thank you for sharing your feedback! We are 2 weeks away and very excited.


What a terrible compatison to BG3 (/s)!

I believe that it is way more akin to Pong:

- The way the battle ebs and flows back and forth between you attacking the boss, then boss attacking you back, bouncing back and forth.

- The terrain constantly shifting, like a paddle wall moving along the board.

- The narration has many varied paths, like all the different paths the ball can bounce to get to the other side.

- The game is set in hell, which coincidentally, Pong is the only game available to play in hell.

My comparison consultation services are always available at an unreasonable price if you need help in future videos.

Real note though, I enjoyed the vid and appreciated the overview.


I usually love your videos. But, this one was tough for me. If I may be so bold to offer one piece of critical feedback that would make the explanations/examples better for me?
I wish you used more B-roll or stills to explain your explanations. Especially turn order where you repeat you go, boss goes, you go, boss goes, ad nauseum. It's early for me and I haven't started my first cup of coffee, but I'm having a hard time envisioning anything about this game. Even the closeups of the elevation elements and comparing it to Aeon's Trespass Odyssey. I haven't play ATO, so I'm still lost. I also haven't watched other videos on Dante: Inferno. Maybe that would go a long way in understanding what you are saying.
Anyway, take my feedback with a grain of salt because there's still some good nuggets in here. I just didn't get the real flow/feel of this game, much less, why you compared it to BG3.


Played in it EssenSpiel. It has absolutely no similarities with Baldur's Gate 3.


Why not title this as “Dante: Inferno Early Impressions”?


Nice. And this hit my wishlist. But...if you want a BG3-like game, look no further than Divinity:Original Sin the boardgame. That literally has you going through maybe 1/3 of the total content per campaign, and...totally varying and skipping boss encounters. Larian clearly isn't afraid of putting crazy branching stuff even in their boardgames either.


Going to cost a fortune and I’m done with super expensive games. Thanks mythic games for my new outlook


Please change the title to reflect what this video is. Thank you


Sound like you never finished Oathsworn, many of the boss fights has very interactive or changing terrain during the fight.


Merci pour cette critique très précise


Dante is a perfect candidate for a Teburu adaptation since it follows the same map placement on nodes as Bad Karmas


Ya queda menos de una semana...deseando el comienzo de la campaña!


Thx for the overview! With KDM, ATO, and Primal on the way I am good for boss battlers for a long time. Going to pass on this one.


Baldurs Gate 3 doesn't have much emphasis on boss battles so the point of comparison has me kinda confused from the outset, i get that you mean it in terms of the boss battle modifications specifically but it makes this hard to follow


i hope there's gonna be rulebook available during the campaign.


Hey, I emailed a couple of times month ago about an issue with last year's fundraiser and haven't heard back (relating to the gold dragon). Commenting here in case it's easier to see.


Dante, Primal The Awakening and Bad Karmas? After Oathsworn these might be the top Boss Battlers of the future, but it´s tough to make the right decision!


I think of Dragonlance when I play Tanares Adventures so there's that...


all the gameplay stuff is great in a review, but as someone who prefers playthroughs over gameplay reviews its not as helpful, though your insights are appreciated.

things i think that are missing from reviews are setup time and effort to do so, table footprint, insert quality, component quality in the same detail gameplay bits are, stuff like that. while gameplay is super important, it can be overshadowed by those other things. sometimes those things get touched on, but not consistently or comprehensively. im sure there is a balance there where it can be too much though. just some thoughts.


Could some actual passages (not translated) from the Divina Commedia be integrated into the play?
